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青葱校园熊出没 被射麻醉后坠落上演“空中飞熊”
A large black bear who wandered up into a tree at the University of Colorado - Boulder, is again safe after wildlife department officials managed to get him out of a sticky situation. The 200-pound male was seen ambling around a residence hall area before he attempted to scale a tree.
The wildlife officers tranquilised the bear while he was up in the branches and, after a short wait, the bear safely landed on his back. The bear had spent the better part of the day on campus, students said, and climbed about 15 feet into a tree near the University of Colorado’s Williams Village dormitories.
Wildlife officials shot two darts into the bear around 10am as curious students looked on, the Denver Post reported.
CU Police Department Spokesman Ryan Huff told the paper that they chose to sedate him because of his close proximity to students and the potential danger that held. ‘He was just resting up in the tree probably for a good two hours,’ Mr Huff told thedenverchannel.com.
警察部门的发言人Ryan Huff告诉记者说,对熊进行麻醉处理是担心它与学生距离太近,有着潜在的危险。Huff对丹佛频道网站表示黑熊在树上大约待了有两个多小时。
In preparation for the beast’s tumble, wildlife officials set up a large black mat under the tree. Photos and video capture the bear freefalling 15 feet and onto the mats. His paws were comically outstretched as he fell through the air.
Andy Dunn of cuindependent.com captured a delightfully surreal image of the bear tumbling from the tree, surrounded by vigilant campus police and wildlife officials. For a few minutes, the bear was allowed to rest on the mat and looked dazed, if not comfortable. Students looked on and captured the bizarre moment with their smart phones and cameras.
Cuindependent网站的Andy Dunn捕捉到了熊从树上坠落时的趣味照片,黑熊周围全是警惕的校警和野生动物管理部门人员。几分钟之后,熊躺在了垫子上,看上去有点不适或眩晕。学生都在围观,用智能手机和相机捕捉着这一奇特的瞬间。
Workers then moved the creature into a large cage around 10:45am. Some students were brave enough to stick their fingers through the cage and stroke the tranquilised bear’s foot.
Jennifer Churchill, a spokesperson for Colorado Parks and Wildlife, told the Post that the woozy bear was tagged and released in the mountains west of Boulder. She added that black bears often come out of hibernation around this time, and come looking to more populated areas for food.
科罗拉多公园和野生动物部门的发言人Jennifer Churchill 告诉记者说这头昏睡的熊随后会被放归到波尔得西面的山林。她补充道黑熊经常在冬眠之后的这个时间出没,到人多的地方寻找食物。 |