本帖最后由 lf19902001 于 2011-7-1 15:36 编辑
from amazon.de or shops on ebay.de, yes

from mediamarkt or saturn, maybe.

Just try.

酒色财气 发表于 2011-7-1 10:04

Thanks for your reply!

>>Tell him that this one switch-off autom. sometimes, so u wanna change another >>netbook.
Actually this netbook never switched off automatically, but it always crash when I run a sound recording program in Andorid system. By the way, I like the idea of having both Windows system and Andorid system in one netbook.

>>For Netbooks, u can just use Windows XP.
Yes, I agree. However, as you said, I do not have the XP installation CD, and as far as I know, it may be illegal to install one copy of Windows system to two computers. I will ask the shop whether they can downgrade the Win7 starter system to XP system. If not, I will require an exchange.

>>I remember LZ can only understand English, am I right?
Not exactly, I also understand Chinese :)
Thanks for answering me in English. Usually, if I receive some letters or emails in German, I have to use Google Translate. But surprisingly, it works quite well in most cases.


上周六买了台上网本。用了一下,感觉速度太慢,想退掉或换掉。请问德国关于退换产品的规定是什么?我可以将 ...
lf19902001 发表于 2011-7-1 01:52

from amazon.de or shops on ebay.de, yes

from mediamarkt or saturn, maybe.

Just try.

Tell him that this one switch-off autom. sometimes, so u wanna change another netbook.

For Netbooks, u can just use Windows XP.
No Netbooks can run fast under Windows 7 or Vista.

Without XP installation-CD? Ask ur friend around u.

I remember LZ can only understand English, am I right?