Viessmann Areibtsangebot

Viessmann Heating Technology Beijing Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of the Viessmann Group, Germany. Worldwide, Viessmann Group is one of the most important manufacturers of heating technology products and has approximately 7,000 employees. Viessmann produces heating equipment in ten factories, both in Germany and abroad. The sales organization comprises a total of 111 sales offices based in Germany and in 34 other countries. The product range of the Viessmann Group includes boilers for operation with oil and gas ranging from 4-20,000 kW output, as well as all modular components designed for this product range. In addition to that, for many years, the Group offers equipment for renewable energy such as solar collectors, heat pumps or wood boilers. In China, Viessmann operates a nation wide service network with sales offices, sales representatives and engineers.


Please send your bilingual CV (Chinese/English) to:

北京菲斯曼供热技术有限公司, 中国总公司
北京市顺义区空港工业开发区B区裕民大街26号邮编: 101318
传真: 0086-10-80496336

Position: Pre-sales Engineer (售前工程师)
Based: Beijing 北京

Job description工作描述:
  • Internal and External Training 培训
  • Consolidate and re-structure the given training material into one that is suitable for PRC retail market按中国市场的需求对培训资源进行优化,以适应实际需要.
  • Final proof-read of translated training materials校审和翻译培训资料.
  • Conduct training at the Regional Training Centers or appointed training locations按公司安排在不同区域进行培训.
  • Organize, supervise, administrate, prepare all tools, equipment, printed materials and conduct training program 负责准备培训所需的各种资源,包括培训资料,设备,样机等.
  • Responsible in conducting quality training courses for dealerships in China 负责全国各地的分销商的技术培训
  • Pre-sales support 售前技术支持
  • Technical support for biding and quotation在招投标和前期设计过程中提供技术支持.
  • New production promotion and technical introduction 新产品推广和对销售人员进行技术培训.
  • Project Management support 项目管理技术支持
  • Technical support for all undergoing projects 对正在进行中的项目提供技术支持.
  • Support trouble shooting and training all technical engineers 协助完成故障处理并对现场工程师提供技术支持和培训.
  • Technical Documentation Management
  • Review all technical documentation and deliver the suggestion and opinions to Headquatar for modificating the documentaiton 负责组织人员校审技术资料,并向总公司提供修改意见.
  • Review all technical documentation and deliver the suggestion and opinions to Headquatar for modificating the documentaiton 负责组织人员校审技术资料,并向总公司提供修改意见.
Requirements 要求:
  • Heating technology in depth, focuse on solar, boiler or heatpump.
    丰富的热能相关的技术知识, 可以擅长太阳能, 锅炉或热泵任一领域的技术知识
  • University graduation major in science.
  • Chinese with speaking fluently German.
  • Customer orientation, good manners, loyalty
    尊重顾客, 态度端正, 忠诚.


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