[中国新闻] 香港街头的攀谈,从市场上侃价到人们打电话都有三种语言,粤语、英语和普通话。

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7 j& z  s& g. T& @# b, M人在德国 社区, Q8 {# N0 E! w* o3 a* D( I6 Q! Q
% j5 u5 y) @: s3 s: V人在德国 社区
2 b9 ]! J6 n/ n  M6 P  文章表示,过去这里是英国军队驻扎的两个兵营,一个已经空虚废弃,只有一位保洁女会来打扫落叶。另一个现在属于驻港人民解放军,尽管内地的军服在这里不常见。在香港地铁和广东省火车对接的车站,内地居民的出现不可避免。拥挤的内地群众常在这里随地吐痰,许多说普通话而不是粤语。他们挤满了电梯,一些还带着巨大行李箱。警察在巡视并检查身份证。挨着车站的商场里,内地游客抢购名牌商品。附近大学里注册的内地学生比以往任何时候都多。
5 j: y* L- Q. h+ Gcsuchen.de% H* m# r  r: P. f9 L  m1 R9 g
  文章指出,香港过去十年里,高楼起起落落,也有过重要的政治斗争。但是没什么比开放内地边界给普通香港人带来的影响更大了。 人在德国 社区* m" l  G+ Z* j$ r

1 Y, ?- o2 i' o: z  B  1997年后,超过50万的内地居民被允许来港,每年更有1360万游客到港,几乎是当地居民的两倍。同时工作在边界这边,生活在那边的人数也上升到50万,而90年代仅有5万人。
8 i# X# s) ?) E4 f1 Q/ V" w) N8 \" P5 `: ~) E; y& }7 O# a2 m
  文章谓,从一个共产主义发展中国家来到世界上最开放富裕的经济体,内地人带来了自己特有的方言、方法和雄心。他们几乎重新塑造了香港生活的每一方面,从香港人如何做生意、如何社交,到他们的上班、婚姻以及教育儿童的方式。 人在德国 社区8 R1 J0 B! M" e) Z  {% C. p

. e" F3 F+ H9 @& b* I: h# D  文章指出,从内地迁移来港并不是近来之事。几十年来,内地这边因为“革命”而骚乱时,另一边的英国殖民地则蓬勃发展。许多老移民都是难民——穿越边界逃亡的穷人——许多是游过来的。报纸把他们标签为“I.I.'s”,意思是非法移民。
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  还有就是上班族。“超过50万的人经常过界,而他们并不是游客,”香港浸会大学教授戴果尔说(Michael DeGolyer)。 ! v/ h/ w5 u0 M6 b* c4 m- Z4 P1 F

& V* c6 W9 I; p* z7 w2 M5 A  文章表示,一位叫陈铁强(Chan Tit-keung)的香港出租司机现住在深圳附近。他说,这是一个很实际的决定。他说,“我自己住在一个超大的1000平方英尺的公寓,你可以每月只付2000元就能得到一个不错的房子,或者250美元租一个90平方米的住处,在香港你承受不起这样的地方。我喜欢住在城外,空气很清新。我休息的时候可以远足。”他喜欢内地这边的低生活成本,却不乐意看到内地居民去香港找高收入工作,这让他们很沮丧。 csuchen.de# n* A% e. i6 V2 ~' |1 t% D
! K& I$ D& p# C; c0 t3 q7 q  e# B
; U2 z  w1 @- M8 e人在德国 社区
% {5 q& H% w/ \* c  文章指出,回归前,许多香港人移民到西方,希望拿到外国护照以避免回归后情况变糟糕,但近来,随着中国政治形势稳定,经济高速发展,戴果尔教授注意到更多出去的人正在回巢。
+ n3 _, M4 r$ N& ~) _4 c- w& ?7 @' L0 o
  刘德敏(Lau Tak-man)在繁忙的尖沙咀开了个书店,90年代后期和儿子移居到了纽西兰。最终还是回到了故乡,她说这里做事更放松。“这儿的精神面貌更好”,她说,顾客们即使在午夜还进进出出于书店。
2 ]0 B+ ?1 x( C
# Q3 Y4 i1 _! {5 t: \" \, b$ ~  文章说,如果市民们的忧虑曾是中央政府的重心,现在焦点则是如何照顾新移民的需求。不管有无道理,当地媒体批评这些人带来许多问题:犯罪、疾病、在职场恶意竞争。他们醒目的报道大批内地孕妇越界到香港生育。
  G) M4 x, P6 d2 j
7 H) i: k5 r' Y6 G人在德国 社区  “这绝对是歧视,”内地出生的社会工作者司丽珊(Sze Lai-shan)说,她管理一个非营利组织为新移民服务。“他们去参加工作面试,招聘者听到他们的内地口音。即使这份工作不需要用太多粤语,他们也不会被雇用。即使被雇用,工资也会比港人少些。”
' p$ C! r. Y/ M6 ocsuchen.de
- X3 S; q) V1 u# p  文章谓,香港没有合法的最低工资,许多移民为了得到低端工作不得不降低工资,这被认为是贫富差距增大的一个因素。司女士2003年的一份研究显示内地妇女期望做保洁、垃圾收集、厨房打杂这些很少有劳动保护的工作。差不多每周都工作7天。
8 o' c7 M0 |- w3 v. {; lcsuchen.de
2 A+ W: d. _  ?- j# |  司女士说她在下一代看到希望。她说,“1997年,一些学校不肯接受新移民的孩子,但现在有所改变,另外,新移民的孩子学习和适应很快,香港学生总体太天真而不会有歧视。成年人才是问题。所以是内地母亲在奋斗。” csuchen.de. A$ N1 N9 P! f# G. a' n

