[国际新闻] 发亮胸罩

一家美国厂商贩售的胸罩和短袖女性内衣边缘缀了发光二极管(LED),可以发光,此外还缝上亮片和羽毛,使女性的乳沟犹如被烘托在聚光灯下。  生产这些产品的公司说,「平价的发光胸罩可以为任何衣着加分,绝对会使你成为众人注目焦点。」  这家总部设在加州的公司接受为客人订制性感内衣,包括以鹳毛羽毛和灯光饰边的性感粉红胸罩,以及把LED和亮片排成几何图样的所谓「穿在身上的艺术」胸罩。该公司也能把LED加在衣服、鞋子和帽子上。尽管衣内藏有电线和电池,但这些衣服暨安全,穿起来也很舒适。   「我们的电子产品很轻、可塑性大、而且都藏在衣料的衬里内,说真的,要不是因为有这么多人盯著你看,你会完全忘记这些灯光的存在。」  csuchen.de% t8 c- ^+ j( }6 t
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4 M9 J) a6 r5 R6 `4 o2 HA U.S. firm is selling bras and camisoles trimmed with colorful light-emittingdiodes, as well as sequins and feathers, that literally put your cleavagein the spotlight.  "Light-up bras make a popular addition to any outfit,and will definitely bring you attention," the company says on its Web site.  The California-based company custom-makes lingerie, including hot pink brastrimmed in marabou feathers and lights and "wearable art" bras that haveLEDs and sequins arranged in geometric patterns.  Enlighted says the clothingis safe and comfortable, despite all the wiring and the battery needed topower the lights.  "Our electronics are lightweight, flexible and concealedwithin fabric linings. Seriously, you'd forget about the lights if you didn'thave so many people staring at you!" it said.  While light-up bras can certainlybe a turn-on, we also eager anticipate matching panties called — you guessedit — Tail Lights.

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