[国际新闻] 澳教堂「耶稣爱拉登」标语遭轰

2007-2-4 4 u  B. B+ h& |. o( S! o0 M
澳大利亚悉尼市的一所浸信会教堂近日贴出标语称:「耶稣爱奥萨马」,澳大利亚总理霍华德对此表示谴责。 人在德国 社区' p; M2 l4 M3 S. Y
据中新网2月4日电,标语中的「奥萨马」即指「基地」组织头目本-拉登。该标语原意是要传达基督的宽恕之心,但却在澳大利亚全国引发轩然大波。标语下方还有一行援引自《马太福音》的小字:「爱你的敌人,为迫害你的人祈祷。」/ ^5 u1 i8 q+ \. x/ q9 ?
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  k, b; K$ d7 O7 q& K; f1 l英国国教悉尼地区大主教皮特-简森表示,这一标语扰乱视听并且在某种程度上是无礼的。他说:「该标语中确实有真理。但是,我们想说的是,‘耶稣决不会赞同奥萨马’。这条标语听起来象是说‘哦,拉登做的是对的’。」. O9 j8 K' U$ {6 u5 ~9 J
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Jesus loves - not approves of - Osama
  X9 k" f0 E; v7 x9 ]) M, U( \+ S人在德国 社区February 01, 2007 12:00
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JESUS does indeed love Osama bin Laden, but a controversial Sydney church sign saying so is misleading, says Anglican Archbishop Peter Jensen. csuchen.de" }: W6 y/ W- y

$ q2 a; V- A# e$ g8 N% [0 iThe sign "Jesus Loves Osama" outside a number of local churches, including some Anglican, also features a Bible extract saying, "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".
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Archbishop Jensen said he had not been involved in any decision to display the signs and had reservations about them. 4 ?% ^% ~6 O2 b  |6 o' [  b) m7 L
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"I'm hesitant about it frankly, it's a bit misleading," he told Southern Cross Broadcasting. , t3 @8 s# H1 O) B& o& I
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"I say to myself, 'If I were a relative of one of the victims of Osama's activities, I might take affront at this'." csuchen.de$ K; Z" ~9 E3 x! Y- Y
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Archbishop Jensen said he understood what the sign was trying to say, that Christianity taught loving everyone – even the al-Qaeda head.
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4 Z9 W0 _1 a- S3 z! |+ E$ r) W"There is a truth in it (but) what we've got to say is, Jesus doesn't approve of Osama, it makes it sounds like, 'Oh, Osama's doing the right thing."

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Controversial ... the sign.


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8 t& c1 M9 W6 c3 U2 ycsuchen.deSo so....
1 {4 k3 h7 r0 [1 HLiebe deinen nächsten und bete für die, welche dich verfolgen."
9 ^. v: {. R2 j' I! p; r" K6 l% S+ W人在德国 社区 Ja wie lange kann man denn noch beten? Bis sie mich erwischt haben und michumbringen. Ich bin doch ein "Ungläubiger" in deren Augen.人在德国 社区" h7 H, J: Y# f
Also ein "Schmarren hoch 10"
) @$ O2 @0 t5 bcsuchen.deIn welcher Zeit leben denn die Bapdisten???人在德国 社区/ ^' W% H) J* d

5 F6 q. T2 e2 ]2 c% R8 r, Z[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-2-5 19:19 编辑 ]

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