[经济金融] 中国鼓励放贷和支出的政策引发了通货膨胀

《不断上涨的食品价格有可能预示中国将出现顽固性通胀》/ Y8 f$ ?, M, v: @! p; l! |2 f
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' _' @2 `' p3 t0 U* ?3 Q中国大型国有银行去年的放贷额比2008年增长了近一倍,而它们今年的放贷额又与去年几乎处于同样高的水平,中国的货币供应量在过去两年中增加了50%以上。中国人民大学国际货币研究所高级研究员向松祚说,极端宽松的货币和信贷政策是中国通货膨胀的主要推动因素。通货膨胀导致存款收益为负,而这又鼓励人们把钱拿出来花掉,从而进一步助推了通货膨胀。
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( G1 g9 g  B! R& J4 d* v人在德国 社区Rising food prices could signal stubborn inflation in China+ v* F% G- e& Z* Z% i3 T

3 h3 Q9 q$ y& P6 t" V; hcsuchen.deGovernment officials say the rising food costs are due to badweather, but some economists say an economic policy that encourageslending and spending has caused inflation. 6 i% D8 z7 {+ y$ b7 W  [" O

7 g+ v$ x" N! q/ l  ]/ R: {人在德国 社区“The major driving force for Chinese inflation is the extremely expansionary monetary and credit policy,” says Xiang Songzuo, senior fellow at the International Monetary Research Institute in Beijing. “That was bound to create inflation.”
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A vendor displays vegetables at a local food market in Shanghai, on Dec. 11. Chinese inflation soared past forecasts to a 28-month high in November and showed signs of spreading beyond food costs, putting pressure on the government to ratchet up its monetary tightening.
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