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这些核磁共振的影像,显示女性在性高潮时,血液流向大脑的区域。人在德国 社区% ]2 ~% p+ l) v5 h7 J0 Y
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Orgasm: It is hoped the new research will lead to a cure for women who can not orgasm : ]- `$ D; t8 _5 b7 ocsuchen.de; M+ }3 I w- q( L
csuchen.de. C2 w* C/ ~4 k6 b+ `. D
: z& ]: E% y" R& _% e/ tSecrets of the female orgasm revealed: Scientists discover new hope for women who can't climax % K7 A+ |: n+ N" L4 W% t% jcsuchen.de 4 ?& C9 P5 q3 N' h9 x7 D: i: e* UScientists have discovered the female orgasm leads to an altered state of conciousness that could help the minority of women who can not climax. 5 X3 ^4 v) X2 H6 s 6 u; z, e) j' W' v: t$ MResearchers at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands unwittingly stumbled across the results after they examined the brain scans of women taken while they orgasmed./ F) k2 G1 v5 @ w9 O5 h
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The team noticed that an area of the brain, known as the orbitofrontal cortex or OFC, switched off when the women climaxed.