
PS:非洲杯的图片都有了  是不是考虑把标题里的2007年度几个字去掉啊



这个人是荷兰人, 外号 "iceman", "冰人", 在冰下游57米:


荷兰 还冰人    博各坎铺吗


Wim Hof

Wim Hof在美国纽约曼哈坦大街上的冰块堆中站立72分钟

Wim Hof is a Dutch man, commonly nicknamed Iceman. He holds nine world records including a world record for longest ice bath.[1] In 2007, he attempted, but failed, to climb Mount Everest wearing nothing but shorts.[2][3] He plans another attempt in 2008. Hof has been criticized for his stated justifications for this attempt, "Edmund Hillary's ascent of Mount Everest was a testament to human achievement, my climb of Mount Everest in my shorts will be a monument to the frivolous, decadent nature of modern society."[4]
Wim Hof broke his previous world record by staying for 1 hour and 12 minutes immersed in ice outside of the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City on Saturday January 26, 2008. The night before, he performed the act on the Today Show. Dr. Kenneth Kamler monitored the event to explain the effects of using the Tantric practice Tummo to control your body temperature. Tummo has been practiced by Yogi Monks in Tibet. Apparently Wim is the only known non-monk to have mastered Tummo.

[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2008-1-28 17:59 编辑 ]



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