[其他] 斯图加特附近Contract Management Assistant招聘

职位:Contract management Assistant

工作地点:Offenburg, Germany

• Assist in daily contract management process
• Manage the order fulfill
• Resolve the resource shortage
• Actively pursue continued professional growth and training
• Other duties as assigned
•  Able to work individually within the office and warehouse environment
•  In age from18 to 30
•  Graduate from University, the specialty is economy or other relative specialty
•  Well in English speaking and writing
•  Familiarization with Data processing skills
•  Familiarization with Microsoft Excel and Word
•  Excellent communication skills
•  Seriously and carefully in working
•  To be capable of work under pressure and high intensity

联系方式:如果您对此职位感兴趣,请将您的英文简历(含工资期望和最早可入职时间)至发至:zwcheng@huawei.com, tudo@huawei.com
邮寄地址:Heinrich Hertz Str.23 D-77656,Offenburg, Deutschland
收件人:George Cheng, Guohu, Chen