[国际新闻] 60年前一见钟情 德国八旬老妇改嫁“二战情郎”

1945年,20岁的苏联军官伊万·比夫什克和一名德国战俘的女儿伊丽莎白相爱,然而在苏联地方政府的命令下,两人被迫中断恋情。令人惊讶的是,2005年两人再度联系上以后,伊丽莎白立即抛弃德国丈夫私奔俄罗斯,和昔日情人团聚!5月8日,已是82岁高龄的伊万和伊丽莎白宣布,他们将于今年秋天正式结婚。  n. E* q6 b2 }/ F. s

+ _2 B7 Y. m3 F$ L% M3 M  1945年7月,20岁的苏联情报官员伊万·比夫什克被派到德国中部图林根州。工作期间,他与一名受审德国战俘的女儿、20岁的伊丽莎白·瓦德海姆一见钟情,并与之偷偷约会了6个月。伊万回忆说:“初次相遇,我看着她,我们目光相遇,她深黑的眼睛立即俘虏了我。”  s8 B3 _1 d  B6 `: V; \

4 r. d% q! T" D( t5 l! [; P人在德国 社区  1946年,伊万回到苏联。两人在此后10年里一直鸿雁传情。由于当时正值冷战时期,当伊万所在城市的政府官员得知他正与一位德国女子相恋之后,强行下令两人分手。迫于无奈,伊万于1956年给心上人写了绝交信,称自己已经和一名苏联姑娘结婚,要她另嫁他人。
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  接到分手信后,伊丽莎白伤心欲绝,但她仍痴痴地等待伊万回心转意。一晃17年,47岁的伊丽莎白才在1973年心灰意冷地嫁人。, `* p% V4 A5 a! E* J
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  尽管伊万后来又成了单身,但他一直不敢去德国找伊丽莎白。他认为她一定过着自己的生活,拥有了自己的家庭,已经儿女成行。然而他不知道的是,尽管伊丽莎白早已嫁人成家,但她对他的爱竟没有随着时间的流逝而丝毫衰减——在半个多世纪中,他一直是她心目中最爱的人!csuchen.de4 o* e+ H3 U& V2 ]- `: c
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  与伊万取得联系后,伊丽莎白二话没说就打点包裹,抛弃结婚33年的丈夫,赶到俄罗斯克拉斯诺亚尔斯克市与伊万相会。伊丽莎白放弃了自己在德国的三层公寓楼,2年多以来,一直跟随伊万生活在他狭小的公寓里。1 N5 `4 M+ [, X/ s2 o" x4 o
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& a6 ~$ O3 [* q/ @, yCouple to marry after 60 years apartSoon after Ivan Byvshikh, a 20-year-old Russian intelligence officer, fell in love with the daughter of a German man that he was sent to interrogate at the end of the second world war, the relationship was brought to an abrupt end. ) R/ |$ ^$ J& H6 m; F  p- @7 v2 U5 D
The Soviet authorities sent him home in 1946 and although they exchanged letters for 10 years, party officials told him he would be sent to the gulag if he continued the correspondence. Mr Byvshikh was allowed to send one last letter to Elisabeth Valdhelm explaining he was getting married to a Russian woman, something he regretted as a "betrayal" for decades afterwards. Yesterday, after 60 years of separation, the couple, both 82, announced they would get married this year. Their extraordinary story began in July 1945. They met when Mr Byvshikh was posted to the Thuringia region in central Germany, as the Red Army swept through the defeated country. They fell in love after Mr Byvshikh, a fluent German speaker, was sent to interrogate Ms Valdhelm's father for failing to register with Soviet authorities.  The couple lived together for several months and still saw each other after Mr Byvshikh was posted to another town, but he was sent back to Russia in 1946.
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- d, b6 ^  H  c+ [" g+ ~# qThe parting ended in 2005 when Mr Byvshikh was told by friends there was a telephone call for him. "There was Lisa's voice," he told the daily Izvestia. "She was crying and I began to cry too." They were reunited when Ms Valdhelm visited him in his home town of Krasnoyarsk. "What's amazing is that whatever I do it's OK with her and whatever she does is good with me, just as if there had never been a separation of 60 years."  The couple will plan their wedding when they meet again in June. Both were married but are separated. Their story has focused attention on couples separated at the end of the war. Antony Beevor, the military historian, said there were several forms of relationship between Russian soldiers and German women. "Many German women struck up bargains with Russian soldiers in exchange for protection and food," he said, but added that there were many genuinely loving relationships, "which is what appears to have happened here".
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The couple lived together for several months and still saw each other after Mr Byvshikh was posted to another town, but he was sent back to Russia in 1946. 6 E( e/ P5 r$ B) h0 M
The parting ended in 2005 when Mr Byvshikh was told by friends there was a telephone call for him. "There was Lisa's voice," he told the daily Izvestia. "She was crying and I began to cry too." They were reunited when Ms Valdhelm visited him in his home town of Krasnoyarsk. "What's amazing is that whatever I do it's OK with her and whatever she does is good with me, just as if there had never been a separation of 60 years." The couple will plan their wedding when they meet again in June. Both were married but are separated. Their story has focused attention on couples separated at the end of the war. Antony Beevor, the military historian, said there were several forms of relationship between Russian soldiers and German women. "Many German women struck up bargains with Russian soldiers in exchange for protection and food," he said, but added that there were many genuinely loving relationships, "which is what appears to have happened here".

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