- 积分
- 3440
- 威望
- 75
- 金钱
- 0
- 阅读权限
- 80
- 在线时间
- 647 小时

学生会转发 江苏昆山工作机会
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
hiermit ist die neue Stellenausschreibungvon Vossloh in Kunshan.
1 Position
Building Services Manager
2 DirectSuperior / Report to
3 Targetand Mission
Maintain, inspect and service all facilitiesof the company so as to guarantee for proper condition, reliable operationand continuous property value
4 GeneralRequirements
Education: Graduated from university as civilengineer or architect or building service engineer
More than 3 years work experience
Language: Having a written and spoken commandof the English and Chinese language, German is an advantage
5 SpecialRequirements
Ability of organization and co-ordination
Pro-Active and self-motivated to care forthe continuous betterment and efficiency of the company
6 Responsibilities
· Arrangement,co-ordination and supervision of routine maintenance of the office building,related electrical equipment (air conditioning & lights), office furniture,sanitary etc.
· Thecontinuous checking, control and supervision of tidiness, cleanliness,proper functioning and repair status of ALL movable and immobile propertyinside the office building as well as the guard houses.
· Regularlyinspecting all rooms of the office building (inclusive toilets, store roomsand changing rooms etc.), checking of the functioning of the air-conditioningsystem, the electric power supply outlets, the telephone and computer sockets,the functioning of the lighting, doors and windows and all other appliances.
· Regularlyinspecting all rooms of the office building in order to check the adherenceto the house rules (i.e. all windows and doors are shut), assess the cleanlinessof floors, tables, equipment, chairs and walls in order to issue cleaningnotices to the relevant staff.
· Theco-ordination and management of the drivers, caterers, security guards,cleaning ladies and receptionist
· Thearrangement for routine transportation, in normal shift or three shift
· Themonthly statistics for the vehicles expense
· Thearrangement for the repairing, maintenance & annual inspection, roadfee, insurance and tax for the vehicles
· Co-ordinationwith the local government office
· Theannual inspection for the business license, approval certificate etc. andarchive all related documents
· Maintainthe lease contract for expatriate’s apartment, company’s rental contractand make all necessary arrangement by termination of the contracts
· Theregistration for fixed assets
· Application,registration, handling out & statistics for stationary, consumablesetc.
· Checkand statistics for water fee & electricity fee, telecommunication (incl.Monthly reporting) and their final payment
· Thearrangement, co-ordination and supervision of routine maintenance for theoffice equipment (fax machine, copy machine and printer)
· Regularlychecking the hygienic as well as quality condition of the catering service.
· Regularlyinspecting the office machinery and equipment in order to decide upon maintenanceand repair requirements.
7 Inter-Dependencyand expected co-operation
7.1 Administrationstaff (50%): optimise of resource, cost/efficiency control
7.2 HumanResource (10 %): shuttle bus optimisation
7.3 Allother department: co-ordination
Für weitere Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gernezur Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
Best regards.
Ms. Wei WANG
Career Service China
China Representative
Delegation of German Industry & Commerce Beijing
Landmark Tower II, Unit 0811, 8 North Dongsanhuan Road
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100004, P.R.China
Tel +86 10 6590 0926 ext.324 Fax 6590 6313
www.getjobs.net |