[国际新闻] OMG, 法国总统希拉克要把睾丸送给戴卓尔夫人

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谈日本相扑:「如果早点计划,我可能是相扑选手。我的身高够,至于体重,假以时日,我可以增肥。」─一九九八年一月。( `, P/ Z# ~& O; w  Y$ l- W- V

* }0 u, B+ h6 B# \( ^谈英国人:「对厨艺这么糟的人,你很难信任他们。他们对欧洲农业的惟一贡献就是疯牛症。」─二○○五年七月向俄罗斯总统普亭及德国总理施洛德作此评论。人在德国 社区" e4 J* g) y5 f- M5 l2 q
4 H6 D$ J4 V) c; l2 T. }8 U
对戴卓尔夫人:「这位家庭主妇还想从我这儿得到什么?把我的睾丸放在盘子里?」─一九八八年二月,与英国首相戴卓尔夫人谈判,双方关系紧张之际,不知麦克风开着,不逊之言随即被发送。3 X" [' B) I3 X: c; S0 L: _# q

  x  R. U3 t6 x* w! l. Xcsuchen.de对欧盟候选国:「进到家里的人比还在敲门的享有更多权利... 这些国家做法既没教养、又唐突... 幼稚又危险。」二○○三年二月,对五个欧盟候选国支持美国攻打伊拉克的评语。人在德国 社区. V, |+ I6 a) O6 C" a! g1 w$ \
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谈伊朗核弹:「拥有一枚或者之后再拥有一枚核弹?嗯,也不是什么大不了的危险。伊朗要把核弹扔到哪呢?扔到以色行国?我看,这枚核弹还飞不到两百公尺,德黑兰就被夷平了。」今年二月,接受三家媒体所言,次日,希拉克又公开表示收回这段话。- w! J0 g' ~0 _' f  h) d  ]! P
人在德国 社区! e: F5 @" B) x' A' \7 p. Q
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: K" C) X* n: ?8 t% ^0 C; u 谈移民:「西班牙人、波兰人、葡萄牙人在这里任务,比回教徒或黑人带来的问题少。想想看:一名法国工人如果看到隔壁住着一个家伙,讨三、四个老婆,生二十几个孩子,不用任务每月就可赚到社会救济金五万法郎,他会作何感想?加上听到他们说话,闻到他们气味,这法国工人不疯才怪!」一九九一年六月在共和联盟党就移民政策发表谈话。
$ [& j7 y2 n. i人在德国 社区$ m( |# u+ x% U: s; k# u
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谈女人:「我从不讨厌女人,也从未过度喜欢。」─「爱丽榭宫的陌生人」中对外界称他花花公子的辩解。' M* Q0 }+ y2 w( {: V  s; @

6 S: H' ?8 |8 I5 V对萨科兹:「我做决定,他运行。」二○○四年七月谈及他与当时经济部长萨科兹的关系时回应。

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! ~0 E% t' s% a' A) AChirac in quotes
9 o& P: F1 ], A7 s, u3 S( Ecsuchen.deMonday Mar 12 09:14 AEDT
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From his passion for sumo wrestling to disdain for British table artsor diplomacy-defying comments on Iran's nuclear ambitions, here is a selectionof quotes from Jacques Chirac's political career:' b% o4 {, e: l* X; C
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SUMO WRESTLING: "Maybe if I'd started young, I could have been a sumowrestler. I was tall enough, and as for weight, well you can put that onwith time..." -- January 1998.; O/ q0 m2 F7 O, v0 B% g- [  ]

8 h5 p  v4 k4 B6 t$ r6 w THE BRITISH: "You can't trust people who have such lousy cooking. Theonly thing they have done for European agriculture is 'mad cow'" -- remarksattributed to Chirac in July 2005, made to the Russian and German leadersVladimir Putin and Gerhard Schroeder.
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+ h% o% g6 D% I8 B4 O4 _& L THE ART OF DIPLOMACY: "What more does this housewife want from me? Myballs on a plate?" -- February 1988, caught on open microphone during tenseEuropean negotiations with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
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KNOWING ONE'S PLACE: "When you're in the family, you have more rightsthan when you're knocking on the door.... These countries behaved in a wayboth ill-educated and reckless.... Apart from being childish, it was alsodangerous." -- February 2003, after five would-be European Union membersendorsed US plans to invade Iraq.
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9 H! T. i1 T! _, R3 z THE BOMB: "Having one or perhaps a second bomb a little later, wellthat's not very dangerous. Where would Iran drop this bomb? On Israel? Itwould not have gone off 200 metres into the atmosphere before Tehran wouldbe razed to the ground." -- February 2007. The following day Chirac retractedthe comments, made in an interview with journalists from three publications.% D; I1 o" T1 o$ e

1 c" [) B% l* d: {$ l/ Y7 i( Y4 G5 G' v6 J人在德国 社区 IRAQ: "War is always a last resort, always an admission of failure,always the worst of solutions, because it brings death and misery." -- March2003, televised address made 10 days before the US-led invasion.csuchen.de9 ?. W+ ?6 S( c7 a4 H. Y" e
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IMMIGRATION: "Having Spaniards, Poles and Portuguese people workinghere creates fewer problems than having Muslims and blacks. A French worker...who sees next door a family with three or four wives and 20 kids, earning50,000 francs a month in social benefits without having to work -- add tothat the sound and the smell, and the French worker goes mad." -- June 1991,in a speech on immigration policy to his centre-right RPR party.
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IMMIGRATION: "I have always been allergic to the National Front. It'ssomething almost physical, I can't stand anything to do with racism and xenophobia."-- "The Stranger in the Elysee", book of interviews published in February2007.3 }$ d% g+ [1 {$ w, h' j% l: b: c3 P

/ p  C3 U3 M, u2 R9 C4 R( B5 i STAYING THE COURSE: "When I was elected... I was 32, and I joined thegovernment right away. Then I just stayed forever... Governments changed,I stayed along with the furniture" -- July 2006.4 Z8 B$ J) \; n) T2 Y; D. a
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ON WOMEN: "I was never averse to women. But I never overdid it either,"-- "The Stranger in the Elysee", book of interviews published in February2007, when asked about his life-long reputation as a womaniser.) m) M8 Y; w3 ?
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SARKOZY: "I make the decisions and he carries them out" -- July 2004,when asked to define his relationship with his protege-turned-rival NicolasSarkozy, then economy minister.
% h7 t( w3 F, I) q; C! w人在德国 社区
, F9 N4 O8 d4 V1 a! s POLITICAL ANIMAL: "Of course I'm a man of the left! I eat sauerkrautand I drink beer!" -- February 1995, on the presidential election trail.
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[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-3-12 14:57 编辑 ]