[活动区] English Corner

In response to the call for an English corner, I take the initiative to dedicate this new post to English practice. Anything involving English language are welcome.

I hope that the reopening of this corner may stir interest in english learning and speaking.

English corner is the right place where you two can talk.

we expect


原帖由 真精不怕火恋 于 2008-8-30 01:04 发表
Who wants to talk with me now?
I think I've eaten enough garlics.
:naughty: :naughty:

I believe we need a place.


原帖由 adamaaa 于 2008-8-30 02:22 发表
What's this smell? ...

Eh...Why is this "English Corner" posted in this subforum? Or is it also posted elsewhere?

I suggest there be a brand new subforum for this EC, so that not only the Boch ...

It's pretty funny to read your short story. I never gave a passing thought to such a thing, even though I have also heard others call me "Meister". In addition to what you mentioned, it could also be attributable to the influencing Chinese martial art movies. You know, the hero is always a master.

Actually, there is a sub-forum dedicated for English. Nevertheless, to our disappointment, it fails to attract enough enthusiasm participants. Demise seems to be the only end for such a forum.

Are you interested in a role in English activities. I will be excited if you could join us.

Your English is pretty good. How could you manage to master two foreign languages at the same time without confusion?  For me, it is a formidable task.


What's this smell? ...

Eh...Why is this "English Corner" posted in this subforum? Or is it also posted elsewhere?

I suggest there be a brand new subforum for this EC, so that not only the Bochumers, but also other students in Germany, or even students outside Germany, can contribute to it as well as benefit from it. That's of course the kind of thing that only you "Forum Master General" guys can do...We could post anything we want (in English of course) e.g. News, jokes, and other fun stuff and discuss them, we could also ask and answer questions, so that we actually learn from eath other... That must be fun.

Apropos jokes, I have one, and it's a true story. Here it is:

A few months ago, the company where I have been working part-time hired a guy from somewhere in Middle East. He was about my age, maybe two or three years yonger, and he really shocked me by calling me. Guess what? He called me "Meister"! And he did it all the time!

"Hallo, Meister, wie geht's dir..."
"Hey, Meister, komm mal her, ich zeige dir was..."

I first thought the guy was somehow not "in Ordnung", mentally, I mean. Then I observed him carfully, and found out that he said "Meister" only to us Chinese, and ONLY to male Chinses whose age was about the same as his or above. That led to the question "why". Here is my thought:

Some Chinese guy must have told him how courteous we Chinese are and how we use the polite word "师傅". e.g. "师傅,麻烦给我打份红烧肉。" The problem is, there is no exact counterpart of this word in English, the closest one is "master", and because the Chinese guy (most probably) speaks perfect Chinglish and (most probaly)doesn't know the difference between "师傅" and "master", he must have taught the pour arab this way.

So everytime when this arab guy greeted me, I would say "Mir geht's bestens." (Why wouldn't I?) and make sure I wouldn't laugh out loud...

It's been a few months now, and I find it more and more difficult to control myself not to laugh. But I won't ask him directly why he calls me so , coz I really hate to hurt his feelings.

[ 本帖最后由 adamaaa 于 2008-8-30 03:33 编辑 ]


Who wants to talk with me now?
I think I've eaten enough garlics.
:naughty: :naughty:



It is too boring in Germany!!!
We need something new~~~~
Just do it!
And do it right now!


It's the right time to kick off our English Corner.

Let's talk of the schedule, the place and the style.


原帖由 鸟鸟爱装嫩 于 2008-7-11 21:33 发表
We can practice some short plays, for example. Everyone takes a certain role in the plays.

I know a guy who is going to join us possibly

Or, we might discuss some popular issues around us

It sounds pretty interesting.
I'd like to play a SM-King.



原帖由 吃花生的大灰狼 于 2008-7-11 20:24 发表

Really, that sounds promising.

When do you take your last exam?:fragezeichen:

I am going to write my last exam at the end of this month.
But.... I think you can organize the English Corner too.
