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2007-2-4 6 D2 j! S1 E. N: @6 ^/ r) {
澳大利亚悉尼市的一所浸信会教堂近日贴出标语称:「耶稣爱奥萨马」,澳大利亚总理霍华德对此表示谴责。 $ M' s$ j( f0 z; z+ ^5 s+ j
据中新网2月4日电,标语中的「奥萨马」即指「基地」组织头目本-拉登。该标语原意是要传达基督的宽恕之心,但却在澳大利亚全国引发轩然大波。标语下方还有一行援引自《马太福音》的小字:「爱你的敌人,为迫害你的人祈祷。」人在德国 社区. d7 B( o# R& n( m: u+ D
! [ w1 u- |5 K! f' U* [ k' d澳大利亚总理霍华德认为,教堂本应选择一种不令人生厌的方式来传达这一信息。他说:「我能理解教堂做法的动机。但是我希望他们能够知道,许多澳大利亚人,包括澳大利亚基督教徒,会认为这种情况下这样做是不合适的。」/ k! [! }8 l2 C8 i0 g
. {! u: u9 |4 _csuchen.de英国国教悉尼地区大主教皮特-简森表示,这一标语扰乱视听并且在某种程度上是无礼的。他说:「该标语中确实有真理。但是,我们想说的是,‘耶稣决不会赞同奥萨马’。这条标语听起来象是说‘哦,拉登做的是对的’。」
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对于各种批评声,教堂发言人表示,他们仅仅是想「分享福音」。他说,拉登是恐怖主义首领。但他们要表达的是耶稣基督爱世上每一个人,甚至也包括拉登。1 F' p, F% V7 M4 T; @
" y" F u, V6 jJesus loves - not approves of - Osama+ @9 ?# d* }/ D& h
February 01, 2007 12:00
9 i' v& n% B) U人在德国 社区
& Q9 Z" l4 L2 BJESUS does indeed love Osama bin Laden, but a controversial Sydney church sign saying so is misleading, says Anglican Archbishop Peter Jensen. 人在德国 社区' ~0 F+ ]" b" y& U+ S+ @" N1 o1 n$ d
7 X3 g$ M/ Q$ {( |7 `csuchen.deThe sign "Jesus Loves Osama" outside a number of local churches, including some Anglican, also features a Bible extract saying, "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".
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- ]/ ]" [( N3 |% S# N6 k! FArchbishop Jensen said he had not been involved in any decision to display the signs and had reservations about them.
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"I'm hesitant about it frankly, it's a bit misleading," he told Southern Cross Broadcasting.
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! `6 J* g5 b8 h; Y3 A, j人在德国 社区"I say to myself, 'If I were a relative of one of the victims of Osama's activities, I might take affront at this'." 1 O0 V5 r$ B# R* G f5 h* ~
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Archbishop Jensen said he understood what the sign was trying to say, that Christianity taught loving everyone – even the al-Qaeda head. 1 |6 _- \6 P5 c5 g
! U$ T3 F2 ]* h) [5 @- \"There is a truth in it (but) what we've got to say is, Jesus doesn't approve of Osama, it makes it sounds like, 'Oh, Osama's doing the right thing." |
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Controversial ... the sign.
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