
(法新社华盛顿29日电) 新加坡国父李光耀表示,由于中国领导人不在乎全球观感,因此阿拉伯世界掀起的反政府浪潮不会蔓延到中国。4 S( u, i; H8 X+ {+ Z
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8 A! M: G) ~+ L, f. |5 ^% g  l# R人在德国 社区8 P, N% j7 R, G: f2 M; M6 V
李光耀接受美国电视台访问,被问及中国是否会是下一个发生大型示威的国家,他回答:「不太可能。」, j+ y) y$ D) N& T. `) q/ L/ N
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他在昨天晚上播出的「查理罗斯秀」(Charlie Rose Show)中表示:「公安非常全面且严谨。」) }$ c" O# c4 k3 v: }" J* c

5 n0 A8 j/ ?9 s0 C4 W. k' s3 _3 e李光耀在1990年卸除总理职务,但在亚洲仍具相当影响力。他表示,中国领导人认为他们的系统对中国最好。
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9 \) P5 h# B6 i) A" d& z他说:「他们不在乎全世界对他们的想法,他们只在乎内部安定、良好秩序和成功。」人在德国 社区/ X$ ]' z1 k7 P8 ^. J, t9 h
& w6 L/ e1 ?4 N. k+ l
北京当局试图防堵1989年天安门事件重演,据人权团体表示,已经有100名中国异议人士遭警告、在家软禁,甚至遭警方架走后凭空失踪。/ Y: ^; C! B  m6 t, m6 K7 p3 |3 h
% W; {3 o( x" @* {- @' V. a% U$ |
+ ^9 Z' x% Z; q; \. P$ ^: ~中国“茉莉花革命”遭镇压
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Arab Spring won't come to China: Lee Kuan Yew
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0 J; ?) e! d( l2 Q- m(AFP) – WASHINGTON — The wave of revolts against authoritarian regimes in the Arab world will not spread to China as its leaders are not worried about global opinion, Singapore's founding father Lee Kuan Yew said.' \; o; ~6 c; u

0 U3 c6 E0 _% j, A/ w' ^Chinese Internet users inspired by events in the Middle East have tried to organize mass strolls in a number of cities but they have faced a clampdown by authorities.% Q9 q4 S- {1 d

! {% F8 s+ [* q" {) ~) [+ O" }, m人在德国 社区Asked in a US television interview if China could be the next country to witness major protests, Lee Kuan Yew said: "Not likely."
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% T/ \$ [5 y0 M7 Scsuchen.de"Public security is so comprehensive and tight," Lee told public television's "The Charlie Rose Show" in the interview broadcast late Monday.
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Lee, who stepped down as prime minister of the prosperous city-state in 1990 but remains influential in Asia, said that China's leaders believed their system was right for their own circumstances.
$ T& N) v; B+ {1 l( |9 F% w人在德国 社区
0 X+ N+ W- p7 `! ?8 U人在德国 社区"They're not interested in what the world thinks about them. They're interested in their own internal stability and good order and success," he said.
( k0 P6 ?0 a% U% k3 Scsuchen.de人在德国 社区& W" M. h% c% W: Z
Rights groups say that up to 100 Chinese activists have been warned, placed under house arrest or have disappeared into police custody as Beijing tries to prevent even a hint of the Tiananmen democracy movement crushed in 1989.
" q2 W$ T* M8 g  P/ y$ ~- n- n人在德国 社区
0 q  ^& y  _3 f6 O7 UMass movements have swept the Arab world since February, bringing down the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt. In Libya, a Western-led military intervention is supporting rebels fighting to oust leader Moamer Kadhafi.csuchen.de1 F2 s5 N( |9 k9 n

! a6 E1 m$ Z  y. Y+ i: V& y% @7 C2 ZLee praised French President Nicolas Sarkozy for taking the lead in the effort and predicted that Kadhafi would battle until the end.6 J- X1 f! o8 Z. N9 u

9 E9 ?6 r/ T9 ?( x( y"Sarkozy has, I think very courageously, gone ahead regardless of what the US was willing to do," Lee said.0 D0 K% Z9 U6 a  L1 g

  s( d1 N, ]; a( R" P人在德国 社区"I think he knows that if Kadhafi stays there, he'd have no end of problems with Libya," he said.