[社会新闻] 母老虎邓文迪的排球运动员技巧派上了用场

默多克妻子邓文迪飞身救丈夫    2011年7月20日  BBC中文网
1 L6 f3 J2 g" n. B/ U& V& e; Q& ?' D% U" X
% [: F- m6 K" s
英国各大报纸今天都报道了国际媒体大亨默多克在英国议会就电话窃听丑闻接受公开听证时遭泡沫剃须膏袭击,妻子邓文迪飞身援救的逸闻。csuchen.de0 r* e' Q8 q/ }9 m0 l# ?
5 Q) X6 X6 B4 v4 r8 i
) ~) y6 w- X9 }0 K* f4 k; v% D) Z+ U  P# }
' b$ Q3 G; C* N! l人在德国 社区
  s& I+ `$ w$ j# p) W* I《每日电讯报》刊登了这名身穿格子衬衣的年轻男子向默多克扔泡沫纸盘的照片,和这名男子被邓文迪扔回一脸泡沫的照片。
$ q5 K) t2 @9 _$ N$ t! ^csuchen.de: J' |+ }% @/ \4 f/ B
  h( j: _$ G8 ~# R$ |2 `! V: `. t5 n/ |9 |! X
( J. ]! U; a2 p- E; D/ J% m人在德国 社区人在德国 社区. @) M, ?3 f9 p, s6 [+ v2 t8 o3 p
报道说,在星期二议会公开听证会上出现的这个滑稽可笑的插曲中,人们先是对80岁的默多克遭泡沫剃须膏袭击感到震惊,然后感叹他42岁的妻子邓文迪的迅速反应。: U( q- o  L0 G9 v! @

+ T) N) a' g3 u" G: C5 c文章还说,在整个听证会上,默多克的表情看上去严肃而忧郁,但在一名工党议员对他说“你太太的那个左勾拳很棒”时,他露出了一点点微笑。
' m3 U7 `" w8 Q" ~) O6 C3 j( D0 s  E2 G' G" x5 v2 E, q
《金融时报》刊登了一张袭击者正在往默多克头上倒泡沫剃须膏的小照片。报道说,默多克遭人扔假奶油蛋糕,是电话窃听案中的最新一起古怪插曲。. D+ c& u, Y* y" F- \, w+ R* a2 b8 T3 F
. e$ `3 s- p( m# G, w- {+ ~( A
  ]- u- Q& O. \9 i! L  T5 E- b/ J
9 o" c% i$ P) x% K/ B$ ]0 mcsuchen.de报道赞扬说,默多克的妻子邓文迪的反应是所有人中最快的,当时坐在默多克身后的她飞身跃起,越过坐在默多克身边的女律师的肩,一把抓住马波斯的衣领,飞快的给了他一个耳光。- X; K. c) R, H4 W  [5 x

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9 l# X- R1 X* E9 W( p" L0 o! pWendi Deng's Charlie's Angel moment boosts husband's image
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0 }% m( E, a4 ~May-Bowles attacked Rupert Murdoch as he gave evidence to a committee of MPs人在德国 社区4 {0 ]! A6 @8 |) {0 _0 a- I
9 j: p+ {7 w3 P; p8 @
英国男子向默多克扔剃须膏被判刑  2011年8月2日* k. V4 W/ Y6 q
; @: ^* P3 C, Y( e- [" o! R* t
英国一男子两周前在议会听证会上用泡沫剃须膏袭击传媒大亨默多克,被法庭判处六个星期监禁。7 P, a; \% Z! t$ h

! F0 Z! w& B4 z) B% a* C, o9 p& G5 Q乔纳森·梅-波尔斯被法庭裁定袭击默多克罪名成立。" g) T% {+ Z7 q+ J# s7 m$ v) o4 Q
人在德国 社区& d7 I2 y/ B% V0 R4 y
+ O0 ]8 w* m" T  `
. f: h* g9 y  F5 l5 v梅-波尔斯现年26岁,是一名喜剧演员。, n9 @- g- S. n, g2 L

