Horoscope 2012 Capricorn

horoscope 2012 capricornDecember 22 - January 20
Horoscope : GENERAL

Here of new lulls in prospect, this year. The course of your life finds a more serene mode, more in agreement with your interior operation. The Saturn impulses continue their alleviating effect on your moods… when Uranus gives you well to reflect on large changes to set up. Called in question, assessments, introspection are with the program of this year. You will dig the way of spirituality. The others will consider their true ambitions, in all the fields. There is much reflexion in prospect !

You will have a vision of your work clearer, vaster especially. The contacts that you had last year enabled you to understand which could be your role, with more precision. Your creativity swill wake up readily. So your courage and your heat with work even on not very obvious spots will not be to show… your superiors will appreciate your serious and your eagerness. If you wish to change professional directions, you will have this year many occasions to discover your hidden talents. This period is ideal to resume studies and to specialize you in what you really like. March allows you to face all the difficulties which before masked your objectives.

Your love affairs take a major importance for you, this year. And this is with the front of the scene of your life that the other comes to bring handing-over in basic problem to you, which once integrated, can bring more means to you of emotional happiness in the long run. Indeed, the impulses of Pluto in conjunction to your sign, associated with the Saturn square indicate that you will meet perfect circumstances as regards centering you on your ideals and especially those which you neglected with time. The importance of your emotional life changes in your own eyes, you will meet situations which more reveal the delicacy and the nuances of your capacity to like. The events tend to highlight your feelings, you more easily attract with you those which correspond to your true sensitivity beyond the masks than you can carry. Your intimate values is omnipresent, it is the moment to express your feelings, to devote you so that you like, to consolidate the existing bonds. Your instinctive impulses will be in agreement with the heart. That implies that you will be more armed to put at light your love life if you were in an ambiguous situation… Venus pays in your life of the elements of your past which you can this time consider and live differently, with your passing.

You maintain a course firm, this year, compared to your budget with the daily newspaper. Your projects with the more long run are supported by your natural weighting, which is still raises some, this year. You would be well inspired to hold you with the current of certain legal innovations related to these projects, their creation goes in finding simplified. Money circulates in a more fluid way, you will have facilities to recover this that one owes you, to find arrangements if you need to spread out certain invoices. All that is related to the trade is very favoured during the first three months of the year. The solar effects, associated with those of Venus in sextile to your sign indicate facilities to increase your incomes by your smartness. All that touches with craft industry and with the trade deserves your attention !

The highly dynamic planetary aspects of this year 2012 are likely to support excesses in all kinds, which can lead you to provisional abandonment of some of your projects. You could be exceeded by the intensity of your ambitions and your thirst for living, take care not to promise more than you will not be able to assume, with the others as with you even, your optimism pushes you to see too large in the short run. You must absolutely structure your actions with realism, while trying to control the considerations of order practises which conditions your projects. These are the capacities of realism which can make you avoid these tendencies. With you to propose them! Uranus exposes you in short but intense passion states. Do not deny the impulses which live you for your health.

Your legendary resistance to the risks of the everyday life is seen amplified, this year. You evolve without pressing yourself, but you proportion your efforts in the right direction, and when that is necessary. The management of your energy will be your strong point, this year. You will have facilities to distinguish what is important remainder and to tire you for nothing! The Saturn impulses propose a tendency at less better fixing calcium than d' ordinary. To supervise to avoid to too often go in the dentist! Avoid tiring your liver by especially; absorption of useless greases, that is likely to slow down your digestion and to slow down your energies. The last two months of the year will be calmer in terms; activity, which coincides with a more pressing need for mental relaxation.
Mary KayKathy´s shop


Horoscope 2012 Aquarius

horoscope 2012 aquariusJanuary 21 - February 19
Horoscope : GENERAL

The Sun, Uranus and Neptune in aspect with your sign come to soften your bonds a vaster comprehension, which will be facilitated in a reciprocal way. You collect the fruits of your efforts of last year, you will not have much occasion to isolate this year to you, but you will be able to transform your chances of new meetings thanks to your sociability, on fertile occasions for future, in all the fields. The life reduces of weights resulting from the past, and in spite of the fact that you will have for that to confront you with it, you can precisely exceed that to evolve peacefully to future. This combat is healthy, continue it.

You are at the beginning; a new cycle in the professional field, this year. Indeed, the effects Saturn in aspect to your sign allow you even more freedom action, without time constraints, particularly. You aim your ambitions with more clearness, and you will be able to set up considerable projections, this year. All that relates to administrative authorisations, conformity with the law, official recognition is facilitated to you. Avoid the plans which leave you legality, do not give faith to anything which words. Certain people will be tried to obtain your support for doubtful or utopian projects.

