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发表于 2007-3-22 13:08
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欧盟成立50周年之际 英报评出50个热爱欧盟理由
0 S7 r) L* y. v9 N7 U) b6 W5 `csuchen.de& Y% w/ N; a% _& E
正值欧盟庆祝其成立50周年之际,英国《独立报》评出欧盟成立所带来的50种好处,并且还提出一个问题:“欧洲为我们带来了什么?” csuchen.de' {" [0 L- u, b. t& h' Z
$ M/ \1 y( \+ d" ?* a+ q) K0 d
1.欧洲国家间战争的结束; " b0 u. Z$ m6 Q
人在德国 社区8 Q' E) c* `) o' m2 D
# I. [8 B. Z* |# |/ n1 @人在德国 社区
, s8 ^9 r; `) U9 rcsuchen.de3.曾经诸如爱尔兰、希腊和葡萄牙这样的贫穷国家日渐繁荣;
: a5 U! u7 ]4 I% {- x, R
* D" g* `' I) @& Q5 w/ C' J2 j人在德国 社区4.创造出了世界上最大的国内贸易市场; csuchen.de+ E2 ]" d" H- a8 F+ K6 T0 m
+ i/ k/ U0 q( E5.欧洲消费者赢得了空前的权利; ]$ J5 D) w- j8 Q
* h$ e$ N4 k1 }2 y# {1 ~4 u& p% @6.在全洲移民政策上的合作得以加强;
9 M8 b. X" [. B, Q A& T1 A) q3 Z
" R' V) a/ p9 u, \csuchen.de7.欧洲在打击犯罪活动上的合作得以加强;
8 o, V( X; [4 r' T' L7 o; |
F; H9 T! J' J* c5 i) T人在德国 社区8.法律使得英国人可以更容易的在欧洲购买地产;
6 b# K+ b: p8 P3 E人在德国 社区4 I6 W! W3 J2 V/ J
9.欧洲的海滩和河流更加清洁; 3 m; W" L( w1 X& S: p0 h/ c ~, L. l
$ N7 O. Q( a, f. i3 t7 B ?6 s2 l
10.欧洲工人一年可以拥有4周的法定假日; 3 m" _4 {$ i% P% c. f5 l
- v. r0 ]5 G/ d: q7 M3 Fcsuchen.de11.死刑的废除;
& R4 y) S0 w; C, ]" O X
9 I; Z: T5 N) L( F5 t2 M6 \csuchen.de12.私有化公司之间的竞争使得电话更为廉价;
R) g! s6 h0 q" Z1 O7 z人在德国 社区$ q7 } a2 [" k
) Z5 K' [) t( h) n1 C A; j# Z人在德国 社区
$ K @! c/ b( [* T! R. K14.使得法国人再次食用英国牛肉; ) u W- |% ~6 v3 M& v- ^7 ^, x
& D' d. |! K2 @! {( m. D1 a
1 Z3 X2 q8 w! h0 [2 P2 _2 s3 [: [
16.欧洲正帮助全球减少二氧化碳的排放量; / B4 l; }! B. T) P* @/ ^! W) K
- j; h' m% F1 B" e, n17.从爱尔兰到柏林仅一种货币流通(不包括英国);
. q' p' z" j- O, p& D) u! t
: y. s+ j- z4 r. v18.全欧洲都禁止像津巴布韦总统穆巴贝这样的暴君来旅游;
; U! V4 j2 p2 Q
( [, m7 }/ ^* k- v- |7 G3 G19.欧盟给予比美国高出两倍的资金来援助发展中国家;
# k0 I' W1 |. icsuchen.de- t5 |+ m6 x3 F; n$ F. {9 K
2 ^1 I( S! K+ q5 H+ Scsuchen.de
5 H' t. }" B6 \; N21.为旅游者提供免费的医疗救助;
: n5 T. G+ r6 t6 J/ x. }
3 f2 S3 G0 f( E8 k4 \/ O& A6 ]. g22.欧盟维和部队在全球各动荡地区开展维和行动;
% T7 i0 ~: {6 D: u8 `csuchen.de! Q7 }8 ?2 i |6 ~/ c: }
" n1 b5 S+ G* I2 G
6 V. ^4 r2 b$ l9 |24.引入宠物护照; ! H3 M% l M# N# s" a
7 I6 D+ E1 x. A$ P5 |1 O人在德国 社区25.乘“欧洲之星”大客车从伦敦到巴黎仅花费2小时35分; . k s9 B B; G8 U' ]
. s) E: ?7 s, D" q26.欧盟成员国的前景迫使土耳其走向现代化;
& O7 J/ r; R% q; I! ~7 ]) k- m0 M+ V
- m# E4 X% S U" E% L7 X
z/ _$ O) q, X28.由于旅行和学习计划费用的降低使得欧洲青年有着更大的灵活性;
; q& P7 G1 C1 r! ]# mcsuchen.de
% p1 f' V) H! T' q& ` Z7 V人在德国 社区29.贴上标签的食物更加的清洁;
9 f. t3 A8 a; W. P: v
" d, p1 W7 \" q- B30.没有无聊的边境检查(除了英国); 人在德国 社区4 J% }9 b% H/ p* l& ~$ _0 _: o7 ~
