








我都快记混拉, TNND,没有这个多简单阿


German Gender Hints

German Noun Gender: Masculine - DER

RULE NO. 1: When learning a German noun, always treat its article as an integral part of the word! Not Wasser, but das Wasser. Not Hund, but der Hund. However, it can be very helpful to know about the gender generalizations below.

These German gender hints are divided into two main categories: "Always" (no or few exceptions to the rule) and "Usually" (some exceptions). One more important gender rule to remember: in compound nouns, the last word determines the gender (as in die Geburt + der Ort = der Geburtsort, birthplace).


Always MASCULINE (der/ein):

* Days, months, and seasons: Montag, Juli, Sommer (Monday, July, summer). The one exception is das Frühjahr, another word for der Frühling, spring.
* Points of the compass, map locations and winds: Nordwest(en) (northwest), Süd(en) (south), der Föhn (warm wind out of the Alps), der Scirocco (sirocco, a hot desert wind).
* Precipitation: Regen, Schnee, Nebel (rain, snow, fog/mist) - See Das Wetter (Lesson 20)
* Names of cars and trains: der VW, der ICE, der Mercedes. (But motorbikes and aircraft are feminine.)
* Words ending in -ismus: Journalismus, Kommunismus, Synchronismus (equal -ism words in English)
* Words ending in -ner: Rentner, Schaffner, Zentner, Zöllner (pensioner, [train] conductor, hundred-weight, customs collector). The feminine form adds -in (die Rentnerin).
* The basic "atmospheric" elements that end in -stoff: der Sauerstoff (oxygen), der Stickstoff (nitrogen), der Wasserstoff (hydrogen), plus carbon (der Kohlenstoff). The only other element (out of 112) that is masculine is der Schwefel (sulphur). Note: All of the other chemical elements are neuter (das Aluminium, Blei, Kupfer, Uran, Zink, usw.).

Usually MASCULINE (der/ein):

* Agents (people who do something), most occupations and nationalities: der Architekt, der Arzt, der Deutsche, der Fahrer, der Verkäufer, der Student, der Täter (architect, physician, German [person], driver, salesman, student, perpetrator). Note that the feminine form of these terms almost always ends in -in (die Architektin, die Ärztin, die Fahrerin, die Verkäuferin, die Studentin, Täterin, but die Deutsche).
* Nouns ending in -er, when referring to people (but die Jungfer, die Mutter, die Schwester, die Tochter, das Fenster) - See German Noun Suffixes and Gender for more
* Names of alcoholic drinks: der Wein, der Wodka (but das Bier)
* Names of mountains and lakes: der Berg, der See (but Germany's highest peak, die Zugspitze follows the rule for the feminine ending -e, and die See is the sea).
* Most rivers outside of Europe: der Amazonas, der Kongo, der Mississippi (See World Rivers in German)
* Most nouns ending in -ich, -ling, -ist: Rettich, Sittich, Schädling, Frühling, Pazifist (radish, parakeet, pest/parasit[be, spring, pacifist)


元音结尾的名字大多是阴性的,-shcaft -ur -keit -tion结尾的也基本是阴性的。公的基本是der,母的基本是das,公母性不明的很多是中性das,如kind。




German Noun Gender: Feminine - DIE

WEIBLICH - die (pron. DEE)

Always FEMININE (die/eine):

* Nouns ending in the following suffixes: -heit, -keit, -tät, -ung, -schaft - Examples: die Freiheit, Schnelligkeit, Universität, Zeitung, Freundschaft (freedom, quickness, university, newspaper, friendship). Note that these suffixes usually have a corresponding English suffix, such as -ness (-heit, -keit), -ty (-tät), -ship (-schaft).
* Nouns ending in -ie: Drogerie, Geographie, Komödie, Industrie, Ironie (often equal to words ending in -y in English)
* Names of aircraft, ships and motorbikes: die Boeing 747, die Titanic, die BMW (motorbike only; the car is der BMW). The die comes from die Maschine, which can mean plane, motorbike and engine. - Helpful reminder: Ships are often referred to as "she" in English.
* Nouns ending in -ik: die Grammatik, Grafik, Klinik, Musik, Panik, Physik - But see German Noun Suffixes and Gender for some exceptions!
* Borrowed (foreign) nouns ending in: -ade, -age, -anz, -enz, -ette, -ine, -ion, -tur: Parade, Blamage (shame), Bilanz, Distanz, Frequenz, Serviette (napkin), Limonade, Nation, Konjunktur (economic trend). Note: Such words often resemble their English equivalent. A rare -ade exception: der Nomade.
* Cardinal numbers: eine Eins, eine Drei (a one, a three)

Usually FEMININE (die/eine):

* Nouns ending in -in that pertain to female people, occupations, nationalities: Amerikanerin, Studentin (female American, student), but der Harlekin and also many non-people words: das Benzin, der Urin (gasoline/petrol, urine).
* Most nouns ending in -e: Ecke, Ente, Grenze, Pistole, Seuche (corner, duck, border, pistol, epidemic), but der Deutsche, das Ensemble, der Friede, der Junge ([the] German, ensemble, peace, boy)
* Nouns ending in -ei: Partei, Schweinerei (party [political], dirty trick/mess), but das Ei, der Papagei (egg, parrot).
* Most types of flowers and trees: Birke, Chrysantheme, Eiche, Rose (birch, chrysanthemum, oak, rose), but der Ahorn, (maple), das Gänseblümchen (daisy), and the word for tree is der Baum
* Borrowed (foreign) nouns ending in -isse, -itis, -ive: Hornisse, Initiative (hornet, initiative)


_ maennliche Personen,Berufsbezeichnungen,Tiere 男性人/工作/动物
_Wochentage,Monatsnamen,Jahreszeiten 每周一到周日,月/年名称,但是周末是das
_die meisten Substantive mit der Endung  z.B 大多数用这样结尾的名词
-and/-ant, -ent, -er, -ig, -ismus, -ist, -ling, -or

_viele Substantive mit der Vorsilbe Ge- 很多以Ge-开头的名词,比如Gebaeude..
_substantivierte Verben  很多动词的名词形式,比如 Lesen
_Endungen -chen und -lein 以-chen和-lein结尾表示"小"的名词
_viele Substantive mit der Endung z.B 很多用这样结尾的名词
-nis, -ment, -o, -tum, -trum

_weibliche Personen,Berufsbezeichnungen,Tiere 女性人/工作/动物
_viele Blumen und Baeume 很多树和花
_die meisten Substantive mit der Endungen z.B 大多数用这样结尾的名词
-ei , -enz, -heit , -keit, -ie, -ik, -in, -ion, -schaft, -taet, -ung, - ur

比如,一般-e结尾的都是阴,但是和人有关的列外,比如der Junge , der Kunde ,der Naechste 等等

