No mere spiritual leader, he was the head of Tibet’s government when he went into exile in 1959. It was a state apparatus run by aristocratic, nepotistic monks that collected taxes, jailed and tortured dissenters and engaged in all the usual political intrigues. (The Dalai Lama’s own father was almost certainly murdered in 1946, the consequence of a coup plot.)
  -Behind Dalai Lama’s holy cloak by Michael Backman
  The government set up in exile in India and, at least until the 1970s, received $US1.7 million a year from the CIA.
  The money was to pay for guerilla operations against the Chinese, notwithstanding the Dalai Lama’s public stance in support of non-violence, for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.
  -Behind Dalai Lama’s holy cloak by Michael Backman
  The Dalai Lama himself was on the CIA’s payroll from the late 1950s until 1974, reportedly receiving $US15,000 a month ($US180,000 a year).
  - Behind Dalai Lama’s holy cloak by Michael Backman


The XIV Dalai Lama, the God-King of Tibet is the highest representative of Tantric Buddhism, established in Tibet in the 8th century, A.D. Tantrism, the last stage in the history of Buddhism (since the 5th century A.D. in India) is based on ritual and magic formulas. Not unlike other religions it also has “sk广告s in its’ closet” which it carefully conceals as a guest in the Western world. Tibetan Tantrism is a belief in spirits and demons, secret sexual practices, occultism, mind control, and an obsession with power. In contrary to every democratic custom, the present Dalai Lama consults with the Nechung Oracle, a monk who is possessed by a Mongolian war God, on all important state decisions.