" Q7 H/ [4 l2 }" A4 M6 F4 t' w4 y- m31.飞机延误时乘客可获得补偿;
3 J$ G5 b' |4 [! B, i9 B/ W; y7 ?csuchen.de* V8 \. t' O* Z; k
32.严禁化妆品工业对动物进行测试; 人在德国 社区- X- P0 j/ O, E1 t8 ~
人在德国 社区" r6 E- @- z% Q3 w$ a
$ |3 Z( b; q2 S/ s' ~
8 \% i' f( T- O4 l. {& f7 T8 k% a34.英国贫困地区可以获得地区开发基金的救助; 人在德国 社区2 w; u9 j% X9 T
人在德国 社区2 I, K+ C0 V" }& ~% Q% O
35.欧盟内部承认欧洲各国的驾驶执照; csuchen.de9 l7 A2 u) r! ]" x
人在德国 社区- ?- ]# W) _% U4 S
36.现今的大不列颠人不再像以前那样感到被孤立; 人在德国 社区; p( ^% J: D' M6 n
人在德国 社区9 O9 Y* C! E' \7 T, `
37.尽管有部分怀疑者表示担心,欧州的香蕉仍大受欢迎; 6 \1 K5 P. h9 L" g. b" V. \9 A
& M* ^0 W- q7 J! m7 b人在德国 社区38.强劲的经济增长势头--去年的经济增长速度高于美国;
- J+ A% ^( j; m3 U# F, S/ f8 F人在德国 社区
4 M: s7 w; L) _3 X9 u8 H# O$ A39.单一市场使得欧洲大陆最好的足球运动员来到英国;
" y m1 c' t, P5 @. h) Ncsuchen.de; b$ g/ @) r) h( Z b* ~9 h# i
0 N6 t+ [% N1 z& mcsuchen.de人在德国 社区& N4 `4 h3 |) {& T( u
, E4 w3 u% {3 b8 T8 ?1 a& U9 D人在德国 社区
: C) h: E8 I! t! N' `6 Q) x42.欧盟给予欧洲各国更多(而非更少)的主权; ) q3 [& G8 x8 W+ M9 l K
* L# h. i& E% O0 P7 ^) s
43.成熟化的欧盟成为美国和中国权力的一个更为适当的平衡体; 人在德国 社区- `6 O. F6 n( d) U5 z7 p1 G7 D
人在德国 社区7 j0 z4 ^1 a a* w- F( V n
44.欧洲移民加速了英国经济的增长; + _$ v/ ^# w* }* ?
- l6 s5 A/ e$ Y( [; i5 ]45.欧洲人掌握多种语言的人数不断增加--除了英国人; , L9 ~ o6 L" a) w0 P/ u+ F7 J
$ q. v& M# K, @5 `) K; i ~8 _, I46.欧洲就如何更为恰当的资助国家卫生服务体系为英国树立了一个良好的榜样;
4 f: O( @. N4 | Q9 |人在德国 社区" A' }0 f, I; J/ h( o
47.英国餐馆现在在全球分布更为广泛; " B- @% G. l: o3 K: Z
- ^0 l) z& X# i Y* R1 U' d2 m人在德国 社区48.欧洲各职业专业人员移动性更高;
9 L5 D0 j9 C( l* y* K& E& F
7 [0 ]9 r$ y' e6 i7 n7 s; }49.欧洲使得英国对食物和烹饪的观点发生革命性的变化;
7 l" K/ u0 j5 s U \9 K人在德国 社区 C6 m% y [0 s6 u
50.以上所列出的现象使得欧元怀疑论者发疯。 & \8 D# p* {% G0 H; p. C
/ z) l- U5 \. m. D8 q7 Q; h
So, what has Europe ever done for us? Apart from...
* i G# r* n* n8 e3 Z. [csuchen.de1. The end of war between European nations " i1 y4 E" r8 E0 e9 P$ q
$ {( I) f% L" i& hWhile rows between England, France and Germany have been a feature of EU summits, war between Europe's major powers is now unthinkable. The fact that the two world wars that shaped the last century now seem so remote is, in itself, tribute to a visionary project that has permanently changed the landscape. As the EU celebrates the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome it is clear that while the detailed topography will always be difficult to agree, it is an extraordinary achievement that we are standing on common ground.
