[国际新闻] 英国一猫咪自己搭公交车 上下车站固定

英国有一只猫咪每个月都会自己去搭公交车,而且都在同一站上车,在同一个地方下车,让当地民众感到十分惊奇。 % l& n7 C' C  @

* A& ]" G# H! ^# X  据英国《每日邮报》10日报道,这只白色猫咪会搭乘英国331路公交车,而且都只搭乘一站就下车。这一有趣的现象最早是由该路公交车司机最早发现的。司机已经为它取了“Macavity”的名字,取自艾略特的诗歌,意为神秘之意。csuchen.de: w9 L8 S* k# C% \* L
人在德国 社区: _! ~6 Z9 l% r
  日子久了不少乘客都发现,这只小猫是自己来搭车,还只挑选公交车前端的座位坐下,几乎一动不动。331路公交车往来英格兰瓦索尔和伍尔弗汉普顿,司机说,今年1月第一次发现这只猫咪搭车,之后一个月会搭两到三次,这只猫都在丘吉尔路(Churchill Road)那站上车,在下一站下车,那里有许多食品店,包括炸鱼店和薯条店。8 ]( j* O0 a, }
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Escaped Lab Cat Has Memorized British Bus Routes
  C6 H2 o* T/ q1 D  z( q人在德国 社区
) O9 D: @4 D* j% R" g8 HThe interwebs are buzzing about a British cat who hops on the bus every day at the same street, then jumps off at the next stop. Clearly, it's an escaped lab cat whose souped-up brain is ideal for solving the mysteries of public transportation. British tabloid The Daily Mail did a full investigation:7 @$ x7 f  ]" ?, a

( l+ A2 Y7 `# b  s8 N3 Ncsuchen.deThe feline, which has a purple collar, gets onto the busy Walsall to Wolverhampton bus at the same stop most mornings - he then jumps off at the next stop 400m down the road, near a fish and chip shop.# l% P1 _6 [9 [

4 F$ r- u! F& j. `  {2 U3 c人在德国 社区What the The Daily Mail fails to mention is that the University of Wolverhampton has a community health program where cats are being trained as public health monitors. The "bus cat" is probably an escapee from the program, desperately trying to get back to his home but getting waylaid by his desire for fish and chips. Won't somebody please think of the community health cats of Wolverhampton?

Macavity.jpg (50.31 KB)