 2、zd不是说xz不是被中国领土、dl(四眼和尚)被zf逼走的吗,dl(四眼和尚)可一直在中国政府里任有公职滴:1953年dl(四眼和尚)被推选为中华人民共和国佛教协会荣誉会长, 1954年为dl(四眼和尚)当选为第一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长(In 1954 current Dalai Lama became Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committe of the National People’s Congress aka the parliment of PRC),
  直到59年出逃前都在中国政府管辖下的xz自治区任职。 。SO, if Tibet had been an independent country then, how came a "foreigner" like Dalai could hold such an important position in the parliment of PRC?
  3、要求恢复xz从前在dl(四眼和尚)众僧人政教合一统治(theocracy)下农奴时代的“美好时光”?请看"Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth" by Michael Parenti(记着,一定要给出文章的题目和作者的名字,因为youtube等网站不让发带网址链接的贴子。)
  youtube上的录像“Michael Parenti - Tibet: Friendly Fuedalism? ”
  链接出处 没有比较就没有进步,顺便请愤愤们看看TG统治下新xz,题目就叫Tibet Diary - Episode 1~6 on youtube。 其它好的有关xz的youbube video还有mitbbs同学们提供的
  "Tibet WAS,IS,and ALWAYS WILL BE a part of China"
  “Inferno under Dalai Lama & aristoric rule”
  建议:大家可以把这些好的video加到自己的favorite里、Rate打5星、youtube里可以直接post a video response。 。在其它网站留言,为了防止网站删除带链接的帖,大家要给出video、文章的标题,方便别人搜索。
  4、无脑zd说什末他们和偶们文化、语言不同并有自个的Flag啥啥的,所以要求dl,那偶们就得帮助丫提高逻辑思维能力:西班牙的 Basque、 Catalonia也拥有自己独特的文化、历史、语言、音乐、Flag等,为虾米西班牙政府不让它们dl出去捏?(Why does Spain NOT allow Basque and Catalonia to become independent countries while both regions have their unique culture, languages, music, flags?) 加拿大的Québec、大英帝国的威尔士、苏格兰、法国的科西嘉(Corsica)、布列塔尼(Brittany)均可按照此逻辑推导一下,美国的印第安人、澳洲的Aboriginal也可以拿出来扯一扯。。。 不爱多打字的同学,顺便喊两句啥的, 正好和上zd的口号:
  Free Basque!
  Free Catalonie!
  Free Québec!
  Free Corsia!
  Free Brittany!
  Free Scotland!
  Free Walse! 新添加的还可以Free的有阿布哈兹、南奥塞梯、德涅斯特河沿岸及北科索沃:
  Free Abkhazia!
  Free South Ossetia!
  Free Pridnestrovie!
  Free Serb-dominated Northern Part of Kosovo! 河友江城孤舟提供的多国语口号:
  5、有藉口免煮柿油而呼唤zd的,不妨请看厚积薄发兄弟找到的纽约时报(NYT)的文章:“How China Got Religion” By SLAVOJ ZIZEK "...the problem with Tibetan Buddhism resides in an obvious fact that many Western enthusiasts conveniently forget: the traditional political structure of Tibet is theocracy, with the Dalai Lama at the center. He unites religious and secular power — so when we are talking about the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, we are taking about choosing a head of state. It is strange to hear self-described democracy advocates who denounce Chinese persecution of followers of the Dalai Lama — a non-democratically elected leader if there ever was one. ” 原文
  厚积薄发那也提供中文翻译文本。 建议:不妨把这些话带引号直接copy过去,根本不用自己再多说什末。
  6、河友在下面提醒,西方媒体试图树立汉藏对立、挑动种族情绪,大家用词时一定要注意,可采用Seperatists/ Rebels/Gangsters in this Lhasa/Tibet riot,区别对待。尽量把视线集中在xz分裂分子对中国民生进行的破坏,对中国主权的侮辱,对中国人民的暴力行为等。谴责暴力、强调汉藏都是中国人是主题。
  Tibetan and Hans are all Chinese. The violent roit in Lasha is instigated by Tibet Seperatists who have greatly upset the local public security and threatened the safety of local residents (Including hans, tibetans, mongols and other minorities).
  链接出处 外国游客见证拉萨暴乱报道、现场图像等
  Tibetans attacked Chinese, say Lhasa tourists
  By Thomas Bell
  "The young people were in action and the old people were supporting with screaming. Howling like wolves, that’s how they supported them. "Anything that looked Chinese was attacked. I saw at least seven to eight Chinese people attacked with stones and fists." He saw one old Chinese man rescued from the mob by elderly Tibetan people, and believes the intervention of a Canadian tourist saved another life. 加拿大游客:
  John Kenwood, a 19-year-old Canadian, believes he saw a man die. "They were knocking people off motorcycles," he said. "One man was hit several times in the head with a large piece of sidewalk." When his attackers left him he was not moving. Mr Kenwood also saw boxes of stones being supplied to Tibetan throwers. "To me it was like it was planned," he said. 。链接出处
  一个台湾MM的Blog让我们知道更多真相链接出处 录像
  Tibetan protest images released
  7、英文不好的如何跟贴、留言反击对手?英文不好的各位(包括偶自己)不是袖手旁观,拱手将网上的舆论阵地让与zd和反中斗士们。英文不象对手那样洋洋洒洒,那就借助西人写好的、比较公正的揭露dl(四眼和尚)之流真面目的文章,这样既可以回击zd和脑残的免煮人士,又可以让感兴趣的读者去追看原文,何乐不为?(但 是,请注意在不同的地方和场合应该使用的不同的技巧。) 这里提供详细的、分解成短小段落、可供copy & paste的西文段落: 这里还有可供选择的西人英文文章: 这里有不少揭露dl(四眼和尚)及其所代言的藏传佛教的真面目,偶已经把它们分列入下:
  •曼荼罗和世贸大楼的灰飞烟尽: 以上的所有文字片断欢迎大家随便使用、随便传播、随便粘贴,无需具名。也欢迎大家把好的宣传建议和video、外媒对这场暴乱的有明显歪曲导向的报道、 BBC/CNN/NBC/ABC/FOX/TIMES/GUARDIAN/
  NYT等重要媒体可以留言的网址链接集中在这个帖子里,以方便大家。 这里有几个留言的地址:
  If people have the rights to let their vioce be heard,
  it should not be only the Tibetan’s