Passion will be your war-horse, this year. Indeed, you will test a growing need for seduction, you are in search of recognition and you will have in heart to cause dashes at the others. What will make snowball and involve your share, more spontaneousness, of naturalness, rushes of affections and basic emotional impulses. And like a happinessnever arrive alone, especially thanks to Mercury contribution, you will have the knack to completely expose the most difficult points with your partner, without negative consequences. Your diplomacy is on its best level, this is the moment to seek grounds of agreement with your partner, or to consider a conquest a priori difficult… External resistances will seem less compact to you than practice, and that gives you audacity to advance in the right direction. If you are unmarried in this moment, you will make outstanding knowledge. The leisures you carry out straight to it, as all that touches with arts, creations, etc… You do not camouflage in your cocoon if you wish to give each other the best chances of meeting! For those who are in couple, it is to be envisaged many discussions, and opportunities to improve the wheels of your relation by this skew.

Your good resolutions start to find grounds of applications positive, this year. In spite of inevitable daily worries, you will have satisfaction to see coming to you from the old projects very often, made finally possible. Do not reject them by spite, your waiting deserves well that you end! Some of your knowledge acquired a long ago start to fully find their direction in your eyes, from the situations which you will live this year; it will be good to meditate over, that will enable you to put in perspective, to centre you on you even on good bases.

Your metabolism will be seen reinforced more prudence, paradoxically with your needs; excess in other fields. Indeed, you will proportion your energy with accuracy, spending you only when that is really necessary. To brew wind is worth you nothing, and will know it to you by instinct, more highly than practice. The Jupiter impulses continue their effects in the direction of a stable and durable moral energy. Nevertheless, you will have more closely to supervise your dental and osseous health, which tends to being more vulnerable to certain deficiencies in oligo elements. Your digestive system as for him is less receptive with the spiced mets, and less vulnerable to the stress than practice. It would be positive to make soft gymnastics in order to soften your ligaments, made stretchings.
Mary KayKathy´s shop


Horoscope 2012 Pisces

horoscope 2012 piscesFebruary 20 - March 20
Horoscope : GENERAL

This is in a serene climate that existence will follow its course, this year, in a general way. The planetary tempo which planes on you will allow you to deepen your projects, to ensure a continuity in your steps, without being subjected to requirements of first order. The Saturn impulses, of the Sun combined with the square Jupiter half leave you freedom to act in the direction of deepening of your personal ideals. You will have instinct more major reflexions, you will see gradually existence under a new angle, at the same time fuller and more precisely. Time is with you, do not hesitate to take it quietly.

The efforts will not frighten you, this year. You will live this paradox which consists in testing a pressing need activity, while at the same time needing peace, pleasure. As much to say that you will have little spare time so really you do not release one of these priorities, especially if you do not take holidays! Certain unfinished tasks reconsider the front of the scene. Your superiors wait after you and will solicit more you until last year. The resultant will be that you will take these requests like challenges. Positively, that pushes you to exceed you. With you to make in kind manage your time well not to arrive in states of doubts about your capacities. Time will be the key of your success.

Stability returns in force in your sentimental sky. Whatever your current location, you spontaneously will soften your way to be and to act in continuity and deepening. Indeed, a pressing need to radiate will be with the source of your major motivations. And you know well that in fact transitory adventures can bring that to you, nor even the fact of confining you with discussions of surface if you are already in couple. The deepening of your own desires will be in the middle of the external circumstances which you will know, this year, particularly during the first three months of the year. The dashes of the heart become more whole, intense. Your emotional, material, sentimental generosity is in inflation, you will need to give pleasure and of increased recognition, frank and authentic expressions. Those who are single will tend to idealize more Love, concept of couple. So you are likely to have moments of sadness, lack, that it will be necessary to channel as well as possible not to fall into error to believe that this is not with your range! You will have facilities to make knowledge with people you correspond to the level of your ideals. The relations with two are placed under the sign d' a high passion intensity.

You can feel a certain spleen of the past, a diffuse feeling of nostalgia, compared to feelings that you did not find yet. You are likely to doubt the possibilities too hard expansion in the future, that being caused by the transit of Pluto, which comes to reinforce a tendency to introversion, which is precisely opposed to your interests, currently. Express you more on what are your ideals, towards your close relations will be very liberator and which more is, beneficial. Admit that this is the only means of rendering comprehensible to you…

Your form is at an extremely honourable level during first half of the year of the year. Your greediness is here causes some and you will have facilities to detach you from certain manias of nibbling. See more closely which are your true needs body and made the difference with those to which you give faith. It remains you to control your greediness, thus a tendency to neglect your cutaneous system, which is weakened in this period. Park with the sunstrokes, exemas, etc… The impulses of Mars will galvanize your energy during the last six-month period of the year.
Mary KayKathy´s shop