[国际新闻] 泰国人妖当兵问题大

泰国向来是区域内对同性恋者、变性人乃至人妖接受度最高的国家,为了不让变性人觉得受辱,该国国防部已经决定在新的征兵期到来之时,用「第二类」、「第三类」来称呼变性人,而不是沿用过去的「心理异常(Psychological Abnormality)」或「性别认同障碍(Gender Identity Disorder)」,以免让对方觉得被冒犯。人在德国 社区* v/ S- A( r! {4 j3 r
csuchen.de3 r6 b" d/ o" {5 \4 s" Z
「第二类」指的是已经进行了隆胸的男人,「第三类」是已完全变性为女人的男人,而「第一类」则指的是「外表看起来是典型男人」的男人。csuchen.de" P& Y8 t( O. o5 W7 @

# m( s+ ^; d: {4 v" R人在德国 社区泰国军方本来是计画用「性别认同障碍」来取代「心理异常」,但是人权组织积极反对任何暗示「不正常」的名称,军方于是决定用前述不带暗示意味的字眼。
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( K: z3 ?; y2 P3 ]. H8 A- K人在德国 社区
6 m* w9 @; p- u, l" K* C人在德国 社区「第二类」以及「第三类」也必须连续三年到征兵处报到,然后才能永远解除征集令。泰国本年度的征兵活动将于四月一至十一日间举行。
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+ O6 f' u9 R& U. F0 {人在德国 社区7 b9 k5 i1 \- X$ v; t4 P
Army renames transgender conscripts  Published: 20/03/2011
6 i$ y1 |+ |" O8 N+ z5 H- O& s) D- g9 G2 _- T; r) x
Transgender army recruits won't have their feelings hurt in the coming conscription season. Well, hopefully not that much, anyway.0 R! q! d9 I5 Q5 P& d2 Z- S
! z* o0 h' m7 X, {! M/ @2 S
Instead of their sexuality being called a "psychological abnormality" or a "gender identity disorder", they will simply be referred to as "Type 2" or "Type 3".
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2 J; ~5 _! z" o. B+ I  x" w( w1 lcsuchen.deThe army has coined the terms to avoid offending transgender people.
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/ `; G, Z% `2 P) JType 2 refers to men who have undergone breast augmentation, while Type 3 comprises people who have had a full sex change., [. x$ U  G2 g8 o9 m
5 v' _9 I" @4 ?* i9 q! o
The army had proposed replacing the term "psychological abnormality" with "gender identity disorder" but had a rethink after fierce criticisms from human rights groups, who were opposed to any term that suggests abnormality.# J) t5 ~. |- |
csuchen.de0 w/ \; ]2 m/ B/ _* D- B0 g5 L
The Defence Ministry is amending the Conscription Act of 1954, said Thaksin Chiamthong, director of the academic resources division of the Army Reserve Command.& L* ^" y5 F5 w# T- b4 L  u
+ l" r  @8 G0 G$ A: V' H% Q+ S
He said the main purpose of the amendment is to correct the part of the law that states transgender people are exempt from conscription because they are considered psychologically abnormal.
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"Normally only Type 1 [men whose appearances are typical of men] are required to draw a conscription ballot," said Col Thaksin.# I9 `6 ^, |( f5 Q6 \) l2 z
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"But if the number of Type 1 is insufficient, Type 2 will be conscripted as well, despite their female-like breasts."
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. M% z8 M; N0 S1 r1 Y$ @! D5 DTypes 2 and 3 will be required to report for annual conscription for three years before being exempted permanently, he said.人在德国 社区& h4 _* M8 j$ ~
& ]4 u9 X0 A+ U0 [: [. p
Conscription is scheduled to be conducted from April 1-11.csuchen.de5 p9 a2 O& \$ |

. t* B# ?# X: hThe armed forces and Defence Ministry need to conscript 97,280 men aged 21 _ an increase of 9,828 from last year.
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The army alone needs 73,503 new soldiers for the 15th Infantry Division in Pattani and divisions based in Chiang Mai and Khon Kaen. The navy needs 16,000 conscripts, while the air force wants 6,463, the Supreme Command 833 and the Defence Ministry's permanent secretary's office 481.: m2 R) h3 k+ ]9 F6 m4 v/ w3 Y2 L: I
# J/ \0 ^& @7 E+ r
: D. Y0 I! N( ]3 w+ g「第三类」已完全变性为女人的泰国人妖
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"已完全变性为女人的泰国人妖"? 人在德国 社区& B8 Q9 }0 P! X' Y& b