[国际新闻] 扫黄新招 招妓者照片登报

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: b2 }* p: n# n& g. W人在德国 社区
# }5 r) a4 R& b由于这么干有违反隐私法之嫌,马丁的计划还有待议员批准。# V  g7 O" l" C) [9 \3 f
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马丁为此辩护说:「我认为保护市民的权利很重要,许多人需要早起工作,夜间却被这些车辆的噪音吵得无法睡觉。」/ o2 J, A1 N- e7 Q2 i8 \

9 M" {/ J$ ]& s1 y近年来,意大利街头妓女数量激增。本周宗教界人士呼吁设立新法规惩罚招妓行为。马丁市长认为,自己的这一招能够「长期」解决这一问题,而且更世俗。4 I& E( R. p0 c$ u, c
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9 Y3 Y4 ^3 M: S- ~/ GItaly mayor to print photos to deter prostitution
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3 z  ?# q3 U% {( h0 y. {% AROME – An Italian town's mayor hopes to shame men into not using prostitutes by photographing cars that pick them up and publishing the details in local newspapers.
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Cesare De Martin, mayor of the northern town of San Fior near Venice, said on Friday he planned to give local police digital cameras and instruct them to photograph any cars seen stopping to liaise with prostitutes on the side of the street.
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Advertisements in local newspapers with the number plates will then be published, he said.csuchen.de5 O- R( I# ^  Q( b. d0 }
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The number of prostitutes on Italian streets has increased dramatically in recent years and the Vatican earlier this week called for new laws to punish clients of prostitution.
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The mayor, however, said his reasons for tackling the issue were entirely 'secular' and far more mundane.
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3 N* Q7 A# t6 X7 e' {8 z'I think it's more important to protect the rights of citizens who have to be at work early but are kept up at night by the sound of cars,' he told Reuters. csuchen.de& g0 R' V& ~2 g1 c
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He is awaiting approval from lawyers on whether the plan violates privacy laws.
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& A& r1 ]; c# m. j* T" a4 C, x人在德国 社区Clients of prostitutes are not punished in many countries, including Italy. Italian law effectively turns a blind eye to prostitution, punishing only 'exploiters of prostitution', meaning pimps.
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+ n% {. v! n- U' hMany of the growing number of prostitutes in Italy come from the former Soviet Union or Nigeria and authorities say many are victims of human trafficking.
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