[国际新闻] “隐形直升机技术恐落入中国手中”

2011年5月6日  BBC中文网
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英国的《每日电讯报》报道说,美国击毙本拉登行动中使用的隐形直升机的技术可能会被中国掌握。# g7 K( }$ p. |

# _; u4 L8 z) N" }csuchen.de报道说,明显地美国使用了前所未见的新型隐形直升机执行猎杀本拉登的行动。
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其中一架在现场出现机件问题,美军虽然使用手榴弹炸毁机身,但是尾部大致完整。csuchen.de" B, A+ i7 C2 P( I- ^# |& U$ r
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报道指出,现在担心的是如果巴基斯坦政府拒绝把直升机残骸交还美国,直升机残骸就有可能被走私到中国,导致外交争端。人在德国 社区) I: i; q7 g5 ?1 u
csuchen.de/ F6 D: N, r# g/ T2 e
该报道还说,由于美军未经允许便进入巴基斯坦执行任务,此外一些美国官员指责巴基斯坦“窝藏”本拉登,巴基斯坦和美国的关系已经相当紧张。人在德国 社区, F5 V5 U$ Q8 m
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  A) v) d. g- A, b5 O报道还说,中国研制的隐形战斗机和美国最先进的F22新颖战斗机有许多类似之处。- |& y. ~: w6 |+ z: h3 V. u% g

/ v9 e" E2 y$ M3 a美军发言人则对此表示“不对外公布有关本次执行任务之单位以及使用装备等细节”。
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Osama bin Laden dead: hi-tech secret may end up in China) X' W1 v$ F; {% y* x

. b7 ]9 y" q" r' Z& TThere are growing fears that top-secret stealth technology taken from the helicopter that crashed during the raid on the home of Osama bin Laden could be smuggled into China and cause a diplomatic row.
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/ |3 c3 ^* S7 H/ o9 X! L# t8 ?! [人在德国 社区A spokesman for the American military said: “No operational details have been released about units or equipment.”
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1. Silver finish makes it harder to detect on radar and by infrared sensors
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2. Shape of tailboom has been altered and possibly enlarged to evade radar
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3. Pan-like cover or hubcap over the rear rotor head conceals exposed machinery which is more easily picked up on radar
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4. Extra blades on tail rotor reduce noise and lessen typical chopper sound