[社会新闻] 女选手脱光光全裸筹款

英国12位英雌,全裸为奥运筹款。- n2 j  x, U, W$ {7 [( c3 g1 X

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' K, e9 o6 K/ O' P1 C. w1 k' z, F人在德国 社区英国《每日邮报》报导,为替2012年伦敦奥运筹款,12名来自游泳、跳水、韵律等英雌,全裸一丝不挂跳下水,拍摄美女裸图。
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Britain's Olympic water babes picture special: The daring dozen shed their inhibitions... and their costumes$ R% b% x; P$ {8 b0 Z0 Z' H3 y. u
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The dozen swimmers, divers, water polo players and one member of the synchronised swimming squad got together for this exclusive — and daring — photo-shoot.
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Diver Tonia Couch, 21, from Plymouth, the same town as Britain’s top medal hope, schoolboy diver Tom Daley, admitted her boyfriend had his doubts about it.( n% j# @% q2 B6 t
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‘When I told him what we were doing, he said: “What? Naked?”’
