[中国新闻] “故宫里的星巴克”引发网民怒火

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8 T$ o; J) ?/ P/ o: U. q  rcsuchen.de有超过50万的网民蜂拥而上,很多人赞同主持人芮成钢的意见。他是于1月12日在博客上贴出了一篇题为《请星巴克从故宫出去》的文章。 芮成钢的文章说,“故宫里的星巴克”在占地178英亩(71公顷)的皇宫宝殿、花园和凉亭间,显得“有碍观瞻”,星巴克在那里,“这不是全球化,而是对中国传统文化的糟蹋。”他写道,他是中央电视台第9频道这个国家电视英文频道的一个主播。
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% O' G0 R# l" t# _3 j3 Ycsuchen.de芮成钢并以个人名义向星巴克总裁发出抗议书,要求星巴克从故宫里搬出去。芮成钢介绍,几年前他陪同美国的几位友人到故宫参观,当看到故宫内的星巴克时,外国友人哑然失笑,“我当时也觉得挺尴尬的,星巴克怎么开到了这样神圣的地方”。
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4 l+ K- e. q+ T芮成钢还说,去年在耶鲁
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9 {* g- D1 p. ^- I* s现在,中国的文物管理部门正考虑关闭该咖啡店。csuchen.de/ q, ~$ {& M- M- ]" a; \  c" D

6 B2 ^* s) ^- o+ U' I1 F9 ]- J6 R故宫在1911年帝制被推翻前曾是24位皇帝的住所,有的网民上贴说,北京故宫,明清两代24位皇帝居住办公所用的皇宫,除眷属、太监、宫女、侍卫和被特招觐见的相关人员外,任何人不得擅自入内。所以,故宫既喻为紫宫(中国古代天文学说,根据对太空天体的长期观察,认为紫微星垣居于中天,位置永恒不变,是天帝所居。因而,把天帝所居的天宫谓之紫宫,有“紫微正中”之说。),又是禁地,故旧称紫禁城。天安门是紫禁城的正门,也是中华人民共和国举行开国大典的主会场,是国徽图案的重要组成部分,它与紫禁城一起成为中华文化的珍品。
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在互联网上,大部分的帖子是赞成芮成钢的观点,认为让星巴克在这个15世纪的建筑群中是不妥当的,因为故宫是中国文明的象征,有人说这是中国人的“耻辱”,还有人抨击故宫管理局是“金钱的奴隶”。人在德国 社区$ X8 q' l* r9 R8 c1 ?

; M$ S2 N1 h8 g" ^) w4 {% B1 }最初,故宫管理局辩称,星巴克没有对故宫造成什么破坏,也与它的周围环境很协调,并说“我们允许它进来是因为我们可以提供更多的国际性的服务”。(
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8 @5 ~* I* O& F' m' y故宫去年接待了900万游客,其中包括了160万外国游客。不过,到了17日,故宫管理局的调子显然变了,准备对民众的反应作出让步。故宫博物馆的发言人冯乃恩首次就“星巴克”问题发表看法。他表示:“目前,故宫正在与星巴克进行交涉,商讨如何更为恰当地解决问题,力争尽快研究出处置方法。预计最迟在今年上半年就有结果。”还说,星巴克是不是保留,取决于未来整个规划,这个规划将在今年上半年内公布。
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“星巴克的租金和其他经营网点一样,都被列入故宫的经营性收入。”冯乃恩说:“当经营工作与保护工作产生冲突时,故宫肯定会毫不迟疑地舍弃经济利益,不会违背保护的原则。”(7 l" x$ {7 D3 W% E

