[中国新闻] 中国经济:与公牛赛跑

0 P& k2 _) P, w4 T- D  E. v2010年08月19日 14:15   来源:中新社   黄瑞
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# w% N* A4 D( H7 H/ k人在德国 社区中新社北京8月19日电 (黄瑞)2010年第2季度中国GDP超越日本的消息一经公布,迅即引起西方媒体对中国未来经济走向的广泛讨论。华尔街日报称,以现在的经济增长速度,中国仍需要10年甚至更长的时间,赶上美国世界第一的经济地位。
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5 |9 h5 R8 a& o( T  在路透社的评论文章《与公牛赛跑:对2020年中国经济的乐观看法》里,澳大利亚国立大学经济学教授罗斯·加诺特对中国经济的未来作出了积极判断。他说,中国将进入一个更高质量的经济增长期,尤其是在中国廉价劳动力无限供应已成为历史的情况下。; u6 x: _' A& C. v0 Q; v# z+ S, e

7 T# f8 J& H8 W* v5 Y8 }  金融时报表示,当GDP排名上升为中国带来更多外界审视之际、当世界对中国在国际舞台上承担责任有更多期待之时,如何确立与其他地区之间的关系,对中国政府来说至关重要。
) s. e2 R2 R8 T1 A* b0 ?人在德国 社区  华尔街日报分析了中国现阶段采取的对外战略。为了巩固自身的国际地位、避免令周边国家感到受威胁,中国已开始强调“和平崛起”,并积极拓展文化交流领域。' j% d# K% W7 b& Q; Q" ]5 X6 C5 U
人在德国 社区& A) }1 ~3 U# A( w# X8 m* P: z
  比较中国与日本的经济发展,金融时报指出,在更为重要的购买力方面,中国在近十年前已超过日本,而中国的季度GDP总值超过日本,则更多的与汇率及统计方法有关;为了说明这点,经济学家会告诉你,两个国家使用相同材料和人工,建造一样的房屋,日本创造的国内生产总值是中国的3倍,原因在于日本所花费的一切成本均比中国高出很多。" }: ^' ]. T: U; h0 a
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(责任编辑:杨海洋)6 b2 S& k" v, V- \

; J9 s# L# G* o3 W0 i, e9 u4 W人在德国 社区Running with the bulls: A rosy view of China in 2020  Source : Reuters
4 L! _  A. H; L0 u; |' U- y9 ?- ]% a* y7 I; @
BEIJING: By 2020, China is entering its fifth decade of sustained growth. The trade surpluses that used to strain the global economy have shrunk into insignificance as the Middle Kingdom's consumption steadily grows.
3 X9 q* L8 b0 `% U$ y' Scsuchen.de: f; a0 z. N/ B; b, w( y% p4 ]
A productive workforce is much better paid, lancing the boil of a widening income gap. Purchasing power has surged thanks to a stronger yuan. Beijing is a leader in improving energy efficiency. csuchen.de: [9 \4 d7 s! s
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Let's leave aside worries of a property bubble and a new crop of bad loans. Forget the spectre of protectionism. csuchen.de7 y8 I% X7 p0 C+ f; {( K, k; F

' A6 Q7 s* x( I" W0 [" N# N6 a: }After investors' bearish reaction last week to a moderate slowdown in economic growth in July, it's time to make again the unabashed long-term bullish case for China.
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Ross Garnaut, an economics professor at the Australian National University in Canberra, is among those confident that China is about to enter an era of higher-quality growth, not least because demographics dictate that unlimited supplies of cheap labour will soon be a thing of the past. 3 [7 l! a" `* B4 o! @
csuchen.de/ B! D8 t# g3 J3 U
First and foremost, there will be large and continuing increases in real wages and in the wage share of income, Garnaut wrote in the East Asia Forum, an online newsletter. csuchen.de. c0 }3 b  U# ?

( Q/ e8 g) ~2 ]& O& X. E4 UThis is critical. Pay has risen briskly in China, but profits and the government's share of national income have risen even faster, squeezing workers.
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" b' n) O) a% ~) C+ R"The powerful tendency since the 1980s towards increased inequality in income distribution is likely to be reversed," Garnaut wrote. ; J9 Z& Z( t% I9 ~4 b! H6 h$ ^$ ~
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In this virtuous circle, spending will rise and the national savings rate will fall, thus reducing China's external surpluses and easing tensions with Beijing's trading partners.
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Garnaut said there was no basis for assuming that a shrinking workforce, which is set to contract from around 2015, would dent the productivity gains; the economy could keep expanding at close to the near double-digit average of the past 30 years of market reform. % _% U. o+ l- [3 _3 Q3 _# V
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That headlong growth catapulted China past Japan last quarter to become the world's second-largest economy, according to an estimate on Monday by Japan's Cabinet Office. 人在德国 社区% }9 S" u/ J" P6 r1 R$ d2 W1 ^

4 O2 O, x& Y8 u: a8 L/ a7 {Urbanisation, development of the interior and investment in a low-carbon economy will sustain growth at more than 9 per cent in the coming decade, according to Li Daokui, an economics professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing. 人在德国 社区: ~* c$ }9 t4 e0 K9 }' y
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China, Lie said, is set to enjoy a "golden period". 9 s+ M2 H5 v  w3 y
csuchen.de- h! I# c+ M" ?4 ?
If he's right, the consequences for the rest of the world will be far-reaching.
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  R/ M- l+ m. n3 l3 pInternational Monetary Fund economists Vivek Arora and Athanasios Vamvakidis calculate that, over the last two decades, a per centage point extra Chinese growth is correlated with an average rise of 0.5 percentage point in other countries' growth.
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0 e* u6 d1 v2 W1 j* i"Moreover, while China's spillovers initially only mattered for neighbouring countries, the importance of distance has diminished over time," they wrote in a working paper. csuchen.de" I* o9 d! G& E! {: `

; T) Y* a/ X9 o+ F8 A人在德国 社区Garnaut reckons even richer vistas could open up for the likes of India as China's comparative advantage shifts to technologically complex goods from simple manufactures. - G- p. S+ C8 G! r- |) e' x
* \6 \5 b* I* N3 G, {
Think high-speed trains, not plastic toys.


