[国际新闻] 埃及专家:“出埃及记”查无史料可证明

+ |. P9 u4 |; Y8 Y& O) \& G, v$ O9 e/ Y0 Y
  埃及古物最高委员会秘书长哈瓦斯最近带领一群记者探讨西奈,谈到出埃及记的故事时表示:“说真的,那是个神话。”  : O; k6 ~. L4 U; `% W; k

+ Z; B' u( y6 Q+ T8 O$ P  k  摩西经过地 挖掘无证据  ' ~+ ^1 r1 V4 U4 K; a
2 F+ Y* `! J/ Z0 \/ y7 V" J. p
  埃及号称是全世界古物蕴藏最丰富的地区,有人开玩笑,在这个国家你随便拿个铲子往地上挖,都可能挖出古物。当开罗近郊的城镇多基(Dokki )在兴建下水道系统时,工人无意间挖出许多罗马时代的陶器碎片;在开罗的Heliopolis住宅区,许多房子底下埋有坟墓。  + R5 S( z: Q/ L- M( z/ w2 g" U

- R+ ]. x$ Z4 @7 `  埃及也是精神文明中心,每年有无数观光客来此参观金字塔,试图从这些古文明找出生命的意义,还有很多虔诚的基督徒前去瞻仰位于西奈半岛的西奈山。  8 k7 T" _  m- `3 V% d- u; Q

" ^. v' ?7 [" J3 U/ dcsuchen.de  因为根据圣经记载,带领以色列人民出埃及的摩西曾爬上西奈山顶,上帝在山顶上燃烧的树丛中现身,授予他十诫。  人在德国 社区6 o) A) b; k" m! B$ I) s8 S

7 v% W) Z* R* |; M" r% ^$ W1 Y1 Z人在德国 社区  许多人对这个故事深信不疑,甚至不远千里来亲自印证,也有带队的导游指着山顶上一堆树丛说,这就是当年在摩西面前燃烧的树丛。  
. o7 S" K+ A2 Q) y+ M6 {: s/ W$ g8 @* q1 a% k# |
0 {3 v1 N6 k% U% U  U, M人在德国 社区csuchen.de5 `' A+ {; D0 e# }9 e6 f
  火山爆发与十灾 时间不符  csuchen.de. Y; q/ s! a, D3 h6 A2 x( j0 d

5 K) J" b( T/ X: ?1 Z1 {4 A  最近有一批考古学家从希腊圣托里尼群岛的火山熔岩发现证据,宣称在埃及北方六百多公里的圣托里尼火山于西元前一千五百年爆发,熔岩四处流窜,毁灭了埃及、巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯半岛许多村庄,造成三万五千人丧生。  
& _7 y" _( B* h0 e5 Lcsuchen.de
6 ^  b; @4 p! v6 Y- E人在德国 社区  有人因此推论,圣托里尼火山爆发导致埃及发生一连串的天灾,这些灾殃就是圣经记载中埃及人所遭遇的“十灾”,同时火山爆发还使陆地隆起,从而造成红海海水分开;但这些毕竟只是推论,更何况圣托里尼火山爆发于西元前一千五百年,比摩西带领以色列人逃出埃及早了三百年。  
0 \7 P2 L) i4 B. }) d4 g) n: e4 k+ T人在德国 社区/ c; Z9 {0 n8 H! T$ F" G1 i
1 R9 W) V8 C; C% K

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In Sinai desert, no trace of Moses! A0 q( i! i7 j8 o& }) n, K
8 K. B5 B2 O5 j1 B9 l' s
QANTARA EAST, Egypt: On the eve of Passover, the Jewish holiday that celebrates the story of Moses leading the Israelites through this wilderness out of slavery, Egypt's chief archaeologist took a bus full of journalists into the northern Sinai Peninsula to showcase his agency's latest discovery.5 v" `- {+ n3 R3 g/ i5 o

