[中国新闻] 中国加强对美国输华食品的检验检疫程序

2007年6月27日 星期三
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) ?  _! ]; i' w0 j' |csuchen.de中国食品安全检查部门昨日在其网站上表示,政府检查人员分别截获了从美国船运来的柳橙果肉和杏脯,因为这些产品含有过量的细菌和霉菌。
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# E+ ]: k% Z9 l# Q0 b% K; D' e( @由于美国不久前爆发了一系列有关中国进口产品的质量丑闻,因此,很多进口商会将这项公告视为中国官方的一种报复。csuchen.de0 R# d. |# B$ _0 ?
人在德国 社区: Z: k. U) n6 |& Q
在声明发布前一天,美国监管机构宣布召回一家中国公司制造的多达45万个轮胎,原因是这些轮胎存在安全隐患。; j/ Z' n1 \# ?0 Y- z6 Z4 g" |
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中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine)表示,柳橙果肉是在东部省份山东查获的,杏脯是在深圳查获的。3 X/ b4 Q& M4 @( C6 l

! y) {. v' ~2 Y/ bcsuchen.de质检总局表示这些货物“细菌总数、霉菌和二氧化硫含量超标”,但没有具体说明查获的时间和数量。
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美国政府下属的国家公路交通安全管理局(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)周一宣布召回新泽西州分销商Foreign Tire Sales销售的轮胎,这些轮胎可用于有篷货车、SUV和小型敞篷载货卡车。
1 c9 b8 v( y' T8 D人在德国 社区人在德国 社区8 ]. ?; s" w# ]7 z( a% e2 \
由中国杭州中策橡胶有限公司(Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber)制造的这些轮胎缺少一层帮助加固轮胎、防止胎面分离的橡胶层——2000年,正是这个问题导致美国大规模召回凡世通轮胎(Firestone)。记者昨日未能联系到杭州中策的管理人员置评。
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By Geoff Dyer in Shanghai # ~, @# C! o- ]5 {
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 & o7 ^4 A! G* P* u$ R+ L

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China has impounded two shipments of food from the US on the grounds that the produce is unsafe and warned that procedures for monitoring American food imports should be tightened.
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+ p+ g% O+ }, UGovernment inspectors seized separate shipments of orange pulp and apricots from the US because they contained excessive bacteria and mould, China's food safety inspectorate said yesterday on its website.7 z6 C1 Q" s: b4 ?/ }
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Coming on the back of a series of scandals in the US over the quality of imported goods from China, the announcement will be considered by many importers as a form of retaliation by the Chinese authorities.
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The statement comes one day after regulators in the US announced a recall of up to 450,000 tyres manufactured by a Chinese company because of a potentially dangerous safety problem.
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China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said it had impounded the orange pulp in the eastern province of Shandong and the apricots were seized in Shenzhen.
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9 j2 e+ g, {. Z( cThe shipments contained “excessive bacteria, mould and sulphur dioxide”, the agency said, but gave no details about when they were impounded or how big the shipments were./ T' a, K7 p' s/ o# N" t5 m/ C# E
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The agency's statement said local departments had been advised to “strengthen quarantine and inspections on food imports from America”.
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9 _3 o& R% U# f  J+ `% N4 v0 D. ]# M$ RAn executive at a European trading company based in Shanghai said: “We cannot say anything for sure without seeing details about the shipments, but it certainly looks like a way of deflecting some of the attention away from China and its own quality problems.”
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The US government's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced on Monday the recall of tyres sold by Foreign Tire Sales, a New Jersey distributor, which are used in vans, sports utility vehicles and pick-up trucks.; g" c* I1 u* c* T
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The tyres, made by a Chinese company called Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber, lacked a gum strip that helps strengthen the tyre and prevent tread separation – the problem that caused a massive recall of Firestone tyres in the US in 2000. Officials at Hangzhou Zhongce could not be reached for comment yesterday.csuchen.de9 m' z- N' V* u% }
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8 e% b* P& z0 g3 f4 i# G
, D4 B+ ]- Q' E8 [0 x7 aFinancial Times
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