[国际新闻] 英国家具商弗雷德·伍德造三轮木头汽车

由于不满一辆辆锈迹斑斑的报废汽车污染环境,英国家具制造商弗雷德·伍德想出一个妙招——手工打造世界上第一辆“永不生锈”的“木头汽车”。据悉,伍德为造双座位、三轮汽车共花去了2000多个小时,它重408公斤,体长4.14米,最高时速达163公里。csuchen.de* B  Y% V% {- l. u: ^$ u
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  据报道,现年46岁的弗雷德·伍德来自英国威尔士彭布鲁克郡,是名家具制造商。眼瞅着一辆辆锈迹斑斑的破旧汽车报废后,无情破坏和污染着生态环境,伍德闪出这样一个念头,为何不用木头替代钢铁,手工打造一辆车身全部为木质的“木头汽车”呢?于是他从一辆旧“雪铁龙”2CV型汽车上拆下底盘和发动机,开始利用造船技术自己动手制造汽车。csuchen.de$ R  p2 c& h2 D/ k( K
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# p8 P, n5 a  v0 Q6 g, N4 Z人在德国 社区  与传统汽车相比,它除了车身不是钢制的以外,总共只有三个车轮。它重408公斤,体长4.14米,最高时速达163公里。伍德的这辆新车被视为“绿色汽车”,一经问世,便深得国际环保人士的好评。
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) S! q$ K; t4 u& ^The three-wheeled car made from wood人在德国 社区$ W) F* z% V# Q4 M

+ j- {- v! I' R% A( AIt weighs just 900lb, has a top speed of 101mph -and is made entirely out of wood.人在德国 社区) s9 E+ j/ ]2 Q9 n2 c
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It took furniture maker Friend Wood, 46, more than 2000 hours to build his three-wheel, tear-drop shaped car, which he has named 'Tryane II'.

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The wooden car has a top speed of 101mph

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The two-seater was put together using the chassis and 602cc engine from a Citroen 2CV. Mr Wood then built up layers of African mahogany around a basic mould using a boat-building technique known as 'cold moulding'.9 [& T- e* J2 D% t0 M

+ x* `3 i# g- N$ X7 eThe car is a a three-wheel adaption of the classic four-wheeled 1969 Citroen Diane and is able to do between 55 and 70 miles per gallon.
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8 S: X- ~. U0 Vcsuchen.de[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-5-1 09:45 编辑 ]

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The Tryane II is built from layers of African mahogany

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