! z+ U2 n! D  }* y2 t! s  L+ I3 z* J& @9 k; G/ Q$ Z6 c
- s5 T9 H9 o8 F' b* x) f
Murdoch shaving foam attack: 'Jonnie Marbles' jailed
# Q" `5 h# M5 b6 l4 l0 Q4 ~' ?, @& z
2 u$ V7 V  A* a0 i' Z人在德国 社区A man who threw a plate of shaving foam at News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch has been jailed for six weeks.% ~- [/ ^: z1 t6 h) e1 c$ j( x

5 ^! ^" _: a+ u7 h& HJonathan May-Bowles, of Edinburgh Gardens, Windsor, Berkshire, admitted attacking the media tycoon on 20 July at a Commons hearing on phone hacking.
2 T" G. ]5 L6 y) k
5 ^2 R  u$ G6 z0 K1 p& O! [csuchen.deThe 26-year-old, who calls himself Jonnie Marbles, admitted assault and causing harassment, alarm or distress.
. b) \, }" ]7 O# M
+ B# \: Q( A& }  KThe comic said he would appeal against the sentence, which was passed at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court.
, o& a- q; }/ ^; w$ j
. c  ^) _. N, _csuchen.deHe was told he would serve three weeks in prison, and must pay a £15 victim surcharge and £250 costs.


( k1 g( }3 M, ^! [) d$ ~9 e7 R2 p1 x$ u) T0 |
在周二英国议会举行的听证会上,邓文迪(Wendi Murdoch)跳起来冲过去保护自己的丈夫,并扇了用一盘剃须膏袭击她丈夫的人一巴掌,那个时候我真想大喊一声:加油,姑娘!: J- |6 W4 L0 S0 G, w- z; R" t* v
8 P8 b) R. \0 K+ j+ z( ?6 r
鲁珀特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)与儿子詹姆斯(James)正在为新闻集团(News Corp.)处理旗下小报丑闻一事进行辩护的时候,一名自称是喜剧演员的无政府主义者用一盘子剃须膏泼向默多克,邓文迪跳起来冲向袭击者,扇了他一巴掌。(新闻集团拥有《华尔街日报》。)
" V0 o9 ?" s& L# D' N7 _2 q人在德国 社区csuchen.de- x' s$ u- h4 b- A$ p
! G+ l4 D7 Z" w/ v" D8 @
" n4 O) C( `: O3 i/ v1 c据说当孩子受到伤害的时候,母亲会变得很凶悍,可我认为,“熊妈妈”的形像对男女两性都有性别歧视之嫌。无论男女,我们大部分人都有保护所有自己在乎的人的本能(默多克的儿子詹姆斯也跳起来干预,但邓文迪先跳了过去)。诚然,这种本能的强烈程度可能会因人的个性而异。
1 F2 X- S5 o" o. u- a: e
5 c* q9 a& F" P2 h; ^, \. W我的这种本能非常强烈,不过我通常能够把它隐藏起来,特别是在工作中,因为在工作中大发脾气和指手画脚是不合适的。不过,要是涉及到我在意的人,你最好赶紧闪人,越快越好。相反,我丈夫对冒犯性的行为容忍度比我高,如果我做了什么让他觉得过激的事,他会感到很难堪。不过,我知道,假如有人做了什么他觉得对我们的家人特别过分的事,他也会立即采取行动。
, G  L! r6 ?9 b6 U$ }. @! W) r人在德国 社区7 J4 A+ l, `9 K
% J. {; v. U. }; ~5 Y  m/ {8 X/ W2 P5 P; }1 T) `$ z
电影刚刚散场,一群小伙子朝停车场里的人扔糖果。我丈夫和我被一些很硬的糖果砸中了,我一下子火冒三丈,从布鲁斯·班纳(Bruce Banner)变成了绿巨人浩克(Hulk)。我当时大喊大叫、拿手指着人家、还昂着头,如此种种。在我怒气冲冲地向小伙子们走过去的时候,我丈夫开始拉着我回到我们的车上。
; G2 _( g5 l( K
; o% B/ j" F: R! E& w+ w& i最后,没有人受伤,我丈夫坚持认为我反应过度了。我猜想,对于一个人来说是过激的行为,对另外一个人来说可能是合理反应。8 l6 }0 [  k7 v; p0 Q! }
! ^8 E0 x' Y) H" r+ K# z+ ]
& A+ M: f- b' a8 v
0 K1 k8 j. C! P$ p0 C
& _+ C: r) H' J+ |4 [人在德国 社区Murdoch's Wife To the Rescue: N: b$ m5 W  S' ?8 F

