[国际新闻] 世上「最昂贵」的单一车祸: 顶级跑车撞毁 八十三万英镑泡汤

" D4 F3 B( _: o; y' L人在德国 社区: v" w& R* T$ C( Y& z- ?4 A
    一辆布佳迪「威龙」(Bugatti Veyron)型跑车前天在大雨倾盆下,因驾驶车速过快,而追撞另部车,最后导致车头全毁;因这款车牌价八十三万英镑,故堪称世上「最昂贵」的单一车祸。
1 U* E' p6 S7 f' g2 o8 Y0 I8 h人在德国 社区) u% j5 p9 ~! Q" p* E- |) R8 v
    这起交通事故发生于英格兰索立郡「兰弗利公路」,该路段限速六十四公里,但威龙跑车的驾驶人显然车速在一百六十公里左右,当时天下大雨。目击者表示,跑车先打转三圈,再追撞上一部「阿斯特拉」(Astra)厢型车,最后撞树后才停下来。4 h/ C: e  B8 x0 f

4 I. a5 L+ D$ }4 P人在德国 社区    警方表示,跑车驾驶是四十多岁的男性商人,同车还有另名男子;被追撞的厢型车内有位男子,另有一名怀孕七个月妇女,而妇女送医后已经出院。整起车祸无人伤亡。csuchen.de3 f9 X3 k3 \; g% J

" T& o! v6 M) J5 M! y0 b/ h    这起车祸撞击时声音很大;威龙跑车的碎片散落满路面,车头损毁,左右前轮都歪扭开来,偏往相反方向。据报导,驾驶是以每天两万英镑向车主租来开的。

) A( g$ Q# N+ Vcsuchen.de2 s" P8 w' U9 x9 q. {, j/ d
March 06, 2007
) r; G5 [) n) ZProbably the world's most expensive mistake# s# F# t$ g- y4 U8 T  u$ s: d
Jeremy Clarkson called the car ‘utterly, stunningly, jaw droppingly brilliant’. A Bugatti Veyron, one of the rarest and most powerful cars in the world, is involved in a 100mph crash in its first week on the road.
; }- T2 U' C0 U( s+ L2 }+ e人在德国 社区" I# }% u5 \; n0 o; Z; s/ V
An as yet unnamed driver crashed a rented Bugatti Veyron on Sunday in what is being described as "the world's costliest road accident".; Y2 h, m6 F6 _9 l( t( ^: e7 x
人在德国 社区$ b+ F% q/ Z+ N! z( A
The £830,000 supercar, which Times columnist Jeremy Clarkson memorably described last year as being “as fast as a Hawker Hurricane” was travelling in the wet at speeds in the region of 100mph along a 40mph stretch of the B375 near Chertsey, Surrey when the driver lost control and collided with a Vauxhall Astra before ploughing into a 3ft bank.2 E8 a2 k' i2 e  }0 H( G

+ ~2 c6 }1 L# L& s- ~& iThe passenger of the Vauxhall was a pregnant woman who has since been released from hospital after tests.
4 E7 ^4 o7 Q9 d, N& icsuchen.de9 j! w7 ~/ w  V0 G( d
The full extent of the damage to the Bugatti is still being assessed by specialist engineers, but witnesses describe ‘substantial’ portions of the bodywork as having been torn away by the impact. 2 {# m, Y) W6 K- V& q) t
csuchen.de+ P7 g* b9 M! r( w; y
The Veyron, the world's most expensive and fastest street-legal car, is one of a planned limited run of 300 examples, of which fewer than 100 have been so far built.5 k2 O! L! ^6 [* o+ \1 j2 w
csuchen.de  q2 p- Z2 B* V! K, ?* ~% h
Early prototypes were rumoured to be unstable at high speeds and indeed a Bugatti test driver came close to crashing in the first public showing of the car at the Laguna Seca circuit in August 2003.: t; N3 C7 w0 [5 _6 j: L5 L0 W) i

5 N/ U& |& l# X+ w& H7 N9 yThe owner of the vehicle, Kumar Soni, had paid a substantial premium for early delivery only a week before, with a view to renting the car as a £20,000 'driving experience'.
$ O* r* P9 x! c+ E$ @) ^: h$ m人在德国 社区
# P6 ~8 ?3 P7 T% K6 [- c% n$ OThe driver at the centre of Sunday’s incident, initially reported as a rental customer but now believed to be the younger brother of the owner, may find that the experience could yet prove even more costly.

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Bugatti Veyron crash8.jpg

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顶级跑车撞毁 八十三万英镑泡汤' G; Z/ ~$ p, s, T: @2 d
' l! Q2 ~0 a4 \, ^1 K3 W- F- c5 u

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