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4 W9 `% ], i" m% xcsuchen.de星巴克在故宫里的这家分店是在2000年开张的,一向极为低调,占地才20平方英尺,处在一家礼品店的一角,很不起眼,处在故宫游程的一半。实际上,在故宫里面还散布有许多中国的咖啡店和小吃店,目前大约有三分之一已经被命令从一个重新整顿的地段搬出。csuchen.de8 ^, ]9 S' Z1 J8 _. ^
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故宫的星巴克咖啡店事件已经成为媒体关注的一个焦点,反应如此强烈,已经使得博物馆管理局考虑在两三个月以后取消与星巴克的租约。不过星巴克目前并没有搬走的打算,星巴克主管大中国区的副总裁伊顿·沃恩(Eden Woon)说:“星巴克赞赏故宫的深远历史和文化,我们一直以恭敬的态度,在与周边环境协调下,进行经营。6年多来,我们为成千上万的中国和外国的游人提供了一个受欢迎的休息去处。”

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星巴克总裁兼CEO,咖啡大师吉姆当诺(Jim Donald)给芮成钢回信,不提星巴克搬出故宫一事。

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芮成钢的文章说,“故宫里的星巴克”在占地178英亩(71公顷)的皇宫宝殿、花园和凉亭间,显得“有碍观瞻 ...


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同时,芮先生公布说,几天后接到了星巴克总裁兼CEO吉姆·当诺的回信,回信的主要内容是:1,6年前,星巴克是被中方邀请进故宫开设分店的;2,星巴克是抱着尊重中国文化传统的心态开设这一家分店的;3,星巴克已经尽了努力让这家店和周边人文环境相适应。信中只字未有搬出去的意思。0 [# D( P2 k' S2 q6 t
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Bloggers threaten to forbid Starbucks a place in ancient cityHalf a million protest at plans Museum agrees to a rethinkA Starbucks that occupies a tiny corner of the Forbidden City faces closure after an online backlash against a foreign franchise in the former home of the emperors of China. Half a million Chinese internet users have rushed to agree with Rui Chenggang, who sparked the controversy with his blog Why Starbucks needs to get out of the Forbidden City, posted on January 12.
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Mr Rui wrote that a Starbucks was obscenely out of place amid the 178-acre (71-hectare) complex of throne rooms, pavilions and gardens that was home to 24 emperors before the end of imperial rule in 1911.
$ O0 d) ?& A& k  }4 |人在德国 社区“This is not globalisation but an erosion of Chinese culture,” said Mr Rui, who is an anchorman on CCTV9, an Englishlanguage state television channel. Now the cultural mandarins of China are considering closing the coffee shop. Most comments agreed with Mr Rui’s view that a foreign café was inappropriate inside a 15th-century building that is a symbol of Chinese civilisation. Some attacked its presence as a disgrace, while others criticised the Palace Museum, which administers the Forbidden City, as a “slave of money”. At first the museum defended the coffee shop, saying that it had done no damage and blended in well with its surroundings. “We allowed it because we wanted to have a more international service available,” it said. There were nearly nine million visitors to the sprawling palace last year, including 1.6 million foreigners. Yesterday, however, the Palace Museum appeared ready to bow to online opinion. Feng Nai’en, a museum spokesman, said: “The museum is working with Starbucks to find a solution by June in response to the protests. Whether or not Starbucks remains depends on the entire design plan that will be released in the first half of the year.” The Forbidden City branch is low-key, occupying barely 20sq m. It is in a small corner of a giftshop that visitors come upon only if they seek it out, about halfway through their tour of imperial pavilions. Many Chinese coffee shops and snack bars are also scattered around the Forbidden City and about a third have already been ordered to move out in a reorganisation of services. Mr Rui told The Times that he was astonished at the response to his blog and at the power of the internet. “I’m not attacking Starbucks. It’s not that. Personally, I welcome Starbucks to China and hope they will be successful but I just think it’s not proper to open a Starbucks in the Forbidden City. There should be a limit to protect our cultural traditions.” The outlet opened in 2000 amid a media furore so severe that the museum authorities considered revoking its lease after two months. Eden Woon, Starbucks vice-president for Greater China, said that the company has no plan to leave the site. 人在德国 社区3 q, s1 U8 a2 a
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The Times  January 19, 2007
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% H7 B/ _+ S8 s5 w9 f[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-1-19 11:29 编辑 ]