  2、zd不是说xz不是被中国领土、dl(四眼和尚)被zf逼走的吗,dl(四眼和尚)可一直在中国政府里任有公职滴:1953年dl(四眼和尚)被推选为中华人民共和国佛教协会荣誉会长, 1954年为dl(四眼和尚)当选为第一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长(In 1954 current Dalai Lama became Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committe of the National People’s Congress aka the parliment of PRC),
  直到59年出逃前都在中国政府管辖下的xz自治区任职。 。SO, if Tibet had been an independent country then, how came a "foreigner" like Dalai could hold such an important position in the parliment of PRC?
  3、要求恢复xz从前在dl(四眼和尚)众僧人政教合一统治(theocracy)下农奴时代的“美好时光”?请看"Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth" by Michael Parenti(记着,一定要给出文章的题目和作者的名字,因为youtube等网站不让发带网址链接的贴子。)
  youtube上的录像“Michael Parenti - Tibet: Friendly Fuedalism? ”
  链接出处 没有比较就没有进步,顺便请愤愤们看看TG统治下新xz,题目就叫Tibet Diary - Episode 1~6 on youtube。 其它好的有关xz的youbube video还有mitbbs同学们提供的
  "Tibet WAS,IS,and ALWAYS WILL BE a part of China"
  “Inferno under Dalai Lama & aristoric rule”
  建议:大家可以把这些好的video加到自己的favorite里、Rate打5星、youtube里可以直接post a video response。 。在其它网站留言,为了防止网站删除带链接的帖,大家要给出video、文章的标题,方便别人搜索。
  4、无脑zd说什末他们和偶们文化、语言不同并有自个的Flag啥啥的,所以要求dl,那偶们就得帮助丫提高逻辑思维能力:西班牙的 Basque、 Catalonia也拥有自己独特的文化、历史、语言、音乐、Flag等,为虾米西班牙政府不让它们dl出去捏?(Why does Spain NOT allow Basque and Catalonia to become independent countries while both regions have their unique culture, languages, music, flags?) 加拿大的Québec、大英帝国的威尔士、苏格兰、法国的科西嘉(Corsica)、布列塔尼(Brittany)均可按照此逻辑推导一下,美国的印第安人、澳洲的Aboriginal也可以拿出来扯一扯。。。 不爱多打字的同学,顺便喊两句啥的, 正好和上zd的口号:
  Free Basque!
  Free Catalonie!
  Free Québec!
  Free Corsia!
  Free Brittany!
  Free Scotland!
  Free Walse! 新添加的还可以Free的有阿布哈兹、南奥塞梯、德涅斯特河沿岸及北科索沃:
  Free Abkhazia!
  Free South Ossetia!
  Free Pridnestrovie!
  Free Serb-dominated Northern Part of Kosovo! 河友江城孤舟提供的多国语口号:
  5、有藉口免煮柿油而呼唤zd的,不妨请看厚积薄发兄弟找到的纽约时报(NYT)的文章:“How China Got Religion” By SLAVOJ ZIZEK "...the problem with Tibetan Buddhism resides in an obvious fact that many Western enthusiasts conveniently forget: the traditional political structure of Tibet is theocracy, with the Dalai Lama at the center. He unites religious and secular power — so when we are talking about the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, we are taking about choosing a head of state. It is strange to hear self-described democracy advocates who denounce Chinese persecution of followers of the Dalai Lama — a non-democratically elected leader if there ever was one. ” 原文
  厚积薄发那也提供中文翻译文本。 建议:不妨把这些话带引号直接copy过去,根本不用自己再多说什末。
  6、河友在下面提醒,西方媒体试图树立汉藏对立、挑动种族情绪,大家用词时一定要注意,可采用Seperatists/ Rebels/Gangsters in this Lhasa/Tibet riot,区别对待。尽量把视线集中在xz分裂分子对中国民生进行的破坏,对中国主权的侮辱,对中国人民的暴力行为等。谴责暴力、强调汉藏都是中国人是主题。
  Tibetan and Hans are all Chinese. The violent roit in Lasha is instigated by Tibet Seperatists who have greatly upset the local public security and threatened the safety of local residents (Including hans, tibetans, mongols and other minorities).
  链接出处 外国游客见证拉萨暴乱报道、现场图像等
  Tibetans attacked Chinese, say Lhasa tourists
  By Thomas Bell
  "The young people were in action and the old people were supporting with screaming. Howling like wolves, that’s how they supported them. "Anything that looked Chinese was attacked. I saw at least seven to eight Chinese people attacked with stones and fists." He saw one old Chinese man rescued from the mob by elderly Tibetan people, and believes the intervention of a Canadian tourist saved another life. 加拿大游客:
  John Kenwood, a 19-year-old Canadian, believes he saw a man die. "They were knocking people off motorcycles," he said. "One man was hit several times in the head with a large piece of sidewalk." When his attackers left him he was not moving. Mr Kenwood also saw boxes of stones being supplied to Tibetan throwers. "To me it was like it was planned," he said. 。链接出处
  一个台湾MM的Blog让我们知道更多真相链接出处 录像
  Tibetan protest images released
  7、英文不好的如何跟贴、留言反击对手?英文不好的各位(包括偶自己)不是袖手旁观,拱手将网上的舆论阵地让与zd和反中斗士们。英文不象对手那样洋洋洒洒,那就借助西人写好的、比较公正的揭露dl(四眼和尚)之流真面目的文章,这样既可以回击zd和脑残的免煮人士,又可以让感兴趣的读者去追看原文,何乐不为?(但 是,请注意在不同的地方和场合应该使用的不同的技巧。) 这里提供详细的、分解成短小段落、可供copy & paste的西文段落: 这里还有可供选择的西人英文文章: 这里有不少揭露dl(四眼和尚)及其所代言的藏传佛教的真面目,偶已经把它们分列入下:
  •曼荼罗和世贸大楼的灰飞烟尽: 以上的所有文字片断欢迎大家随便使用、随便传播、随便粘贴,无需具名。也欢迎大家把好的宣传建议和video、外媒对这场暴乱的有明显歪曲导向的报道、 BBC/CNN/NBC/ABC/FOX/TIMES/GUARDIAN/
  NYT等重要媒体可以留言的网址链接集中在这个帖子里,以方便大家。 这里有几个留言的地址:
  If people have the rights to let their vioce be heard,
  it should not be only the Tibetan’s