' J5 g. P  r8 V% L3 `2 t人在德国 社区It did not look like much - some ancient buried walls of a military fort and a few pieces of volcanic lava. The archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, often promotes mummies and tombs and pharaonic antiquities that command international attention and high ticket prices.
- J4 ?$ y2 V' Q, D* b人在德国 社区+ P: `) b+ |: i- Z& j# R, ?; G
But this bleak landscape, broken only by electric pylons, excited him because it provided physical evidence of stories told in hieroglyphics. It was proof of accounts from antiquity.
4 z8 H! f3 E- L# _  {) P( w2 R
" A9 D! H4 l( |, nThat prompted a French reporter to ask about the Exodus, and if the new evidence was linked in any way to the story of Passover. The archaeological remains roughly coincided with the timing of the Israelites' biblical flight from Egypt and the 40 years of wandering the desert in search of the Promised Land.
( j: O7 v( L  O* r- W  Tcsuchen.de# }% k7 z2 E4 T; z, L2 v
"Really, it's a myth," Hawass said of the story of the Exodus, as he stood at the foot of a wall built during what is called the New Kingdom.
( Z  D5 a/ _1 Z- r4 S( f1 K* Z5 ?* D. d$ {$ C$ I5 A6 T2 o5 x/ p
Egypt is one of the world's primary warehouses of ancient history. People here joke that wherever you stick a shovel in the ground you find antiquities. When workers built a sewage system in the central Cairo neighborhood of Dokki, they accidentally scattered shards of Roman pottery. In the middle-class neighborhood of Heliopolis, tombs have been discovered under homes.$ H5 C) v- ~' z& r; M: ^4 J5 _

* N. K9 I& L. ]8 P0 t8 ?But Egypt is also a spiritual center, where for centuries people have searched for the meaning of life. Sometimes the two converge, and sometimes the archaeological record confirms the history of the faithful. Often it does not, however, as Hawass said with detached certainty.
7 p1 y. P1 s, u0 w" I4 y- j  \& tcsuchen.de/ ?, \( e- P+ a! X
"If they get upset, I don't care," Hawass said. "This is my career as an archaeologist. I should tell them the truth. If the people are upset, that is not my problem."
2 R/ Z( h+ D" m  S0 o" C1 wcsuchen.de' u% D( G. T6 s% q; H5 ]$ c5 J: ^
The story of the Exodus is celebrated as the pivotal moment in the creation of the Jewish people. As the Bible tells it, Moses was born the son of a Jewish slave, who cast him into the Nile in a basket so the baby could escape being killed by the pharaoh. He was saved by the pharaoh's daughter and raised in the royal court; then he discovered his Jewish roots and, with divine help, led the Jewish people to freedom. Moses is said to have ascended Mount Sinai, where God appeared in a burning bush and Moses received the Ten Commandments.( `  G2 j8 H7 k! k) L  f
: x- F' k" V- L5 r- @8 e9 N/ r; s
In Egypt today, visitors to Mount Sinai are sometimes shown a bush by tour guides and told it is the actual bush that burned before Moses." N" h7 O, x6 i
3 d+ `; w( J7 j- V% Y
But archaeologists who have worked here have never turned up evidence to support the account in the Bible, and there is only one archaeological find that even suggests the Jews were ever in Egypt.
$ _% e# A8 v0 Q' I9 b9 X2 y  k& o- t$ s3 M- B
Books have been written on the topic, but the discussion has, for the most part, remained low-key as the empirically minded have tried not to incite the spiritually minded.csuchen.de- n& p. v. N% I# o8 T) D6 e* J

3 H9 B+ O' o) B+ F- ]  P"Sometimes as archaeologists we have to say that never happened because there is no historical evidence," Hawass said, as he led the journalists across a rutted field of stiff and rocky sand., X% c& k2 C& Q! E; [2 W8 |! T+ F

7 ]+ h, ~) d/ q" a3 f, H8 \人在德国 社区The site was a two-hour drive from Cairo, over the Mubarak Peace Bridge into the Northern Sinai area called Qantara East. For nearly 10 years, Egyptian archaeologists have scratched away at the soil here, using day laborers from nearby towns to help unearth bits of history.+ z1 O5 J8 H0 M: n
人在德国 社区5 s% H/ r: T( M
It is a vast expanse of nothingness, a flat desert moonscape. Two human skeletons were recently uncovered, their bones positioned besides pottery and Egyptian scarabs.
9 Z) k& h# S/ W7 [, {5 ^0 G! w3 g0 v5 F
As archaeological sites go, it is clearly a stepchild to the more sought-after digs in other parts of the country that have revealed treasures of pharaonic times.csuchen.de& l* W' ~5 l4 \' ~; d- K
- c% z  p) J8 j, e% ~
Recently, diggers found evidence of lava from a volcano in the Mediterranean Sea that erupted in 1500 B.C. and is believed to have killed 35,000 people and wiped out villages in Egypt, Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula, officials here said.& q5 r# N! @* Z: W" F3 r& w  Z  l

