
本帖最后由 gracezhan 于 2011-2-6 15:26 编辑

-Dr. Kerstin Zimmer from the University of Kassel will talk about „Jüdische Identität in der Ukraine zwischen transnationalen und lokalen Konzeptionen” next Monday.

-The Historian Prof. Dr. Bernd Weisbrod will deliver his “Abschiedsvorlesung” in the Aula of the University next Tuesday at 10:00. He will talk about “Die Dynamik der Gewalt und der Holocaust ‚vor Ort‘“. Prof. Weisbrod, my Doktorvater, will retire after this semester. I can only recommend to attend this lecture, which obviously is important to him and will tackle topics that he dealt with during his career.
Invitations to both lectures attached.
Have a good weekend,

Vortrag Kerstin Zimmer.pdf (104.13 KB)

Einladungskarte.pdf (489.95 KB)

我的导师的导师Historian Prof. Dr. Bernd Weisbrod 要退休了,这个讲座要总结下他的学术人生以及他学术生涯里研究过的课题,建议学士,硕士和博士都去听听,对自己的将来有好处啊,看看德国人的学术人生是怎么过的