大家到Youtube、CNN、BBC、NYT等不要光吵架、说气话,作用不大,要摆点事实,更有力地回击zd,教育不明真相者: 1、不总是有人说西藏是中国1949年“才”占领的吗,那就来点史料:1653年清朝皇帝确立了对西藏宗教领袖达赖和班禅的册封制度及其继承人灵童“转世”的金瓶。(In 1653, Qing Emperor offically gave the title Dalai to the head of Gelug Schools of Buddhism in Tibet. Since then any reincarnation aka successor of Dalai has to be approved and confirmed by Chinese central government.) ..现在的达赖也是中国政府认定(officiated)的,是1940年由当时执政的民国政府认定。


Tibet's feudal serf system of politics and religion is the monks and nobles of the dictatorship

"In old Tibet, politics and religion and the Dalai Lama is the chief representative of serf system. Such serfdom, the history of mankind is the darkest of slavery, without any form of democracy, freedom and human rights, only the privileges of serf owners.", "Pursued by Dalai Lama the 'middle path', is to resume his former paradise, which is to receive millions of emancipation and liberation of the serfs re-enter the dark cage. this kind of 'middle path' Who can accept it? "

-- Foreign Ministry spokesman Jiang-yu

Reporter: Foreign Ministry spokesman made the remarks exposed the Jiang-yu pursued by the Dalai Lama's "middle way" is to restore the essence of serf system. Historically, the serf system in Tibet What kind of a system?

Zhang: 1959 before the democratic reform of politics and religion in Tibet in the long-term, monks and nobles dictatorship of the feudal serf system, society, a dark and brutal than that of medieval serf system is worse than Western Europe.

