为什么非要有侥幸心理?为什么就不能乖乖交呢? 现在这个规定就是只要是成年人就得交,不管你有没有广播电视或是能上网。 根据你的住房情况,该平摊平摊,德国室友不着调也得跟他好好说清楚。 能找到你是因为人家直接从亚琛居民登记的地方调出来所有有住房登记的人发的通知。
如果你想用法律形式维护自己的利益,收到Beitragsbescheid一个月之内你可以提出异议(Widerspruch einlegen) 或者直接起诉。 如果一个月期限过了那你就必须履行付款的义务了。在这种情况下人家就可以强迫你缴款了。






仍不打算交  做好最坏心理准备了 (挖鼻)


本帖最后由 royyang 于 2013-12-23 19:38 编辑


I posted the following in February:

Now, in July, things are indeed a little clearer.

The 16 different states in Germany are sending out their letters at slightly different times. In Bavaria the first "invitation to register" went out at the end of May. The first reminder went out at the end of June. This is only to people who were never previously registered. Those who were previously registered in some way will have received their letters earlier. There will probably be a second reminder at the end of July. People are calling these three letters "Bettelbriefe", i.e. begging letters.

Although the second letter says that you are legally obliged to send them your information - "Sie sind gesetzlich verpflichtet, uns Auskunft zu geben" - the only "law" that obliges this is the
Rundfunkbeitragsstaatsvertrag, which is basically the TV companies' contract with the government, it's not a proper law.

So you can safely ignore these three letters.

Next, if you don't register, you will be forcibly registered - i.e. "Zwangsmeldung" - using information that they assume to be correct, but which you haven't personally authorised. About two or three months after the third "Bettelbrief" they'll send you a bill - a "Beitragsbescheid" - according to this forced registration. It will be a bill for the months from 01.01.2013 plus a small late fee. It's at this point that you have to make a decision, one of the following:

1) Pay up, and then continue paying up every month for the rest of your life
2) Continue to ignore the letters
3) Within 30 days of receiving the Beitragsbescheid send a letter of contest (a "Widerspruch")

If you choose option 2 then they'll continue sending you further bills, and they'll add late fees as well. Eventually this could go to court and the money be stolen straight out of your bank account. But this can only happen once the owed amount exceeds




发过回信后,zdf会再寄张账单,要求交233,74欧,不交,就要每月罚金50欧,4个月之后罚33欧作为截止。不知道 ...
sferrari 发表于 2013-12-22 11:09

    233.74=17.98*13 我感觉那封信的意思是让转帐,可以一次性转233.74欧,也可以分次转,每次50欧,最后一次33.74。不像是罚金的意思。。 还望指正!


回复 29# Aachen2012
