[社会新闻] 乔治亚流行水蛭疗法

$ P9 Y/ j9 K7 S, B人在德国 社区, S- e& W5 N# j4 S$ p2 `( d
  乔治亚很多诊所都提供水蛭疗法,病人得先跟诊所买一只水蛭,更年期妇女先把水蛭放在脖子上,经过一、二十分钟,水蛭吸完血,身体膨胀4倍,就可以取下,接着医师再把另外2只水蛭放在这名妇女上下牙龈上,等吸完血再取出,医师在患者伤口上贴上绷带,就算完成治疗。接受过治疗的妇女说,她们在更年期会出现的潮红和盗汗都有明显改善。csuchen.de) i3 R+ y- t8 W) M3 x* W1 g+ q& ]
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  另外,有一些高血压或是经常性头痛病人,也会用水蛭疗法降低血压,或是治疗头痛。一名医师说,不但乔治亚人用水蛭治病,乌克兰、波兰、甚至德国,也有不少人接受这种疗法。: p( P5 O9 L* x, [, P3 }/ o; e8 X

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8 d" d8 S, p+ B" ~7 oWomen turn to leeches in Tbilisi     22 June 2011
, Y0 Q, q% [# J* \7 X( `* A/ V
, k% H/ {7 H; {人在德国 社区Leeches have been used in medicine for thousands of years. By attaching themselves to the body, and sucking blood from a patient, they were thought to bring health benefits.* q3 v  m7 f3 N8 L: _
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The idea being that disease could be banished by releasing the infected blood.csuchen.de' ]) L' _8 q+ I2 Z; R8 k( X9 M: }; J
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That idea fell out of fashion during the 20th century, with the discovery of modern drugs. But today, as interest in traditional medicine grows, they are making a comeback - particularly in the former Soviet State of Georgia.. f" r: t: B" M$ \7 Y

6 {* }3 t* }' \( g2 J5 `; G9 sDamien McGuinness in the capital Tbilisi has been finding out why.
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