- 积分
- 9514
- 威望
- 3134
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- 阅读权限
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- 地球就是我的家
- 在线时间
- 337 小时
法国维和部队攻打科特迪瓦总统府、法国战机轰炸利比亚强人格达费的部队,法军并在阿富汗和美军并肩作战。一时之间,法国同时打三场战争,可说是史无前例。人在德国 社区5 {6 I5 U8 k, N* K8 J0 D; u
人在德国 社区9 C( k, [, f9 S o/ O- g
国内声望下滑的法国总统沙克吉正在国外耀武扬威。巴黎战略研究基金会国防专家海斯柏格说:「这是全新的经验,我们同时打三场战争,在我记忆中从未发生过。」3 z$ j! b9 O- B9 Z/ ^
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这两场战争都有正当理由,联合国安理会3月17日通过对利比亚的第1973号决议案,3月30日通过对科特迪瓦的1975号决议案,都授权以军事行动因应人道危机。$ N& f8 d3 b, ^4 X/ a
5 k5 y" q9 L; v: @! l, W有分析家说,面临明年总统大选压力的沙克吉希望藉由强硬的军事行动,激起爱国主义,但也有人看法不同,认为沙克吉不是单纯的好战,他若对科特迪瓦和利比亚袖手旁观,将付出极大的政治代价。人在德国 社区7 Q; [$ K$ d* i( B* a
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France’s Role in Three Conflicts Displays a More Muscular Policy* m" ]% E# F4 J7 h
$ J7 V, y- B7 l8 D4 I5 G5 o人在德国 社区PARIS — France on Tuesday found itself engaged in three shooting wars at once for the first time in memory, indicating a new muscularity in using power by the politically embattled French president, Nicolas Sarkozy. ' U2 P1 [1 e. h2 |
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French peacekeeping troops attacked the presidential palace in Ivory Coast in support of the United Nations overnight, while French planes were attacking the troops of the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. French forces are also fighting alongside the United States in the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan.4 i2 K0 |$ q* G$ {; d2 q1 w
人在德国 社区& f% c9 ]3 Q. Y# @+ U
“This is entirely new,” said François Heisbourg, a defense expert at the Foundation for Strategic Research here. “The reasons are different, but we are in three shooting wars simultaneously, and that in my memory has never happened before.”
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# j- h6 D7 r h, c0 ~9 icsuchen.deWith the loser of the Ivory Coast election, Laurent Gbagbo, negotiating surrender in Abidjan, France’s intervention in its former colony may prove to be of short duration. France hopes to be as lucky in the war against Colonel Qaddafi, who seems to be in the initial stages of trying to negotiate an exit.
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# D. o. Q! g1 q; i- a/ E! SResidents passed a burned car in Abidjan, the main city of Ivory Coast, on Tuesday. Most people did not leave their homes.
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7 L* ~. m0 r- t& r2 ?* ^5 [8 I& S* Acsuchen.deShops reopened Tuesday in a section of Kandahar, Afghanistan, after protests over a Koran burning in Florida turned into riots over the weekend.
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Last week, a French flag was displayed on top of a destroyed tank in Ajdabiya, Libya, that had belonged to forces loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. |