[国际新闻] 地球随着中国的 旨意转

中国和德国掌握着世界的命运  2011年8月11日csuchen.de3 w/ g! L# {- b
csuchen.de$ D4 I) I) {1 E6 {
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' P& Y4 r" y6 {+ o/ E) v人在德国 社区文章引述默文·金星期三发表的谈话内容说,问题的关键是“全球贸易不平衡”。中国和德国出口了太多的产品,制造了廉价借贷的泡沫,扭曲了人们的行为。
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! O' d4 T- U) N2 Q# |道德制高点
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, R# F0 F/ E6 Z  s默文·金还说,债权人总是倾向于占据道德制高点,因为他们通过勤俭积累了财富。但是,中国和德国需要有人买他们的东西,是欠债国家让债权国变得富有。. L! F$ r" x0 e( A# p
/ h' W' g! q9 t' b1 Y: \& R) ^
默文·金认为,等到世界进行调整的时候,负债国家承受了所有的痛苦。他说,“英国已经做了自己能做的事情。”. r- e5 R! j  Y3 h: m

1 ]: N& D7 D9 U7 T4 @( Y, }但是他说,世界上没有什么国家可以完全不受责备,中国通过锁定人民币同美元汇率而增加了自己同全世界的贸易,而德国则通过加入欧元而大获收益。
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+ S/ D  `- `* m8 T6 C/ U( N人在德国 社区9 S( n3 C+ q- P% @9 p- w
7 Z% u( l; ?% I8 u, u
默文·金说,如果德国没有加入欧元,自己的货币就会升值,其出口竞争就不会如此强劲,贸易不平衡也就不会这么严重。4 n6 u' e# u' U7 w% l- v
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人民币升值% K# d  O, j2 p) G0 h/ D

% o  s( z+ q: C. W0 T默文·金呼吁作为债权国的中国和德国调整政策,为解决世界经济危机做出贡献。1 H2 c6 h0 i# m- |; g7 v

, A( D3 r& @8 b1 N人在德国 社区他对中国发出呼吁说,“在通常情况下,在出现严重贸易不平衡的情况下,在需要做出调整的时候,汇率是自然的调节机制。”2 l& Q. {  n0 A& a7 Q$ \
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4 k1 [& P: j( w( \6 R) D# |/ t: d. j0 J! A) U- h
人在德国 社区# ~$ v1 h7 X  V

  }' j8 X) F1 a8 G' ?2 G- L! S人在德国 社区
7 u* F1 p& W3 A  v( [* F/ ?2 T英国中央银行英格兰银行行长默文·金
* u5 ~, f4 H% p) i% m: p人在德国 社区, H' K- T  D2 H, Z3 A4 ]% H$ V+ [
人在德国 社区, c& o# |2 A7 y1 G- i* {% G
2 }3 ^' T. b; ?% G0 U
The fate of the world is now in the hands of Chinese and German policymakers
  T4 {4 d( J+ [# u5 W人在德国 社区UK growth is now in China's hands+ U1 Q8 G9 ^6 I, \
6 b# ]% z, U$ }
If there was one message to take away from the Bank of England's dramatic Inflation Report yesterday, bar rates being on hold for another two years and growth being weaker than hoped, it was that the global economy is back on the precipice – and it is the world's creditor nations that are holding the rescue lines.
2 s3 u6 N: Z+ E. U
0 C! R9 z/ N4 z: yThere is only one way for the world to go, said the Bank's Governor Sir Mervyn King: for the pent-up losses caused by the vast debts amassed in the boom to be "shared between creditors and debtors". This, he said, meant "in the world economy between creditors in the East and debtors in the West, and within the euro-area between creditors in the North and debtors in the South".4 k3 S0 \% A) U  m1 V5 e: V
! O9 V7 c! _! V7 c/ O
The problem is that there are two ways the problem can be resolved. Either voluntarily, as surplus countries like China let their currencies appreciate, or violently, "in the context of a downturn in the world economy".
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Given the lack of political leadership currently, an ugly denouement looks all too likely., ]( y0 [$ q5 a, C9 x
. ?$ @$ ~/ P, z7 j4 {- H
The issue is, and has always been, "global imbalances". China and Germany export too much and plough their returns back into the financial system, creating bubbles of cheap credit and distortions in behaviour.
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