[国际新闻] 法学院女学生拍过情色影带 不能当律师?

纽约布鲁克林法学院三年级女生安德莉娜.多明圭兹一时兴起,为花花公子电视拍了情色影带,没想到通过电子信函传遍纽约各法学院,可能使她无法一圆律师梦。( X2 k% u3 T, q  k$ E, i

% n9 W) p% v& r8 X% i' z* A芳龄廿四的安德莉娜是加州人,有一头飘逸的金发,去年七月临时起意想找乐子,恰好分类广告贴出花花公子电视节目征求妇女演出的广告,于是去应征。
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4 C, \, c  v& d$ R5 U% ~* W她演出的那集播出时几乎无人注意,但剪辑自其中的一段四五秒影带片段,过去三周却几乎传遍纽约每一所法学院,使她在学生和许多教职员间名气大增。
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她拍影带时,似乎根本没想过这件事可能毁掉她的前程。她当时说:「我想在毕业当律师前做件有点疯狂的事,做点逸出我个性的事。当律师可能会很无聊。」% J$ w$ Q8 ^' B; I

9 ?9 d0 V  K% @# @4 W9 x1 E+ I8 Ccsuchen.de布鲁克林法学院高层已和她谈过话,每日新闻看到她退出会谈出来时似乎面有忧色。
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4 e8 i+ O9 r8 j! M5 i安德莉娜今年如向纽约州律师协会申请入会,一名审核委员说,情色影带事件可能会有影响,最坏的情况可能是她无法入会。

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Adriana Dominguez1.jpg

Law student appears in Playboy video

A New York law student's plans to become a lawyer may be foiled by a raunchy video she appeared in for a Playboy TV series.) J9 }, i6 x0 }0 r, W. P' x

7 v+ X& u2 [% F2 X' N: f. P6 K5 y, AAdriana Dominguez, a third-year Brooklyn Law School student, removes her clothes, gets spanked and holds gavels up to her bare breasts in the clip from Playboy TV's "Naked Happy Girls," the New York Daily News reported Tuesday. The episode aired with little fanfare in January but in recent weeks it has circulated like wildfire through New York law schools.
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"I did not expect it to become so widespread," Dominguez told the Daily News. "When we shot, she knew what might happen down the road if these pictures might get shown to people in her field," said photographer Andrew Einhorn, who filmed Dominguez ' s scene for the program. "But she had this self-confidence to not let that bother her. I don't think that she felt that this would be negative in any way to her career." However, the video may land Dominguez in hot water with the New York State Bar's Committee on Character and Fitness.
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. T7 L: k: O& A- o; I"It may have an effect. It's a possibility in the worst-case scenario that the person does not get admitted," a committee representative said to the newspaper.

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