Dan Zeng Lhunzhub: known as the "Tibet-" the British Charles Bell, in his "13th Dalai Lama Biography" in such a way: "You come from Europe and the Americas Tibet, will be back to the several hundred years ago, saw a still in the feudal era country. nobility and gentry its tenant great powers. these tenant is in the more fertile plains and valleys working farmers. Yangpiao nomadic or wearing in the Gaoshanjunling Shepherd. "

Tibet is Guanjie serf owners, nobles and the upper temple monks three feudal lords. They fail to 5 percent of Tibet's population, but occupy Tibet all farmland, pastures, forests, mountains and rivers as well as most livestock. According to statistics the early years of the 17th century Qing dynasty, when Tibet is a land over 300 10,000 grams (15 grams equivalent to one hectare), which Guanjie accounted for 30.9%, 29.6% of the nobility, monasteries and monks of the top 39.5%. Before democratic reform in 1959, Tibet has all 197 hereditary nobles, the aristocracy 25, the largest of which there are 78 nobles, and each occupy dozens of houses and tens of thousands of grams of land.

Zhang: serfdom in old Tibet more than 90 per cent of the population, the article called "poor Palestinians" (that is, from kind of Fendi, serf owners to render their support of the people) and "stack poor" (meaning smoking small households). They do not occupy the land, and did not have personal freedom, are dependent in a feudal serfdom of living. In addition, five percent of the population, "Lang", they are slaves for generations, there is no means of production, but also do not have the slightest liberty.

Serf owners with loan-sharking and render their serfs to the brutal exploitation, serfdom Chengnianleiru to hard labor, refuse food and clothing also are not guaranteed and often rely on loan from a loan shark below subsistence level. Tibetologists Alexander Daweinier France in her "old face of new China in Tibet," said the old Tibet, all farmers are lifelong liabilities of the serfs, they are on the exorbitant taxes and levies and heavy corvee: " completely lost the freedom of all people, the year 2001 more than the poor. "

Meng Lin: As far as I know, about 10 century, the serf system in Western Europe is basically formed. As Marx said, the serf system in the history of mankind is one of the main forms of slavery, feudal exploitation system is the embodiment of the essence.

Western European feudal serf society is a kind of agricultural workers. In feudal land ownership on the basis of feudal lords of the land and other means of production possession, Personal Dependence relations as a link to a "supra-economic coercion" to force slavery serfs, namely economy, politics, laws, customs, and so they personal control to squeeze their surplus labor. Serfs in three respects subservient to the owner. First, he is not personal freedom, is a master of the property; Secondly, he is master of arable land, dependent on the master; Thirdly, he did not masters of the law and equality of status, the trial court accepted the Lord.

Reporter: serfs no political rights, economic squeeze on the subject, year after year, only labor. It seems, Western Europe and the medieval serfdom in Tibet under the system of politics and religion and the feudal serf system is very similar.

Meng Lin: Yes, the essence of a serf system, which is the same. That is: the means of production workers on the outcome of the labor and deprivation; for workers noble contempt for human dignity; for workers rights and the creation of the main spirit of repression.

This is the traditional system of social relations in the concentrated expression of Personal Dependence, for the performance of "direct rule and dependence relations." In this relationship, the humanity, dignity, human rights, humanity have been destroyed, reduced to the noble values and the divine right of sovereignty from the offerings.

Zhang: In old Tibet, serf owners of serfs the personal possession of the serfs as their private property at its disposal, sale, transfer, gift, exchange and debt bondage. In old Tibet passage several hundred years of "Code 13" and "Code 16", third class will be divided into nine people to make it clear that people in the legal status of inequality. Serf owners use statutory or customary law, the establishment of private prisons or jail. Local governments courts, prisons, the temple has set up courts, prisons, the feudal lords of the manor can be in their own setting up a prison. Extremely savage and cruel punishment, such as cutting into heads, cutting off their ears, breaking their arms, cutting the legs, cramps, and other Doushui. The largest monasteries in Tibet, there are many of the Gandan Monastery in handcuffs, leg irons, sticks and head for enucleation, cramps and other cruel instruments of torture.

Therefore, the Tibetan politics and religion and the feudal serf system is the joint dictatorship monks and the nobility of the system, "such serfdom under the broad masses of serfs, without any form of democracy, freedom and human rights, only the privileges of serf owners."

