最近,我收到了一封来自欧美朋友的电子邮件,题目是《a quarter of Chinese territory is now de facto an armed camp》(中国四分之一的国土成为军管区)。这位朋友想和我探讨一下西藏问题。然而,面对这个问题,我却不敢说话----不是怕得罪了什么人,而是中国和西方在这个问题上完全矛盾的说法,让我这个想保持客观中立的观察者不知该怎样下结论。
“And even if something somehow does happen there will be no one to independently confirm or observe it, since all foreigners and journalists are ordered out not only from TAR, but also from the other Tibetan ethnic areas of Qinghai, Gansu and Sichuan”(因为所有的外国人和外国记者不仅已经被驱离了西藏自治区,还被驱离了青海、四川、甘肃的藏区,所以即使那里真的发生了什么事情,也没有任何人可以做出令人信服的证实或否定。)
“If the Chinese government had nothing to hide why does it chase out everybody out who can inform the world and in order to insure, or more correctly put, enforce "stability" uses armed force to lock out an enormous territory...Stability at what cost?”(如果中国政府没有什么需要隐藏的,那为什么要在四分之一的国土上,把能向全世界报告情况的人都赶出去,并用武装部队来确保,或者更准确的说,强加一种所谓的“稳定”?为了稳定,代价是什么?)