[社会新闻] "吸血鬼"求欢遭辣妹拒绝

中新网4月21日电 据英国《每日邮报》报道,近日,为了让英国男青年更注意自己的牙齿健康,北安普敦郡和汉普郡的牙医们制作了一个“吸血鬼”题材的性感公益广告。
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1 t( p$ u- x/ N人在德国 社区- j" G, H/ d8 T: Y
  在广告片中,一名年轻女性被一个“吸血鬼”脱光了衣服,但该女子对吸血鬼的一口烂牙十分反感,责令他去刷牙,还告诉他要好好保护自己的牙齿。1 u" s/ Z% g" u1 C9 |; Y3 f8 t" W$ H( y
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9 E/ X3 o1 |7 p; `& M人在德国 社区据研究显示,英国16-35岁的男性并不经常去牙科医院检查牙齿,这引起了健康部门的担忧。而随着电影《暮光之城》热播,“吸血鬼”在英国的年轻人中很受追捧,牙医们才想到制作这样的一个广告片来劝导年轻人多检查牙齿。
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$ P0 r9 J* w& f! N3 A  朴次茅斯市国民保健服务计划助理署长布莱恩特(Simon Bryant)说:“相比女性而言,男性比较不重视健康,但他们习惯在女人面前表现得好一些,所以广告片才决定由一男一女来出演。”
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"吸血鬼"求欢遭辣妹拒绝8 a; U! v) k3 T- e# |0 V& L
Raunchy advert: A vampire seduces a young woman but releases a green fog of bad breathcsuchen.de8 i" e! M: Y# P0 O7 ?

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Fangs for the advice: NHS launches sexy Twilight-style vampire video to encourage young men to visit their dentist
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+ }" ^3 g' ]0 z4 Vcsuchen.deMen who are reluctant to go to the dentist may change their mind after watching a raunchy advert by the NHS.人在德国 社区8 o( \. L- g4 U; g7 l) O: G
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The video shows a young woman stripping to her underwear and being seduced by a vampire before knocking him back after smelling his bad breath.; _/ e1 h$ I, x0 N0 P/ ~$ `9 n8 @

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) M3 j' y, }, I! W! BInappropriate? One of the scenes from the video promoting dental health
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5 P0 }9 D6 E7 l5 v! hThe woman switches on the light before berating the vampire for not visiting the dentist# l5 H# X: t1 m5 l7 k- Y9 e

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No nonsense: The woman delivers a sermon on dental hygiene! i9 r3 O6 D$ Z  T  T# c3 m+ a
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Conclusion: The vampire decides to start brushing his teeth - difficult when he has no reflection
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