对外招募人才 却来了一堆妓女

瑞士与欧洲联盟达成引进劳工的协议,原本是希望吸引更多欧盟的优秀专业人才,例如银行员、企业主管、学者等,不料却引来一批始料未及的专业人士:性任务者。: R$ h: r$ L& H( u! L* q' y! F

& \" [. w" ~6 f; z* r9 Bcsuchen.de警方估计,自2004年初瑞士开端开放边界、接纳欧盟15个成员国的劳工以来,在苏黎世卖淫的人数已增加三分之一,日内瓦的娼妓人数则增加80%。一些国会议员警告,瑞士去年取消对欧盟十个新成员国居民的任务限制后,到瑞士卖淫人数恐怕只会增加。3 c. `1 B5 V4 W

6 Q! l8 i) ]6 s; Z% ?csuchen.de瑞士官员声称,新法规有助于刺激经济成长,但反移民团体指责,卖淫人数升高,显示新协议吸引来的不是瑞士需要的高教育水准专业人才。反对开放劳工市场的瑞士人民党扬言,可能寻求在2009年将此协议付诸公民投票。+ s2 h. i! r3 Z9 k

4 J6 a" k; `" E; L! A# c, B, X卖淫在瑞士是合法的,瑞士联合银行(UBS)去年12月公布的研究报告并显示,瑞士居民的购买力世界第一。按瑞士法律,欧盟来的性任务者迁居瑞士的头三个月内,只要向警方登记并遵守税法,即可凭自雇劳工的身分提供服务,不需申请任务批文。& X2 e3 \/ j6 u7 r/ f1 V" _9 _
. G& |( z3 u/ ~7 r* P/ r: |
限制少,加上瑞士人有钱,已使苏黎世成为工业国中无处不飞花的春城。负责苏黎世红灯区Langstrasse优化方案的市府官员根据警方提供的数据估计,苏黎世每1,000人就大约可配得11名娼妓,与向来以买春业发达着称的阿姆斯特丹市差不多,都在工业国家中名行前茅。, x3 x) y% v& |* M

2 ]! r1 b4 W2 Z8 Q1 qcsuchen.de瑞士2000年决定对欧盟劳工开放市场,以换得欧盟降低贸易障碍。
  Y! g: C- d) g
& C$ H$ Z) ^# ]: I( d. D尽管这项协议导致莺莺燕燕趋之若鹜的副作用,但政府官员决定往光明面看。瑞士联邦移民暨经济发展局官员预期,新协议可望使该国国内生产毛额(GDP)成长率多添0.5%,其中一半的功劳可望是银行家等专业人才的贡献。

7 F, w, e' T* B" N! H
8 Q1 S) Z# e% c. R
( |' w+ `  t- c% @; g人在德国 社区 Swiss Law Aimed at Attracting Top EU Talent Lures Prostitutes
% \- D2 q! g5 f
+ u8 @1 Z, Q  d' y7 ~3 W% Z
* p8 w+ d- e2 D: r: b
! `/ k1 ~# k: V) M# |March 5 (Bloomberg) -- Switzerland entered a treaty with the European Union to import workers, seeking more bankers, managers and academics. What it got was an influx of prostitutes.
$ `6 g( j6 _. A人在德国 社区csuchen.de: q7 Q& C+ w- [9 V  t: z: t; H
The number of people offering sex for money has risen by a third in Zurich and 80 percent in Geneva since Switzerland opened its borders to workers from the 15 EU-member states at the start of 2004, police estimate. Some lawmakers predict prostitution will grow even more after the government last year removed work restrictions for residents from 10 newer EU countries as well.% m1 O" h0 P1 I( p2 g
) F8 n1 Q( K9 d2 M4 A' d/ P& _. D& G
``A lot of families are leaving the neighborhood,'' said Maximilian Kuenzig, 64, who has lived in Zurich's working-class Kreis 4 district his entire life. ``Just yesterday in my building, a young Swiss family with a kid said they would leave. There is noise the whole night.''
, e: @6 K4 I, u) a8 g2 S" O) }. t( _, k" x4 e6 L
While Swiss officials say the new rules are spurring economic growth, anti-immigrant groups argue that the rise in prostitution shows the treaty isn't attracting the educated professionals Switzerland needs. The Swiss People's Party, which opposed opening the labor market and is part of the ruling coalition, says it may seek a referendum on the treaty in 2009.1 I4 z3 S, `3 B* s6 F- Z# m
人在德国 社区2 o# ~0 h* D" D  J- p+ N! m
Prostitution is legal in Switzerland, and its residents have the world's highest purchasing power, according to a study published in December by UBS AG. Prostitutes from the EU don't need a work permit for the first three months of residence and can offer their services as self-employed workers, provided they register with police and comply with tax laws.$ ?# M; A# G, m: `9 D

