阿嬤不識字 My grandma is illiterate
但是伊識真多的代志 But she knows lots of things
伊講閃電是天的鎖匙 She says the thunderbolt is the key of the sky
鎖匙打開有雨水 When the key opens the sky, the rain falls
阿嬤不識字 My grandma is illiterate
但是有一張情批寫乎伊 But a love letter is for her
經過幾十年不曾拆開 Yet, for decades, it remained sealed
她講寫字不如相思 She says she'd miss him rather than write him
我愛的伊 欲來離開 He, whom I love, would depart
伊講孤單尚適合伊 Saying being solitary goes with him
無留半字 就斷了過去 Without a word, adieu to the past
不甘心付出 為伊哮歸暝 She regrets her efforts of love, crying for him, for the whole night
我愛的伊 欲來離開 He, whom I love, would depart
伊講孤單尚適合伊 Saying being solitary goes with him
山盟海誓 也失去意義 The vow and promise, then, mean nothing
情批攏無字 癡心變青眠 Love letter turns into empty words, passion into blindness
我甲阿嬤問 I asked my grandma
阿嬤的情批是寫啥咪 What's in my grandma's love letter?
伊講情人欲愛無勇氣 She says her lover dared not love with bravery