Thank you for your response and i also appreciate your introduction,am really happy to give out my apartment to you due to the assurance you have given me to take absolutely care of my apartment for me in my absence....

with this introduction i believe i have a little bit understanding about you and i guess you will keep to your promise when am on vacation and come around to pay you a visit i guess i will meet my apartment in a perfect condition.

you can have it for 3yrs you want and if you wish toextend it again mo problem since you have assure me to take absolutely care of my apartment..

all the necessary bills and charges have been included to the monthly rent ok you dont need to pay anymore money again...

firstly we shall need to sign a rental contract that will be organise by my lawyer here in UK this will stand as a guaranty and security between us......

For you to get the place reserved we will both sign a rental agreement contract which will be prepared by my lawyer then i will post the keys of the apartment and the payment receipt to you via DHL express (1-2 days delivery ) after your deposit payment which is your first month rent and the security deposit has been confirmed.

Below are the info needed from you wish my lawyer will use in preparing the rental contract......

Your full name:
Your full address:
Passport id:
Date of birth:
Phone no:
Move in date and out:

I shall be waiting for the above informations soonest. Pls make sure you send me your correct current address because i would use that in posting down the keys and the payment receipt to you after we must have concluded the contract. Feel free to call me anytime so that we can discuss more.

Hope to read back from you soon.

Best regards,


1。 无论你怎么说,交kausion前不给你看房
2。 让你把钱汇到某个第三方,或某个List上(他的名字是其中一个接收者),然后编理由