- Q# z( f0 F: r( N% |% r8 iWelcoming Environment
, b* t7 y4 d' J( Z: t, l5 S: i$ H3 z% ?+ g4 _% Y
The lack of restrictions, combined with the country's wealth, has pushed the number of prostitutes per capita in Zurich to the highest among industrialized countries, estimated Rolf Vieli, a city employee heading a project for improvement of the Langstrasse area, Zurich's red-light district. Based on police figures, Zurich has about 11 prostitutes per 1,000 people, similar to the rate in Amsterdam, known for its sex trade.; d8 {  h( O$ ]5 Q% h( B9 E& C: L

- j$ S; `! b3 R$ X$ H- x``The neighborhood is degenerating more and more,'' Vieli said at his office at Zurich's police headquarters. ``The process of becoming a slum is accelerating with the increase of prostitution.''. F; i* `2 k& p" Y: m
* c$ k6 t+ [- u  r' l7 O; Y
The decision to open the labor market to workers from the EU, adopted in 2000, is part of a series of covenants Switzerland agreed to in exchange for reduced trade barriers with the economic and political union.
4 V$ {# A. x8 S2 b
7 p" }3 q% U& c! mThe federal government is looking on the bright side. The accords will boost gross domestic product by as much as 0.5 percent, with half of that generated by the arrival of much- needed professionals, Switzerland's federal offices for migration and economic development said in August.csuchen.de  ~. y  C8 q% d5 m
3 X8 _' X/ p+ |
``The increasing prostitution is for us a side effect and irrelevant for the labor market,'' said Rita Baldegger, a spokeswoman at the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs. ``The positive effects prevail.''- |' B0 `( ~5 n" |

1 U4 L( R8 Z* b4 @& k7 pSurge in Workers' k* F5 H; v. i0 Q3 F
! Q/ |" y( s9 p- |( B" e8 b
The number of registered prostitutes in Zurich rose to almost 4,000 at the end of 2005, from 3,000 in 2004, police there said. Police haven't released 2006 figures for Zurich. The number in Geneva increased to about 1,500 at the end of 2006, from 837 in 2004, police said.7 W! A, F; R, r- W; j% H' Y- W+ K9 O0 `
+ f2 c1 d9 r7 B" V" j, \
Most of the new sex workers came from neighboring Germany and France. Switzerland doesn't track the number of registered prostitutes nationally.
) C# v: ~! `, r2 _, [# \9 T1 e% v! x& D% n
The influx of sex workers has cut prices for ``quickie'' sexual intercourse to a range of 30 to 80 francs ($24 to $65) from 150 to 250 francs ($122 to $203), said Adrian Klaus, a social worker with Basta, a support group for prostitutes.人在德国 社区  ]( y1 O! O- d; ]( i& S

9 l% S; g- t. I6 u" Y% |! nReversal Possible0 F, ^  V& g$ C0 ~

- v9 i! S* p: N, L5 NThe Swiss People's Party is concerned that increasing prostitution may become a serious problem, and the party may collect signatures for a referendum on the treaty, spokesman Reto Jaeggi said. A clause in the treaty allows a national vote in 2009 on whether to continue the labor agreement with the EU.人在德国 社区: V) e# i7 W, Q8 {6 e. w& D' q
csuchen.de) v9 |0 b6 E/ a& W: D% _* ]
``This and the influx of unskilled workers in the construction industry and in the agriculture sector isn't really an intellectual improvement,'' he said.5 B+ A' _: F+ I# a4 ~8 J6 q) F& Z

/ Z% q# M' [6 G, i( O人在德国 社区While the surge in prostitution is testing residents' tolerance in Zurich and Geneva, women's rights groups say it helps prevent the abuse of women by human smugglers.人在德国 社区5 X& m; e+ ^, F4 d

' n  A1 L# c. n  m$ X$ D``We expect a decrease in the illegal trafficking of women,'' said Doro Winkler of the Frauen Informationzentrum, which specializes in issues related to women trafficking. ``A main reason for trafficking of women was the restrictive law'' on foreign workers.% C' Z" K4 k: S" N9 u( [. o: \2 D

( x% Y+ L! t# iKuenzig, the Kreis 4 resident, said prostitution has long been present in the neighborhood, but in smaller numbers and with less impact.
, a1 o3 \1 A1 i& b$ h7 scsuchen.de
8 h' d! J4 I: o( l人在德国 社区``There weren't all the side effects of noise and fights like today,'' he said.

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