


那天听到枪花的一首歌,是我最喜欢的<Sweet Child O’ Mine>. 久久让我不能平静,这就是音乐得力量。

以节奏鲜明的吉他作前奏,并伴有鼓,镲的配合,开山就亮出与众不凡的旗帜。就像一见钟情的情人,让你一下子怦然心动。Axl那略带沙哑却有磁性的嗓音,骚动你的每个神经,Sweet child o’ mine, 就像爱恋不能自拔,如胶如漆。随着吉他的弹奏进入了歌曲的高潮,那无与伦比的弹奏技巧,仿佛高潮快达到了顶点,加之Axl 的歌声,此曲也进入了顶峰。随着歌曲进入结尾,Sweet child 的反复,你是否也有一犹未尽,无法释怀之感呢。

1988年枪炮玫瑰乐队的单曲《Sweet Child O' Mine》第一次闯入了主流流行音乐市场的时候,他们就像主流摇滚乐中的叛逆战士一样,吹响了横行无阻的流行金属时代的熄灯号。

枪炮玫瑰(Guns n’ Rose),美国著名重金属乐队,主唱:Axl Rose, 时的主音吉他: Slash




[ 本帖最后由 卡百莉 于 2007-3-18 01:58 编辑 ]
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. -- James Dean



这首是空中铁匠的名曲,很多人都听过,也是我的最爱。它的出名源于此曲气势恢宏,气态磅礴之感,交响乐与摇滚乐的完美融合;主唱Steve Tyler的倾情演唱,都有些近乎歇斯底里,声嘶力竭,让此曲的氛围发挥到了极致;加之视频中故事情节的烘托,讲述一场爱情遭遇的劫难,是在一次航空飞船任务中的失败,可以想象如此宏大的制作和冲击力,怎么能让观众不震撼,可以说如身临其境,听后真的会流泪。

I Don't Want To Miss A Thing - aerosmith - Enter album here

i could stay awake just to hear you breathing
watch you smile while you are sleeping
while you're far away and dreaming
i could spend my life in this sweet surrender
i could stay lost in this moment forever
every moment spent with you is a moment i treasure
i don't wanna close my eyes
i don't wanna fall asleep
'cause i'd miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing
'cause even when i dream of you
the sweetest dream will never do
i'd still miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing
lying close to you feeling your heart beating
and i'm wondering what you're dreaming
wondering if it's me you're seeing
then i kiss your eyes and thank god we're together
and i just wanna stay with you
in this moment forever, forever and ever
i don't wanna close my eyes
i don't wanna fall asleep
'cause i'd miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing
'cause even when i dream of you
the sweetest dream will never do
i'd still miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing
i don't wanna miss one smile
i don't wanna miss one kiss
well, i just wanna be with you
right here with you, just like this
i just wanna hold you close
feel your heart so close to mine
and stay here in this moment
for all the rest of time
don't wanna close my eyes
don't wanna fall asleep
'cause i'd miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing
'cause even when i dream of you
the sweetest dream will never do
'cause i'd still miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing
i don't wanna close my eyes
i don't wanna fall asleep
'cause i'd miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing
'cause even when i dream of you
the sweetest dream will never do
i'd still miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing
don't wanna close my eyes
don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
i don't wanna miss a thing


空中铁匠( Aerosmith ), 也称斯密思飞船,一支在乐坛闯荡三十余载的美国重金属摇滚乐队。

乐队主唱 Steve Tyler

他的女儿大家一定熟悉     诧异吗?


[ 本帖最后由 卡百莉 于 2007-3-18 02:05 编辑 ]
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. -- James Dean


视频整巴不上  郁闷ing

给个链接吧  http://www.souxou.com/u/b4038ce8631f444b9d361ebd70ee0a22
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. -- James Dean


卡百利乐队( The Cranberries),意译又称小红莓乐队,大家应该不会陌生,有人说王菲就模仿她这种唱法,当然我觉得卡百利这种独树一帜的风格,无人能够比拟。主唱Dolores O' Riordan的嗓音是一种真实的特别,略带鼻音,但不带一丝做作,有种超凡脱俗,凌驾于现实黑暗社会之感,歌词同样发人深省。有名的曲子 < Zombie>, 一首描写战争残酷的歌曲,当她唱出 的那种感觉,就像战争洗刷并重创了人们的心灵,表现出极度的愤怒和那种无力的挣扎。< Never Grow Old> 这首很符合 Dolores O' Riordan 的嗓音,略带清唱,表现出一种对世事的心底的期待,像孩童时的梦想,也像饱含沧桑的低吟,希望一切都不会老,永远年轻,但只是个梦。

我最喜欢的还是卡百利的< animal instinct >, 译为<本能>, 这首也是众多外文歌里我唯一能全部唱下来的,do you know you made me cry,  do you know you made me die. 最喜欢的两句,还有那不停歇的,the animal, the animal, the animal instinct in me。不知道这首歌反映了我当时的心态,还是反映了整个社会的心态,总之爱上这首歌就无可救药的不能自拔了。


suddenly something has happened to me
as i was having my cup of tea
suddenly i was feeling depressed
i was utterly and totally stressed
do you know you made me cry
do you know you made me die

and the thing that gets to me
is you&acute;ll never really see
and the thing that freaks me out
is i&acute;ll always be in doubt
it is a lovely thing that we have
it is a lovely thing that we
it is a lovely thing, the animal
the animal instinct

so take my hands and come with me
we will change reality
so take my hands and we will pray
they won&acute;t take you away
they will never make me cry, no
they will never make me die

and the thing that gets to me
is you&acute;ll never really see
and the thing that freaks me out
is i&acute;ll always be in doubt

the animal, the animal, the animal instinct in me
it&acute;s the animal, the animal, the animal instinct in me
it&acute;s the animal, it&acute;s the animal, it&acute;s the animal instinct in me




[ 本帖最后由 卡百莉 于 2007-3-18 02:12 编辑 ]
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. -- James Dean


这张贴我酝酿了好久,也借新年之际献给大家吧 。祝音乐版的xdjm新年新气象,猪年行大运~!

由于过年家里很忙,抽出一个晚上 整出这个来,以后我有空也会常来更新的,也希望你们有喜欢的摇滚乐也来此和大家分享~!

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. -- James Dean




  好贴一定要顶哦! 猪年行大运


I had a dream
Strange it may seems
It was my perfect day
Open my eyes I realize
This is my perfect day

