[社会新闻] 偷情风险大

(中央社台北23日电)纵慾寻欢或搞一夜情原本就有危险,如今想偷吃的人又多了个担心的原因,就是心脏病发作的风险可能比较大。人在德国 社区! D' c: w0 A! T9 g% v! l3 a
7 `0 \4 z3 S( C+ F3 M, B; u
  英国「每日邮报」(Daily Mail)报导,研究人员发现,偶发性行为比规律性行为容易导致心脏病发作。csuchen.de3 ^6 b) r; H5 @5 b% q
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  报导指出,对不常做爱的人而言,因此心脏病发作的短期风险恐怕增加近乎3倍。较常有性行为的人则可减低引发心脏病的危险,这代表幸福的夫妻可能比较占优势。& L9 q3 T# ]4 L. v% ^

5 p. ^  H* U4 _1 n( n; T: i8 W人在德国 社区  研究人员审查14篇关于心脏病发的研究后发现,若从事任何形式的「偶发」体能活动,也就是个人很少做的事情时,心脏会处于受压力的状态。人在德国 社区& }$ K6 ?* }! F/ a  R5 _( A

5 A* D; Y' r. A  ^人在德国 社区  报导說,一般而言,从事这种活动时引发心脏病的风险,为一般活动的3.5倍。而在进行「偶发的」性行为,像是外遇偷吃或搞一夜情后,风险则达2.7倍。
7 i( y, D! b; t5 O4 \& d
6 T$ a' Y2 x  M9 H  「美国医学会期刊」(Journal of the AmericanMedical Association)刊出的评论报告說,不论是在性行为或体能活动方面越活跃的人,心脏病发的风险就越低。
& V$ d$ g1 N8 Z5 M# x6 K人在德国 社区
$ k' s/ t; X; \' K% l% L  美国塔弗兹大学医学中心(Tufts Medical Center)及哈佛大学公共卫生学院(Harvard School ofPublic Health)的研究人员强调,实际因性爱引起心脏病发的人数并不多。
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职场偷情人在德国 社区5 R  x6 i: l" X6 t: ?" w
人在德国 社区/ S5 X& A( [: e6 |9 p% r4 G
人在德国 社区, j9 U1 z0 q8 E- ?, X- P
Adulterers beware... it could raise your risk of heart attack  23rd March 20114 t3 g+ Z: X4 U- b2 C+ _
csuchen.de/ h5 m6 s. X- A0 v/ O) }  O
Having a fling or one-night stand is already a risky business. But now there is another reason for adulterers to worry.
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2 M, ?! ~/ f+ J4 |  ]9 c7 s, Kcsuchen.deThey are probably more at risk of having a heart attack.4 K- O, X2 Q; T0 z, N

  ?, Q# m3 ~# z, U% Z1 C& cOccasional sexual activity is much more likely to cause a heart attack than regular sex, researchers have found.
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, N. n$ g* i, ocsuchen.deThe short-term risk of having a heart attack increases almost three-fold among those who rarely make love.+ `/ J4 B0 \+ q4 H, b

/ X1 d" ]+ o5 x2 N  [0 b, tThose who have sex more often reduce the risk of it causing a heart attack – which means happily married couples could have the advantage.
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A review of 14 studies of heart attacks found the heart is under strain during any form of ‘episodic’ physical activity –  something an individual only does rarely.( W; X. d9 Z! U' N- t* n. M- C

# g' I" `8 Y1 B; F4 W7 T* r5 m8 tOverall, there is a 3.5 times higher risk of such activity triggering a heart attack.
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5 B4 D% u3 Z) v; _/ ~: tThe risk after ‘episodic’ sexual activity – the kind associated with affairs and one-night stands – is 2.7 times higher.% ~! K! @3 j1 Z

* ^" f. z  ?1 T! S( j, Y8 g人在德国 社区But the more active an individual is, either sexually or physically, the lower the risk falls, said the review in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
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The relative risk of heart attack caused by a burst of activity falls by around 45 per cent for each additional time a person  indulges in it a week. The risk of sudden cardiac death also falls by 30 per cent.
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  g$ z" }7 A' [8 _7 _csuchen.deThe researchers, from the Tufts Medical Centre and Harvard School of Public Health, stress that the number of heart attacks actually caused by sex will be low.
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Like any physical activity, sex can increase the heart rate and blood pressure, which means the heart has to work harder. As a result, sex carries the same risk of triggering heart trouble as equally energetic forms of physical activity.
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The higher risk during activity is then offset by a lower ‘everyday’ background risk for people who are fitter because they are more active.
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Amy Thompson, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: ‘It’s important to distinguish between what causes a heart attack, and what potentially triggers it.
4 V6 J& q. D; v4 Q3 j$ tcsuchen.de
9 V, O; r1 m6 z# \6 N'The study shows sex can act as a trigger, but this doesn’t change our viewpoint on the health benefits of physical activity." l9 U( X6 o6 C  d* k; b/ ^
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‘To help keep your heart healthy you should aim to do 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, such as a brisk walk or gardening, at least five times a week.
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'Sex places no more stress on the heart than climbing a couple of flights of stairs, so people with or without heart disease need not avoid it.’
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