[德国新闻] 车诺比核灾25年 德国仍能检测到辐射

(据中广新闻报导)日本(福岛核电厂)辐射外泄,没有人知道辐射污染会持续多久,但美联社说,车诺比核灾已经发生25年,德国动植物上还能检测出辐射污染,由此可以推测,日本辐射污染会持续很久。; S0 ?  O$ v1 U# y3 D0 c& Q* f

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# m% O, c7 q- ?2 @2 B报导说,在德国南部,猎人每年猎杀5万头野猪,检测发现,百分之二野猪身上的(铯137)辐射值超过安全标准。当地一些蘑菇的辐射值,比安全标准高出20倍。
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In this Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2010 file photo forester Andreas Thiermeyer takes a sample of wild boar meat in Eglharting near Munich, southern Germany. While at the moment many Germans are worried about Sushi imported from Japan, some of the country's wild game and mushrooms pose a far greater radiation risk, showing the long-lasting effects of a nuclear catastrophe a quarter century after the Soviet Union's Chernobyl reactor spewed radiation across Europe.
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9 j) h% }9 B( h, M  L1 P+ D人在德国 社区In this May 2, 1986 file photo a car is checked on radioactive contamination at the East German border shortly after the Chernobyl disaster. Now in 2011 many Germans are worried about Sushi from Japan. But the real radiation risk may be some of the country's wild game and mushrooms, showing the long-lasting effects of a nuclear catastrophe a quarter century after the Soviet Union's Chernobyl reactor spewed radiation across Europe.