% D4 D1 A3 `, H+ K$ z2 {The same diggers found evidence of a military fort with four rectangular towers, now considered the oldest fort on the Horus military road.csuchen.de! K9 k, l4 D* G) S* k; B3 p
! H4 n2 E( w/ H0 x. {
But nothing was showing up that might help prove the Old Testament story of Moses and the Israelites fleeing Egypt, or wandering in the desert.9 U$ X6 r/ z. u6 e) b1 f$ `' @+ x8 ^
5 c" D1 ?. r  J/ i
Hawass said he was not surprised, given the lack of archaeological evidence to date. But even scientists can find room to hold on to beliefs.
) c7 F9 `- ], A* Z/ b; n
2 J9 u; g& e9 T  `- q) p9 AEgypt is one of the world's primary warehouses of ancient history. People here joke that wherever you stick a shovel in the ground you find antiquities. When workers built a sewage system in the central Cairo neighborhood of Dokki, they accidentally scattered shards of Roman pottery. In the middle-class neighborhood of Heliopolis, tombs have been discovered under homes.
7 N. l" f; }4 h4 \% Vcsuchen.decsuchen.de. r# F" ], ]$ V8 J1 G
But Egypt is also a spiritual center, where for centuries people have searched for the meaning of life. Sometimes the two converge, and sometimes the archaeological record confirms the history of the faithful. Often it does not, however, as Hawass said with detached certainty.
8 \7 D) M0 s8 ocsuchen.de
+ C; |1 J( Z5 ]) S) W"If they get upset, I don't care," Hawass said. "This is my career as an archaeologist. I should tell them the truth. If the people are upset, that is not my problem."
! }% S* k4 r  ~9 C" w人在德国 社区
$ R! A4 P, h) q) p- y3 i1 ]csuchen.deThe story of the Exodus is celebrated as the pivotal moment in the creation of the Jewish people. As the Bible tells it, Moses was born the son of a Jewish slave, who cast him into the Nile in a basket so the baby could escape being killed by the pharaoh. He was saved by the pharaoh's daughter and raised in the royal court; then he discovered his Jewish roots and, with divine help, led the Jewish people to freedom. Moses is said to have ascended Mount Sinai, where God appeared in a burning bush and Moses received the Ten Commandments.
5 C+ d, d4 H+ z9 G! ?2 n2 U- b& _5 O1 _, t- a, @& A- N
In Egypt today, visitors to Mount Sinai are sometimes shown a bush by tour guides and told it is the actual bush that burned before Moses.
7 w  l9 m7 a" ^" x7 h) q5 d7 V/ z) I  X- A+ o
But archaeologists who have worked here have never turned up evidence to support the account in the Bible, and there is only one archaeological find that even suggests the Jews were ever in Egypt.
* J% T) C3 w% r7 T人在德国 社区
- R8 J- J. R' v4 \4 YBooks have been written on the topic, but the discussion has, for the most part, remained low-key as the empirically minded have tried not to incite the spiritually minded.' G6 n1 b$ G2 O

& \: J5 j4 {( f$ O( k人在德国 社区"Sometimes as archaeologists we have to say that never happened because there is no historical evidence," Hawass said, as he led the journalists across a rutted field of stiff and rocky sand.% V1 f& @6 F) F  a. x6 G% r
$ C/ @: p, O( _3 i
The site was a two-hour drive from Cairo, over the Mubarak Peace Bridge into the Northern Sinai area called Qantara East. For nearly 10 years, Egyptian archaeologists have scratched away at the soil here, using day laborers from nearby towns to help unearth bits of history.csuchen.de+ S% I3 {* B% ^, @# ^! Y# ^& f
+ d5 U, S% M0 ?% R
It is a vast expanse of nothingness, a flat desert moonscape. Two human skeletons were recently uncovered, their bones positioned besides pottery and Egyptian scarabs.
7 K# Y+ t3 @9 X9 B9 k4 ocsuchen.de: |/ J; x+ N: ]; k! Z
As archaeological sites go, it is clearly a stepchild to the more sought-after digs in other parts of the country that have revealed treasures of pharaonic times.人在德国 社区6 ]2 \3 ^8 n8 t$ j7 p
4 }5 k9 W! [' ^0 }% y4 r  I/ h
Recently, diggers found evidence of lava from a volcano in the Mediterranean Sea that erupted in 1500 B.C. and is believed to have killed 35,000 people and wiped out villages in Egypt, Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula, officials here said.
0 Z: [# r3 f1 U( Ecsuchen.de人在德国 社区  s, m/ B! w" c! v# W6 ^
The same diggers found evidence of a military fort with four rectangular towers, now considered the oldest fort on the Horus military road.
- y7 _6 X3 A8 P2 h! w4 j1 F
' b3 V0 R8 T% d7 o3 VBut nothing was showing up that might help prove the Old Testament story of Moses and the Israelites fleeing Egypt, or wandering in the desert.csuchen.de7 [7 z, t* k) i

! g' X# g/ @) E3 K  D人在德国 社区Hawass said he was not surprised, given the lack of archaeological evidence to date. But even scientists can find room to hold on to beliefs.

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