原帖由 fussfun 于 2007-4-4 01:34 发表


Yes, I am in favor of your idea. Elegant pictures, exquisite poems, enchanting music and so forth are actually the different facets of the beauty.

As a matter of fact, instrumental or so called pure music is my favorite.

It brings you a romantic atmosphere where your imagination can soar across the temporal and spacial limitation.


Do i have any favorite type of music ?

Music can be  seen as the internal mental state of the listener who find merit in it. In the light of this assumption,theoretically i  can enjoy all different music in all different cases:naughty:,but personally i often listen to  kind of music which im familiar with in favor of falling into counting  old wounds and reciting old stories to arouse my sentimentality, or the music which can waken a vision of internal serenity and beauty when i need meditaon and reflection

honestly to say, my music perception is based upon more sense than sensibility
im not gifted in music at all

[ 本帖最后由 fussfun 于 2007-4-6 00:58 编辑 ]


原帖由 fussfun 于 2007-4-6 00:44 发表
Do i have any favorite type of music ?

Music can be  seen as the internal mental state of the listener who find merit in it. In the light of this assumption,theoretically i  can en ...

Have you flied back to the earth?:naughty:

I agree with you. Music has close bearing on one's emotion. Therefore, I would prefer to talk about the wing of the emotion. Your traits as well as your favorite can be represented by your favorite music.

Old songs might remind you of your experiences, your stories, one of your friends, a certain scenario, or a specific emotion you had in the past time.....

As time goes by, some songs can even evolve to a trigger or a signal ofsomething which settled down in your memory. On listening to it, youmay trace back to a stretch of past time.

In my opinion, the fact that you love old songs can be attributed to a large extent to your love of your memory.


原帖由 吃花生的大灰狼 于 2007-4-6 01:23 发表

Have you flied back to the earth?:naughty:

I agree with you. Music has close bearing on one's emotion. Therefore, I would prefer to talk about the wing of the emotion. Your traits as well  ...

I traveled today by train aimlessly to an unknown town for going on with my fictitious flying.

I was sitting in the train, backwards against the running direction,  looking at the fleeting scenary which i was passing by, further and further away from before the vision was fully glimpsed,  as if i were just forcibly driven apart from the past which only leaves me an indefinable longing and regret  before i  realize how evanescent the reality is, and synchronously with the most affecting melody from the heaven as if it were a stunning light shining down to me alone to lift me beyond the rest of the world ,in fact  the music was recieved through earphones:naughty: .

The sound and vision were psychedelic,the space and the time were interlaced, my mind and soul were delirious:girlshy:
At that moment how much i wished i could die in this unutterable beauty ,

[ 本帖最后由 fussfun 于 2007-4-7 23:46 编辑 ]


An unknown girl listening to unknown songs travels for an unknown destination by an unknown train with an unknown mood for an unknown purpose.
What makes things worse is she is accumstomed to employing unknown words...


原帖由 吃花生的大灰狼 于 2007-4-8 11:09 发表
An unknown girl listening to unknown songs travels for an unknown destination by an unknown train with an unknown mood for an unknown purpose.  
Wh ...

Du bist also ein echter Dichter


a whole day grinding away for this and that stuff, what a grim day



仓央嘉措(Cangyang Gyaco): translated in English is not bad at allr

From the mountain peaks in the east,

The silvery moon has peeped out.

And the face of that young maiden,

Has gradually appeared in my mind

In the first place it is best not to see,

Then there is no chance of falling in love.

In the second place it is best not to become intimate,

Then you will not be forlorn when you miss her.

The willow fell in love with the small bird,

The small bird fell in love with the willow.

If they love each other in harmony,

The hawk will be unable to get a chance.

The young sprouts planted last year,

Have become bundles of straw this year.

The aged bodies of former youths,

Are more bent than the bows from the south.

If the one to whom I have lost my heart

Can become my lifelong companion.

It would be just like getting a jewel,

From the bottom of the sea.


How much i love this kind of folksy flavor, 一言以蔽之,曰思无邪


原帖由 fussfun 于 2007-4-8 23:57 发表
a whole day grinding away for this and that stuff, what a grim day


I am fairly curious how you manage to maintain two foreign languages at such a high level without confusion?

I could only learn one word in expense of two other.

Consequently, it gives rise to merely frustration, help me, help me°°°°°°°°