5 B9 s" n. v" ]3 I8 V) `& Y, W1 t: p. v# P- v, `# j
2. Democracy is flourishing in 27 countries人在德国 社区 h6 I r3 t% f
, `* `: F1 z' r; _
Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the EU's 10 ex-Communist countries are parliamentary democracies. None of these nations were truly free in the decades following the Second World War. Each is now a democracy anchored within the EU and is unlikely to change course.6 _3 P/ K0 k# v2 g0 b
7 S0 H3 A* d0 ^1 m+ }
3. Once poor countries like Ireland, Greece and Portugal prospering人在德国 社区0 ]: h; c/ V* J4 F
8 O( S( u* p8 M: gEU subsidies well spent have been crucial to the lift-off of the Irish economy. Once firmly in Britain's economic shadow, the Celtic tiger has emerged. Gross domestic product per capita in Ireland in 2005 was 137.1 per cent of the EU average, compared to 116.8 per cent in the UK.csuchen.de/ R+ R2 ? q6 S& h& [, U
5 j. ~% _; l& f; I
4. The creation of the world's largest internal trading market5 {& X6 i7 }3 H# a$ A& G2 ^1 W. ~
" g1 s" r3 h- U) T: g8 _0 T
The 27-nation EU now around 500m people making it the world's largest economic trading bloc. By comparison the US has a population of around 300m. The old EU 25 had 19.2 per cent of the World's exports as compared with 14.4 per cent from the US. This gap is set to grow following the last enlargement in January to 27 member states.
1 c$ a4 q& ?7 u/ Z7 W$ z& ?csuchen.decsuchen.de" r# y& m* \/ |- W$ ^. I, B( ]
5. Shopping without frontiers has given consumers more power
- J! h% e, a% ]3 r/ d5 H' b5 }( Tcsuchen.de$ } Q% k) \6 @* w- V! b0 E: I
European consumers can buy goods for their own use in whichever EU country they choose - in person, on the internet, over the telephone, or by mail order - without paying additional taxes. This competition is driving down prices and increasing quality9 A1 G" c# a, _( e! [. P# o; O6 N
& L) ?% X# \' j, f* W
6. Co-operation on continent-wide immigration policy1 m4 P! R6 u' I
csuchen.de# A4 W* U1 u; g) z7 m( t; D' ?
Though EU countries set immigration levels the EU is increasingly active in the fight against illegal migration and in trying to match the labour needs of European countries to the supply of migrants. On the downside, the EU is increasingly an impregnable fortress and many lose their lives trying to get here by boat from Africa
+ n1 ?' q1 S6 `1 F- j: c1 ^: m9 k. J) c2 K) k$ Q( E
7. Crime-busting co-operation, through Europol
) }; _! ?2 I1 B8 k# b3 L
' P1 R" q: J# FThis provides a clearing house for EU police forces. The police in EU member states can now use an EU arrest warrant to get suspects moved from one country to another where they will face serious charges without lengthy extradition procedures.
2 H/ V3 n; y! b- `- z; h* w$ e$ v; p9 [3 ?3 b* p
8. Laws which make it easier for British people to buy property in Europe5 ?4 I. d* {9 y" m, q) a
人在德国 社区) V, U. V5 e/ {" A" p T7 d8 ^
It may not be good for the environment but access to second homes a short-haul flight away has fulfilled the dreams of millions of Britons. Retirement or regular holidays from the south of Spain to the east of Bulgaria has become a reality for many and a legally safeguarded one at that.
& C y/ ]& F! y% | {- u
3 Q4 I5 A5 t' o& P3 D6 @" d! o7 w; P人在德国 社区9. Cleaner beaches and rivers throughout Europe
3 n" s! x4 v* ?9 r人在德国 社区
4 P3 q1 Z( H1 p( e6 B人在德国 社区EU law and peer pressure - including annual reports - have forced the UK to clean up its act, for example bringing the once-dirty waters off Blackpool beach up to standard. The first EU legislation was passed in 1976 with two more pieces in 2002 and 2006. Now you can monitor the quality of bathing water by checking on a website.
0 [ L4 G) x+ u8 M; a& j! d人在德国 社区
6 C1 ?& I* @+ |* d4 D10. Four weeks statutory paid holiday a year for workers in Europecsuchen.de' k5 u1 E) D# e
M' k i4 y7 K, mThe EU Working Time Directive ensures that all Europeans get at least four weeks of paid holiday per year. In the US many workers get a fortnight. The same directive provides for 11 hours rest in every 24 and one day of rest per week plus a rest break if the working day is longer than six hours. Minimum standards are set for paid maternity and paternity leave.