Meng Lin: on view from the front of Tibet politics and religion and society of feudal serfdom, its dark, cruel indeed than that of medieval Europe is worse than the serf system.

Only from such a system free of the chain out, access to freedom and liberation can burst forth tremendous initiative and creativity, and can promote the development of the real history. As Marx pointed out, "are any of the liberation of the people of the world and the relationship between people back to themselves."

In feudal serfdom under theocracy on the spiritual control

"In order to understand the 20th century in Tibet's history, it is necessary to understand many basic aspects of Tibet is still a pre-modern polity of divine right, and not due to any extraordinary isolation." - Well-known American Tibetologists, anthropology Jane Meyer-Gean

Reporter: In the feudal serf system, whether it is old Tibet or the Middle Ages in Western Europe, the spirit of God to the public the right to control and detention, the deprivation of the liberty of the serfs, and deprived of the freedom of ordinary people thinking. This is not the dark side again?

Meng Lin: Indeed, the people's thinking and behavior norms of detention, is the dark feudal serf system, a prominent performance. Although medieval Europe is not entirely of politics and religion, but a theocratic system and the secular power of the feudal serf system for providing protection.

Problem is not religion, but the Church of religious and ideological monopoly and control. For example, in medieval Europe, the common people are not reading, interpretation of the Bible right, this right is in the hands of the priests. As long as contrary to the Church's concept, thinking, and criteria will be regarded as "heresy", and their expulsion from the membership, which means that his life and property can not be guaranteed.

Zhang: In politics and religion and the old Tibet, this performance even more fully and more brutal - religious forces on the one hand through the power of the broad masses of the people in this life rule on the other hand, through religious privileges to the people stick to the name of the afterlife, the spirit of intimidation.

Due to historical and cultural reasons, the Tibetan people have a lot of Buddhist, I believe that the reincarnation of the next life, and the ruling class is using this point for their own services. British Aidemengkandele "Lhasa true" one wrote, "because they Devout Tibetans that form of Buddhism, monks powerful forces in charge of everything." Indeed, we know that the old Tibet the vast majority of ordinary monks from the serfs did not identity the so-called "monk forces" is a very small number of top monks, and monks dominated by the aristocracy. "You Xiabeizi people or pigs, is not related to you? Dalai Lama-you can Toutai adults, when official or better - in a country where Buddhism thrive, when the majority of the lamas," On the contrary, if you do not listen to them, not to be the reincarnation of generations. "Monks forces" is the adoption of this spirit intimidation, politics and religion and to maintain their rule.

Reporter: divine right to shake off the mental control of the people, education is a vital part. In the 12th century ago in Europe, the church monopoly of the education. But with the commodity economy since the rise of secular schools beginning to emerge, the rise of the West, despite the fact that the church, in varying degrees, are still in control of these universities, but for Europe out of the shackles of medieval theology an important step forward. Politics and religion and the rule of the feudal serf system of the old Tibet, have similar educational institutions there?

Zhang: none. In old Tibet, politics and religion and the ruling class of monopoly of education and the right to education. To access to education, the only way into the temple is "reading." Even so, the children of serfs only become monks from the feudal lords of the serfs become a temple of the serfs, only those aristocratic children will read the classics can be joined as a ladder. In the system of politics and religion, the monks in the Kashag, make up a large proportion of the Shengshayudui exercise of the power of enjoying the actual economic interests, the ordinary people there the slightest hope?

In the darkness of this system, not the people the right of expression, not even the right thinking. All should listen to how the Living Buddha said that, otherwise, is guilty. It is also a dark, allowing the closure of old Tibet increasingly conservative. This has fully demonstrated that this system of the Tibetan people thinking of the detention of Tibet's history and culture, including religious heritage destruction. It is worth noting that Europe has already bid farewell to the 15th century in the shadow of the Middle Ages, and more than the Middle Ages in Europe, dark rule in Tibet, has been extended to the 1950s.