0 k7 s6 G! X$ e! o4 S  文章指出,内地移民改变了工作场所,同时孩子们在当地学校产生了相似影响力。
+ `- T$ D7 R3 [1 O2 N: p
$ ?6 o& {; \5 v) U. Mcsuchen.de  教育是回归时争辩的一个焦点,教学语言改变后在父母中引发大面积担忧,害怕学生们无法适应。香港政府采取了“两文三语”政策,希望学生们能够写中文和英语,说粤语,普通话和英语。少数政府开办的学校主要用英语教学。普通话是核心课程,最后还有标准化测试。香港学生和成年人都竞相学习普通话,这是一项新来者都会的技能。
2 w2 J/ L- [0 M8 d4 H* `) b( R8 L
* s: f0 d7 N% _" k9 s0 k6 L: R( f/ K  戴教授在自己的教室也见证了这一文化改变。他说,“以前,香港学生习惯于小瞧内地学生,取笑他们的英语,10年前,大学里面很少有内地学生。内地学生开始竞争,提升各方面的表现力。他们已经提高了竞争力,香港学生再也不取笑他们了。”
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3 u5 W* a9 |( o$ S
8 s, t' ~4 U( ?% |3 ?! E
" n6 g9 N  r# ]- q7 `  b1 ^9 \Commuters arrived at a station in Hong Kong after taking a train that originated at the border crossing that links Hong Kong and mainland China. csuchen.de3 J4 O: M9 t0 d$ W3 E

) l  j* U& G/ a! {6 k# W人在德国 社区
( Y/ `+ }* s: ]: d: \; IHong Kong Is Reshaped by Mainlanders
6 H' n8 P, S% D) E. Y人在德国 社区
* A# K+ l6 `# D4 e4 y* C* ~9 C6 [2 @" j+ n1 ~! G8 x# e% K# g
HONG KONG, June 23 — Old-time Hong Kongers sometimes call themselves the “people beneath Lion Rock,” after the ragged peak that looms over the peninsula joining Hong Kong to mainland China.
9 I; r% J1 K5 x  }2 x3 C& m/ l* c
8 N% e6 B  {+ l* mcsuchen.deAt the mountain’s base is the leafy suburb of Kowloon Tong. It has never been a big tourist draw, but in the decade since territorial control returned to China, this quintessentially Hong Kong neighborhood has had many more visitors — and important changes.
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+ @* t9 h' }) f% Icsuchen.deOf the two barracks that used to house British troops here, one lies empty and neglected, visited only by a cleaning woman who goes to sweep up the leaves. The other now belongs to the People’s Liberation Army, though Chinese uniforms are rarely seen.人在德国 社区% j5 J6 n# {2 p* e" x8 [- j

# r" K2 O) L+ e3 }+ ]% A# ~But the mainland presence is inescapable in many other places. At the local rail station, where the Hong Kong subway links with the train from Guangdong Province, raucous crowds of mainlanders spill onto the platforms, and jam the escalators with huge suitcases. Police officers hover and check identification cards.3 q7 I# i" i, t  u, n

  R1 K) d3 H6 [0 {0 W9 l$ U. f; X1 lIn the shopping mall connected to the station, mainland tourists snap up designer goods. The nearby university is registering more mainland students than ever.
, Y! S& T! u- h6 C5 r8 r人在德国 社区
+ c" B# ~& f. J1 i  }* ?Since the British handed over Hong Kong on July 1, 1997, skyscrapers have gone up and down; momentous political battles have been fought. But few developments have affected the average Hong Konger more than the opening of the border with the mainland.( f/ {! h7 ?  w! J) P

