50 - 60欧每场,招聘足球播报员进入记者区

50 - 60欧每场,招聘足球播报员进入记者区

SportsGame24 提供各种体育项目现场数据和观测的服务. 我们现在招聘喜爱足球和篮球的朋友加入我们的团队来覆盖你所在地区的不同级别和项目的体育比赛.

这是一份相对灵活, 稳定和长期兼职工作. 无论你是正在学习的学生,全职或者自由工作者,只要你符合我们以上条件,我们都欢迎您的加入. 工资薪水是按照每场比赛来算, 月结. 时薪高于当地平均水平.
如果你觉的你符合我们的要求,我们很期待和您的合作. 申请工作的朋友请发一份个人介绍和一个你所在地区你可以覆盖的足篮比赛的队伍名称列表给我们.
Email: admin@sportsgame24.com
QQ: 175000

Dear friends,
SportsGame24 is a live match reporter recruitment agent. We are looking for fans and friends who are interested in this and happy to work as a reporter for your local Soccer and Basketball games. Reporters will be sending live match statistics and status of matches to us.
1. Successful candidate will have comprehensive knowledge of Soccer/Basketball games.
2. Successful candidate must have good self-management and time-management.
3. Successful candidate must be honest and punctual
4. Successful candidate must have you own Skype account and be able to access computer and email regularly
5. Successful candidate must have patience and time to finish our on-line training.
This is a freelancer type of job. We are paying good money on per game basis and are happy to offer this job to full-time professionals or students who want to work casually or part-time. The more you can cover, the more you will earn.
To apply, please send your resume together with all possible Soccer and Basketball games you can cover in your area to us. Please don’t hesitate to ask us any questions.
Email: admin@sportsgame24.com
Skype: SportsGame24-Admin
QQ: 12753276