7 g7 R, C0 k+ q- `( `When Wendi Murdoch leapt up, rushed to her husband's defense and smacked a pie-wielding attacker at a British parliamentary hearing on Tuesday, I wanted to shout, 'You go, girl!'
% R! m2 d% ~' `  f& A1 q" ?& P9 A$ M$ w6 z& W2 v6 J/ ]& @& c. T; N
According to The Wall Street Journal, 'Ms. Murdoch leaped into action when a self-proclaimed comedian and anarchist lunged at Rupert Murdoch─who was testifying with his son James, in defense of News Corp.'s handling of its tabloid newspaper scandal─with a plate of shaving cream. Ms. Murdoch sprang at the man, hitting him with an open-palm slap.' (NewsCorp owns The Wall Street Journal.)
0 l( i9 W& @! h; n/ D0 b% a人在德国 社区
, R: ]" U* |+ Z! YI would have done the same.
1 _1 I  f, y" u* J+ N人在德国 社区( K' O( V! n# G. @8 P
Mothers are said to be fierce when their children are in harm's way, but I think that the image of the 'mamma bear' is sexist, on both sides. Most of us, men and women alike, have an instinct to protect all of those whom we care about (James Murdoch, Mr. Murdoch's son also jumped up to intervene, but Ms. Murdoch got there first). Of course that instinct may vary in intensity, depending on personality.
" r% Y) i& J8 q2 v1 s% p$ w
4 J# C- x# R) y+ oMy intensity tends to be pretty high, but I'm usually able to keep this hidden, especially at work where a quick temper and finger wagging just aren't appropriate. But cross someone I care about and you'd better duck. Or better yet, run. My husband, on the other hand, has a higher threshold for offences and gets quite embarrassed if I do something that he sees as overly aggressive. Though I know if someone were to do something he felt was particularly egregious in regard to our family he, too, would spring into action.
! i" ^, u  e" u$ t- mcsuchen.de
# k" [8 t8 t# L. F$ ^My husband likes to tell the story of the night (he likes to exaggerate by the way) he was almost killed in the parking lot of a movie theatre.
  v( N3 R* q& D9 o( B" T1 p1 X) e# \0 J4 K7 j
Our movie had just let out and a group of boys in their late teens was throwing candy at people in the parking lot. My husband and I got zonked with some hard candy and I burst out Bruce Banner/Hulk style. There was yelling, finger wagging, head swerving; the works. As I approached the boys in my rage my husband started to pull me back and toward our car.. x) ^9 R. j* Y9 l* W% x" V# w

' J+ A: _, w1 Q. ocsuchen.deAt the end of the day, nobody got hurt and my husband maintains I overreacted. I guess one person's overly aggressive behavior is another's reasonable response.
" ~! b2 T9 `2 C% F人在德国 社区
. J- y& r) W* o, oStill, I can't help but admire Ms. Murdoch for leaping into the thick of the action to defend her 80-year old husband. I would absolutely have done the same had I been in her shoes. Would you?csuchen.de5 @* o+ D3 g9 p5 H, ^8 }7 @
1 w$ ?( P% z9 |7 x1 K" k
Michelle Gerdes2 G  e( V+ ^5 v, w

9 O2 L5 i1 I# P9 o  r0 c
8 y/ c! @9 O+ l! N- h: q& X7 B# VAls „Perle”, „Femme Fatale” oder „Charlie’s Angel” wurde sie gefeiert: Murdochs Gattin


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