9 R! ?. d* b0 q! z& F人在德国 社区人在德国 社区- [# O5 T: f& J; y. V3 E
11. No death penalty (incompatible with EU membership)
0 I$ m( u p5 w1 p7 r/ o# `2 R# {2 y) f7 x
No EU member state has the death penalty and reintroduction of capital punishment would not be compatible with EU membership. Even countries outside the EU are having to review their policies if they want to be considered for membership of the club, most notably Turkey.8 ?' T8 A. }5 {( ?! I1 `) Z
, h4 h8 }: o6 Z( C# j
12. Competition means cheaper phone calls
# {4 v) J0 B* w, ^$ @7 _/ I* T& O
Since the liberalisation of telecommunications in the 1980s loosened the grip of the monopolies, prices have plummeted. The European Commission says the cost of international calls in the EU has fallen by 80 per cent since 1984.
1 K. }: t# t2 g2 @' g3 W) ?- l. w4 t# c0 q5 d: D% z& I! E/ r; z
13. Small EU bureaucracy (24,000 employees, fewer than the BBC)csuchen.de4 ^" v9 n$ b3 p$ }
- Z' K9 ?' `" q* m1 IDespite the eurosceptic claims, the number of EU officials is surprisingly small. After the scandal of 1999 when the Brussels based European Commission resigned, strict new rules were imposed on spending.
: I3 V% J% h' L% x$ R( f5 k" Ecsuchen.de4 \2 F/ `8 h- y& [$ x9 s+ @
14. Making the French eat British beef again
1 ~6 n* e$ c `' _; j
! c/ ^1 x# p0 K9 n! i) qWhen the BSE crisis subsided and British meat was judged safe, the European Court of Justice ordered France to resume imports. France contested the ruling but had no alternative in the end. By contrast, the US retains an embargo. J( l) r+ K6 d6 C
csuchen.de( t1 p2 s" Q+ A7 h: ^4 x J
15. Minority languages, like Irish, Welsh and Catalan recognised and protected
! a% }2 w7 a2 W& ^$ \1 T0 [1 C) `: n
- E k, S9 M T& i( z! a& ]csuchen.deMinority languages are gaining recognition. Be it Irish, Welsh or Catalan, minority languages are getting a greater role thanks to the EU which even has a Commissioner for Multilingualism. Irish became an official language of the EU this year. Catalans have lesser language rights because their tongue is official only in one part of Spain, their member states. The EU - with 23 official languages - is doing more to keep lesser tongues alive than some individual member states.
0 E# |6 C4 `/ ?/ jcsuchen.de9 E! G4 J! c* r' X0 z
16. Europe is helping to save the planet with regulatory cuts in CO2
, Z4 y* ]. X5 \5 `csuchen.de: _+ r9 n2 Z+ V# z" ]6 A0 y7 B
The EU has announced the most ambitious targets for curbing carbon emissions, promising a cut of at least one-fifth on 1990 levels by 2020. Other parts of the world are being challenged to follow suit. The EU also has blazed a trail with its carbon emissions trading system which, despite teething troubles, is still a model for other parts of the world.csuchen.de& e. O9 ? o2 m' x
s" U# R+ @1 l0 k/ T- A4 {, N
17. One currency from Bantry to Berlin (but not Britain)
8 Y. W7 r1 B! O6 l6 K' h' ^' M
$ V' T* p) x* g9 y. c6 wThe Euro is now the only real alternative to the dollar on the international stage. You can travel throughout 13 countries and use one currency. Slovenia became the 13th and latest nation to join the single currency this year. Several more nations have yet to meet the necessary criteria.
( E6 D* `- q9 B K- w! c) Z3 ?4 a3 U- L) \ }
18. Europe wide bans on tyrants like Robert Mugabe
% \. j) N4 T- W9 W人在德国 社区. x/ e) A, S2 p! m, O" ^
Smart sanctions on the Zimbabwean President and his cronies have been negotiated through the EU and prevent those on a list from visiting all 27 nations. Though countries differ in the way they believe the EU should treat the government in Harare, they all agreed to renew the sanctions for another year.
E+ Z& G \) {' k人在德国 社区
# n% }, k: F3 `! D人在德国 社区19. The EU gives twice as much aid to developing countries as the US
% s, n4 B6 T6 d, C2 t+ ?人在德国 社区. d% o3 M5 ?5 U) a6 U
The European Union and its member states paid out more than |
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