[国际新闻] 卖卵生意盛行 高学历貌美女子受欢迎

现时英国严禁买卖卵子,但在大西洋对岸的美国,卖卵生意却盛行,吸引不少英国妇女主动与美国卵子捐赠公司接触,希望在帮助其他不育妇女之馀,还可透过卖卵「赚外快」。 美国被称为世界卖卵中心,市场价值达45亿美元。学历高样貌好的女性是最受欢迎的群体,不时传出有大学生以数万美元计出售自己的「优质」卵子。1999年,有人曾在美国名牌大学的校报上卖广告,出5万美元高价徵求一名高智商、高个子女大学生的卵子。去年,有卵子经纪公司在美国史丹福大学的学生报上刊登全版广告,出价10万美元(约78万港元)求购一名30岁以下、爱好运动的白人女大学生的卵子。高学历貌美女子受欢迎 卵子价格还随地区差异而变化,在一些偏僻地区,捐卵报酬只有3000美元;而在纽约 等大城市,报酬高达8000美元(约62500港元)。有见美国卖卵活动盛行,不少英国人都想越洋卖卵。洛杉矶便有捐卵公司在1个月内收到约30封来自英国的卖卵电邮。美国最大私人捐卵公司eggdonor.com去年底亦指出,他们的英国卵子捐赠人数上升了25%。
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Critics worry cash is driving egg donors4 w: \. P+ i, R. g. M; w. E5 R

/ D+ V' _3 Y* T人在德国 社区Ethicist says tissue has become 'commoditized'- N7 @/ d/ V6 [3 S
CHICAGO — Human egg donation was a rarity not so long ago. But heightened demand for eggs — and rising compensation for donors — are prompting more young women to consider it.
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Jennifer Dziura, a 28-year-old New Yorker, is one of them.
0 ]% y/ D* H% \2 f+ h* _      She received $8,000 to donate her eggs in the fall of 2005 and hopes she'll be chosen again before the private egg broker she's registered with considers her too old. She realizes prospective parents who view her profile might think it a minus that her father is adopted, allowing for little medical history from his side. She also figures some are looking for a blonde, instead of a brunette.1 g8 a' R- _) [, q, d+ A& P2 n
      "But, hey, I have perfect SAT scores," Dziura, an aspiring comedian and model, says with a slight chuckle.) R; c3 [; O% A! O# i
      As more older moms look for help getting pregnant, younger women have become increasingly willing to part with their eggs. Some do it to help relatives and friends, or from a sense of altruism, but others openly acknowledge money is a big factor in their decision, prompting critics to worry that they're helping drive an unregulated market for human tissue.
# U: n0 Q) Q6 {. b: R      In 1996, women in federally monitored programs donated eggs just over 3,800 times. That number has risen steadily, to more than 10,000 in 2004, the most recent year for which the Centers for Disease Control has compiled data.
- s. V7 h9 _1 Y  O      A decade ago, Dr. Joel Brasch, a fertility specialist in the Chicago area, had to work hard to recruit five or 10 young women for his own practice's donor pool — but not anymore.8 E- M7 Y, z4 c" [) R

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' I( A* a4 K9 x+ f& HJennifer Dziura, a 28-year-old New Yorker, received $8,000 to donate her eggs in '05 and hopes she'll be chosen again before she's considered too old.

Jennifer Dziura.jpg (10.5 KB)

Jennifer Dziura.jpg

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