% b" S0 W- Y! O6 e4 G1 w  Z4 w8 |( Mcsuchen.deSince 1997, more than half a million mainlanders have been allowed to move here, and 13.6 million visit each year — almost double the resident population. Meanwhile, the number of people who live on one side of the border and work on the other has soared — to 500,000 from about 50,000 in the early 1990s.
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: {* B! u# Y  g+ Q! _人在德国 社区In their journey into one of the world’s most open and affluent economies, the mainlanders bring their own distinctive dialects, ways and aspirations. They have reshaped just about every aspect of life here — from the conduct of business and social life, to commuting, marriage and education.
+ s' q! p4 o/ j) t; s6 ]人在德国 社区
  L1 Y! n/ Z8 RMigration from the mainland is hardly new. But for decades, it was defined by revolution and political turmoil on one side of the “bamboo curtain,” while a British colony prospered on the other. Most of the old migrants were refugees, fleeing poverty, famine, Communism and persecution across a fortified international border. Many swam here. . `7 b$ z2 k7 d$ z# x; S. l' A% H

, r* M, w* G( M0 gcsuchen.dePost-1997 migrants, by contrast, are more likely to be legal workers, professionals and university students.
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Hong Kongers now shop across the old border in Shenzhen as casually as American families drive to a mall in another town. Cross-border marriages are on the rise. Hong Kong’s incessant street chatter has become trilingual: Cantonese, English and the mainland’s lingua franca, Mandarin.
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! v0 C% h# C/ h& K3 ]1 F( d$ pcsuchen.deEven Hong Kong’s famed action movies have changed: if four gangsters plot a killing, two speak Cantonese and two argue back in Mandarin.) T: `( r7 \( a2 e* h8 ^
And then there are the commuters.* Z4 j8 A. T5 q! \* d
2 I$ T: x( S9 E" _; T3 M9 p7 L$ M
“There are about half a million people crossing that border regularly, and they are not tourists,” said Michael DeGolyer of Hong Kong Baptist University, who has traced social and political changes since 1989 through the Hong Kong Transition Project.
  Y! ]5 x1 p0 m& B; y, {人在德国 社区
- S( D3 L, z' G3 ~& [1 LOne regular crosser is Chan Tit-keung, a Hong Kong taxi driver who now lives near Shenzhen.
/ A( Z( X8 t: J2 l  _“I live in a big, 1,000-square-foot flat by myself, and you can get a nice place for 2,000 yuan” a month, or about $250, he said. “You can’t afford a place like that in Hong Kong. I live outside the city, so the air is cleaner. And on my days off, I can go for long walks.”
7 `7 m) s  A. ?9 s! G+ P" @0 |* O% v' ~/ D! g
But he is less happy to see mainlanders moving into Hong Kong in search of higher wages — helping to lower them. Hong Kong has no legal minimum wage.
1 G# S4 c3 z: d! m. d/ A
, O1 U- s3 O- L6 C; Q6 d; [9 g- ]“Before, it was easier for older guys like us to find casual work in Hong Kong, and now it’s harder,” he said. “It’s because the mainland workers have come down” in the wages they accept for their work. Mr. Chan identifies himself as Hong Kong Chinese, to set himself apart from his mainland neighbors./ L: k! \, y( I& W+ P/ f
2 L: S2 q; k( S; L8 r
“People there squat on the ground and smoke everywhere and fight in the bars, which is why I don’t really go out when I’m on the mainland,” he said. “And when I have to see a doctor, I come back down over the border with my Hong Kong ID card.”csuchen.de2 ^, f& w" s- j0 X+ a1 P) i) T* e% }

$ K, B6 l* |0 W; w9 aAfter the shock of the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown, Hong Kongers emigrated in large numbers to Western countries. As China’s political situation has stabilized and its economy surged, émigrés have been returning.
  [/ L' Y6 e6 H8 r  o/ ^, Y/ \
1 m; f* U/ }5 X' LLau Tak-man, who runs a bookstore in the bustling Tsim Sha Tsui district, moved to New Zealand with her children in the early 1990s. But she eventually returned, saying things were “more relaxed.”
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" Z5 Q' g; E8 W. Q2 U“The spirit here is better,” she said, as customers streamed in and out of her shop late one evening.
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% G' V0 R' p5 v: ]人在德国 社区If local anxiety once centered on the Chinese government, now it is on how the city will accommodate the new arrivals. The “biliterate, trilingual” policy in schools, once feared, now seems to have been accepted as an asset, but the local news media blame the mainlanders for crime, disease, undercutting the job market. They highlight stories of the large numbers of pregnant mainlanders crossing the border to give birth here and so guarantee their children rights to permanent residence.
8 B/ ]& u* E) f' [% m0 t
1 n8 n) Q, G4 I: Z, c“There is definitely discrimination,” said Sze Lai-shan, a mainland-born social worker who runs the New Immigrants Project for the Society for Community Organization, a nonprofit group in Hong Kong. “They go to a job interview and the employer hears the mainland accent on their Cantonese. Even if the job doesn’t require much talking or use of Cantonese, they won’t be hired. And if they are hired, they will be paid less.”
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A study that Ms. Sze’s group released in 2003 showed that mainland women tended to be employed as cleaners, garbage collectors and kitchen workers, with little legal protection for their rights. Nearly half were working seven days a week.