[国际新闻] 「我是三只手,我偷了沃尔玛的东西」

46岁的丽莎·金·费席安站在阿拉巴马州阿塔拉市的沃尔玛卖场门口,身上挂着「我是三只手,我偷了沃尔玛的东西」的牌子。她被抓到偷窃一件7美元的商品,法官让她选择坐60天牢,还是在沃尔玛门口挂牌罚站四小时。% B! C/ E0 X/ y) B, J- @* f1 p% j

# F0 e! F! i; N7 p  K% |人在德国 社区 人在德国 社区/ F: |5 S/ `3 Q& c+ S
U.S. judge forces shoplifters to wear 'I am a thief' sign outside store
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ATTALLA, Alabama: Shoppers entering a Wal-Mart Supercenter in Alabama got a reminder not to try anything funny: Two shoplifters stood outside with signs reading "I am a thief, I stole from Wal-Mart."
3 _2 @5 g; O! i' a' ~( Z- Ncsuchen.deAttalla City Judge Kenneth Robertson Jr. ordered the two people to wear the signs for four hours each during two successive Saturdays.
1 ]$ n- z& y) ?0 n& p"The only comments we've heard so far have been positive," said store manager Neil Hawkins. "Most of them thought it was a good thing."
5 D  M1 W- ~" O8 w3 g3 a, p7 gOne of the shoplifters, Lisa King Fithian, 46, wore the sign from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to avoid a 60-day jail sentence. Another convicted shoplifter was at the store from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
1 K3 T9 m2 l% Icsuchen.deFithian maintained her innocence. She said her conviction was based on a misunderstanding: She said she was taking a $7 item to the service desk because it would not scan.% a8 V, s# a9 |0 f

% v( A2 K7 k3 L7 c. {. {Outside the store, she said people who saw her wearing the sandwich board commented that the punishment was "cruel."
; N! M/ b9 T* ~2 I6 C9 [: _" X6 VHawkins noted how embarrassing it would be for the public to see someone who got caught shoplifting. "Maybe they'll think twice about doing it," he said.

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