Politics and religion and an attempt to restore the serf system is moving against the tide of the times

"Tibet in the 20th century tried to adapt to the rapid changes, due to the secular equivalent to the modernization of Tibet's unique and extensive public monks heyday of the decline of religion and the powers and privileges of blocking progress in the temple played a major role." -- The well-known American Tibetologists, anthropologists Mel temperature Gean

Reporter: When the feudal serf system, social development and progress of the obstacles, why in Europe and China's Tibet, it had a different direction?

Meng Lin: the cruel feudal serfdom, slavery and the divine right, leading to a peasant resistance in Western Europe, and religion is "heresy" to the launch. For example, "Luolade" John Paul sent representatives to the lower clergy on the proposed, "When Adam farming, weaving of the Eve, who is the elite?" They are calling for the abolition of the feudal serf system, abolished corvee, rent, and the difference in property taxes, implement various social strata equality. Encouraged by the Paul, the 1381 British outbreak of the uprising of peasants, farmers, led by the scoring Watetaile in London, a heavy blow to the rulers. During the same period France's "Zakelei" Uprising and the 16th-century German peasant war, but also because of the outbreak of the same ideals.

Zhang: In old Tibet, politics and religion and the rule of the structure, creating a system of serfdom relatively closed system, in this system, even though it does not act in freedom, not the spirit of freedom, social inhibition of the production, stagnant population reduced, but brutal rule has been in the continuation, and even intensified.

Dan Zeng Lhunzhub: mankind enters the 1950s, the old Tibetan politics and religion and rule of the feudal serf system, and obviously has been incompatible with the development trend of history. It is the root cause of poverty and backwardness in Tibet, not its reform, abolition, the majority of the monks and laity will be forever in dire straits in torment, Tibet will not take civilized and progressive way.

The peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951, for the abolition of the feudal serfdom in Tibet has brought the dawn. However, as the people of the upper class in Tibet was also skeptical about democratic reform; many monks and laity are heavy, the psychological burden of a history of democratic reform requires a knowledge and understanding of the process, and in the upper Tibet pro-imperialist reactionary groups use the nation , for religious signs, deceiving the masses, and stir up ethnic relations caused by the ethnic misunderstanding, it will be difficult to for a time, the central authorities have adopted a democratic reform "cautious and steady advance" policy. In the Central Government and the local government of Tibet signed the "17-Article Agreement" provides that: "matters relating to the reform, the Central did not force the local government of Tibet should be automatically reform, when the people demand reform, may take in consultation with the leading personnel of Tibet the solution. "At the same time, Tibet region putting in a lot of financial, material support. Only 1952 to 1958, the Central Committee for the Tibet financial assistance amounted to 357 million yuan.

To achieve peace democratic reform, the Central for eight years, eight years patience to wait for the 2008 2008 saw millions of serfs than eight years, to eight years, I hope eight years. However, the upper ruling clique in Tibet some people are always trying to maintain serfdom, and safeguarding vested interests, in 1959 launched an armed rebellion. Dalai clique in exile in a vain attempt to "Tibet independence" and restore serf system, which runs counter to the historical trend of progress, and runs counter to the interests of the broad masses of the Tibetan people, how possible?

Zhang: Now, the Dalai Lama is always "democracy" is always, but we see the Dalai clique set up by the so-called "government in exile" is still a system of politics and religion. That the Dalai Lama to the Tibetan people's freedom he can give up their own powers. According to his logic, politics and religion and he is now using the "government in exile" of the ruling power, in order to achieve "the Tibetan" and "high degree of autonomy" and to abandon politics and religion and the rule of power, such contradictory statements, who to believe? Ultimately, all lies woven by the Dalai disguise, or "Tibet independence" of politics and religion in Tibet and restore the rule of the feudal serf system.

Reporter: In old Tibet, some people dream of the West is not the "Shangri-La." Europe today, it is impossible to go back to more than 500 years ago medieval Europe; Similarly, China's Tibet today, it is impossible to go back to the Dalai clique of politics and religion under the rule of feudal serfdom in old Tibet. Anyone who dreams of Tibet back to the dark era of domination or for such attempts and clamor, is doomed to be unattainable.